"hehe, young Dragon Clan always not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, go on, do it quickly."

Another Demon King shouted Under the order, all members of the Saint Demon King immediately acted and swept to the major Dragon Clan Heaven's Chosen!

bang! bang! bang!

Fighting here is like the main battlefield of Demon Race. They come here deliberately. Once they meet each other, they will be evenly divided with Dragon Clan Heaven's Chosen. !

Even if the number does not overwhelm the Dragon Clan, these high-level Saint Demon Kings are all carefully selected by the Demon Race, and the lowest is comparable to the late stage of the star realm!

In the outside world, wherever you go, you will be the hegemon who dominates the world!

"Is that really the case..."

Luo Shuiyue sighed deeply. She seemed to have expected this situation, she led the maid, body flashed, and joined the presence. The melee!

Mountains and rivers are broken, rivers are broken, and space is shaking fiercely!

The big melee between the two races of the dragon and the devil formed an evenly matched situation.

However, this is only a short-term illusion.

One is because the opponent's three Great Demon Kings have not yet participated in the battle. The real winner is in the opponent's top-tier Saint Demon King's battle!

Dragon Clan enchanted and resisted the top-tier Demon King in a short time, it does not mean that these Dragon Clan Heaven's Chosen can really defeat the top-tier Demon King!

Once the three Great Demon Kings join the battle, the top-tier Saint Demon King will become the world's most powerful creature to harvest the Great Demon!

The space on the battlefield of the Nine Clans is extremely stable. The Dragon and Devil Clans are allowed to fight in the million li, and there has not been a large area of ​​damage!

After all, this is the plane space that once hosted the powerhouse of the Nine Races, and it is by no means to the extent that a group of 6th-layer young evildoers in the Holy Land can be destroyed!

chi! Bang!

A Dragon Clan evildoer was the first to be injured, his dragon arm was broken, and he was suppressed by the top-tier Saint Demon King!

Next, second, third, coming one after another!

Dragon Clan evildoer, began to be suppressed!

"Is there no way, I can only undo the seal."

Luo Shuiyue is concerned about the whole situation. Seeing this situation and this scene, three thousand green silks have no wind automatically, Dragon's Might is mighty The majesty of Divine Dragon, the ultimate hell water, was illusory and disillusioned from her side. When it slowly floated up, she actually shook back a top-tier Demon King with a palm of her backhand!

"en? This woman?"

The three Great Saint Demon King who led the team immediately focused on Luo Shuiyue!

"That's all, let's do it, we will lose a lot of strength if this continues."

The three Great Demon Kings plan to act, and they no longer guard against these Dragon Clan’s Retreat, already planning, kill as many as you can!

Shih~! Boom~!

At this time, with the destruction of the last priceless and unique rare treasure in the hurricane area, after the strange disappearance, the space vibrates!

pa pa pa ~~!

The crisp applause echoed the audience.

"Okay, the movie is over here. The pay of Demon Race everyone, I will let the most handsome man burn you later, please line up in an orderly manner. , Dragon Clan stands on the left, and Demon Race stands on the right. If you look more handsome than me, please stand in the middle."

The two powerhouses were shocked!

They couldn't feel the breath of the owner of this voice at all!

In the sky, the shadows spread out, the young man sits on the head of the dragon, wearing homemade sunglasses, the silver robe is like snow, and the back of the robe is embroidered with '666'. Typeface.

"Human Race?"

"Am I right? Human Race dare to enter the battlefield of my race?"

"What is the origin of this kid?" "

"We have scanned this area several times, can he still get in without knowing it?"

The two powerhouses are dumbfounded, with a wonderful expression !

Luo Shuiyue's eyes condensed. Is this person the'unknown boy' who left space for jade slip?

Is this the sun coming out from the west?

This is the battlefield of Dragon Clan! How did Human Race get in?

We must know that Heaven's Chosen who is good at perception in Dragon Clan is no longer a minority, and the same is true for Demon Race. If you have to mix their eyes and ears, even most of the Sacred Heart can't do it!

Unfortunately, the ultimate shadow bears Demon Race and Dragon Clan Bloodline. He knows the principle of perception and avoids it according to the rules and is perfect.

"en? Are you scared by my handsomeness, but three things, I repeat it again, this handsome is here to rob, Dragon Clan stands on the left, and Demon Race stands on the right. Please stand in the middle if you are more handsome than me."

Dashuai Lin forced a joking smile, pushed his sunglasses, looked towards the three Great Demon Kings headed by him.

All powerhouses almost thought that the earwax was plugging their ears!


A Human Race mixed into the Dragon Clan battlefield, looting nearly two hundred Dragon Clan evildoers and more than one hundred Saint Demon Kings?

Yue Xin'er, Shangguan Chen and Feng Xue'er lurking aside can see horrible to see!

Big brother, you have to be brave enough!

Didn't you say that you would steal it at your fingertips, and then slip away after the theft!

A looting backhand? I drop obediently, did you not see the lineup present?

Sacred Heart State Peak is here, but you can't get back all over!

"Eh...that Sacred Dragon is...the king of ten thousand dragons of this generation!"

The maid of Luo Shuiyue has a brilliant look!

"Interesting, very interesting. Just relying on your Human Race,"

There is Saint Demon King extremely angry and smiles back, grabbing it with a palm, flying sand running stone thousands of miles away, turning into A demonic energy skull covers Lin Chen!


The eight-headed spirit burning dragon roars in the sky, and the sound waves are like waves, shattering its demonic energy skeletons!

shua! shua! shua!

There are more than a dozen Dragon Clan evildoers, but Lin Chen surrounded Lin Chen, eyes wide staring angrily, baleful aura is monstrous!

In their opinion, the entry of Human Race into the Dragon Clan battlefield is simply a humiliation to their Dragon Clan!

If this continues, it will evolve into two races of dragons and demons to besiege Lin Chen!

"Human Race, this king is really curious, where on earth do you get your confidence! It depends on you to look handsome?"

Three Great Demon Kings are on the same side and playful Looking at Lin Chen, he seemed to be admiring a plaything.

"Well, it seems that you are Five Elements under the hammer..."

Lin Chen slightly smiled; "Then there is no way, it's your turn to play!"


With a snap, Lin Chen snapped his fingers.

A little girl with a double ponytail made her debut, standing in front of Lin Chen.

She both hands crossed near chest, her cheeks are white and rosy, blown and can be elastic, wearing the same sunglasses as Lin Chen, majestic and majestic.

"You, no more, surrender, you have to be carried away."

She speaks very slowly, her immature voice has a pretentious arrogant tone, she is really cute .


The three Great Demon Kings laughed.

This is it?

What can this little girl do? It seems that there is no cultivation base for Saint!

Luo Shuiyue's pupils trembled!

The very few Divine Dragon bloodline in her body are warning her not to approach this little girl!

Before the Dragon Clan evildoers could react, Luo Shuiyue's slender jade hand successively grabbed them, and the blue dragon claw took shape, pulling all the Dragon Clan evildoers close to Lin Chen!

"You can let go, my little War God."

Lin Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, they are going to suffer."

Lin Ping's fingertips point a little on the center of the white forehead.


The terrible atmosphere of calamity soars into the sky, the overwhelming waves of death, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, surging!

At this moment, no matter Dragon Clan or Demon Race, all creatures have instinctive fear!

The three Great Demon Kings headed by, seem to think of something, their expressions changed in horror!

"The Disaster of Pain?"

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