In the three giant mountains, the rays of light flashed with the attribute light sphere, but Lin Chen could see the attribute light sphere for the first time, but could not find out where it was.

Lin Chen walked into Longshan alone, and even the little shadow was left outside by him.

"The land of Ancient Dragon is not trivial. If I go in with the identity of a Human Race, I will be itchy and begging for a hammer. I have to act carefully."

After half a day, Lin Chen hiked deep into Longshan.

In the very center of the three dragon mountains, stands the dragon altar and surrounds the three mountains and rivers.

"That's it."

Lin Chen exhaled and stepped into the dragon altar.

There is a dragon mark groove on the dragon altar, Lin Chen took out his god dragon blood jade!

He quietly urged his thinnest bloodline: Taixi Ancient Dragon bloodline!

At this time, although he is acting on his own, he is actually in the state of being possessed by Sacred Dragon.


Under the Dragon Mark groove, the two god dragon blood jade lay down, and the faint scarlet gold brilliance flowed through Lin Chen's body, faintly glowing with an unprecedented low roar and dragon!

At this moment; Lin Chen is like Divine Dragon possessed, Dragon's Might bursts like a dream, and a scarlet gold dragon shadow goes straight to Nine Heavens!

The Dragon Mark groove disappears quickly, and when it disappears with the god dragon blood jade, the rays of light flourish, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move!

From the outside, there is no change in Three Mountain Peaks.

But in Lin Chen's eyes at this moment, the entire Heaven and Earth has undergone drastic changes!

Lin Chen saw this all around the vast starry sky, the starlight of billions of epochs flickering,

In the boundless void, bursts of energy ray bursts out of the world!

One after another planet exploded one after another, ten thousand dragons covered the sky, thousands of Sacred Dragons roared or fought in the same direction!

In the corner of Lin Chen's eyes, he also found out that there are Human Race, Demon Race, and shadows hidden deep in the starry sky, and the disappearing insect race today!

The Henggu insect race covering the heavens, shielding the sun was torn apart and became the center of the battle vortex, a'vortex' surrounded by a halo and boundless darkness.

In vortex, the warped space-time is compressed to the extreme, as if not even light can escape.

There seems to be a silhouette inside vortex!

that silhouette, by the strength of oneself, to contend with the numerous powerhouses and offensives of various races!

"What kind of battle is this? Is it the battle I saw in Dragon Clan Totem? But, no, the characteristics are different..."

Lin Chen took a moment to see it Eyes, there are too many races and creatures involved, and he can't see exactly what the situation is.

This super battle of Heaven and Earth turning upside down has lasted for too long, and from Lin Chen's current perspective, the powerhouse that participated in this battle back then was the lowest level!

There are some powerhouses that even he can't see through! Raise hands and feet to tear the entire piece of Star Domain, as terrible as the creator of the world!

Just because Lin Chen now encounters this kind of battle, it is as small as an ant breaking into the center of the storm!

When the battle came to an end, Lin Chen suddenly saw a terrible space storm exploded in the dark and deep'vortex'!

Along with the space storm exploded, there were seven scarlet streams!

Although it was only a moment, Lin Chen saw clearly what the streamer of the seven scarlets was!

"It's those seven red silks!!"

Lin Chen was shocked and his mouth opened slightly!

He has a part of this thing!

That scarlet Nagaya!

Lin Chen obtained one from the dean of Heavenly Song Academy, and one obtained by eliminating the false gods who invaded the Nine Provinces

In addition to the inheritance of the ancient gods, there is also one. Even the ancient god, his Senior, was seriously injured and could not see through the mysterious thing after falling into the Saint cultivation base.

And, inside the Saint King coffin of Haotian Saint King, Lin Chen got one!

Lin Chen obtained four scarlet silks in total!

And this scarlet Nagaya, if according to the battle he saw, there should be a total of seven pieces!

Also, Lin Chen remembers very clearly.

In the beginning, when Lin Xingchen at all costs, one man one sword, drove himself into the world tower alone, it was the second thing to kill himself, but he came for this thing instead.

"Lin Xingchen called it, Chishen Qiling? Is this the goal for all the major races at all costs, and also to start the battle of the nine races?"

Lin Chen There was another lingering palpitation in my heart, and I was afraid again!

Damn, almost turned over!

Emotion has taken such a big hot potato!

Lin Xingchen definitely wanted to take this thing away, so he didn't spread his news to the outside world.

If not, as soon as the news spreads, let other powerhouses or races know that they have the'Red God Seven Aya', Shibi will send out the real Peak powerhouse, maybe Nine Rank Saint or Saint King this level Will also be dispatched!

"Lin Xingchen also thought that I only had one piece of scarlet red silk stolen from Haotian Saint King, but I actually have four pieces. If I can get the other three pieces, does that mean? I can figure it out. The mystery of the Great War of the Nine Races?"

While Lin Chen was thinking--

Boom~! All natural phenomena disappeared, and Lin Chen appeared in a beautiful and quiet mountain within the valley.

Mountain within the valley, a faintly discernable pure Dragon's Might, calls on the bloodline of the'Taixi Ancient Dragon' in his body!

"This is?"

Lin Chen's eyes shine!


An extremely remote void inhabits another plane.

In a arena.

"Strong! What are you doing? Are you a scam? Just rely on you, how to recover my Fiend plan!"

"Kill your opponent, remember, you must kill your opponent as soon as you move. , Take out your murderous aura!"

In the arena, countless afterimages of you come and go, fighting together.

They have the appearance and appearance of Human Race, but their skin or features more or less have the characteristics of Demon Race, as well as the baleful aura between shots, all with the ferocity and violent Demon Race!

This place belongs to the Fiend clan, specializing in training powerful Fiend clan warriors!

Headed by a Fiend clan man, his face is as sharp as a knife, cold and solemn, his left eye is wearing a blindfold, he is a one-eyed.

"Crazy Dragon, if you train like this, many Fiend children will die."

At this time, a beautiful young woman with magic horns on top of her head said helplessly.

Leng Yu one eyed man said indifferently: "Fiends don’t need waste. Instead of dying in the hands of foreigners, it’s better to die in their own hands. There is no such ability. How to form an army to destroy Human Race , What I want is a life-defying warrior, not a kid who comes here to play a cultivation game."

The beautiful young woman frowned: "Are you still thinking about revenge..."

" I want to dream!"

His magic eyes are filled with hysterical madness, "Do you know how Human Race treats my clansman! They cut off my clansman's heads and dig through them. Their bodies are skinned from their bodies and hung on the top of the city wall!"

"It's been over a thousand epochs, and I can't forget the look of my dead blood before I leave!"

bang! bang! bang!

The terrifying evil spirit, permeated from the mad dragon, and the sky space trembling violently!

Om~! Om~! Om~!

At this time, a pressure from the depths of the bloodline came from a distant plane!

All the Fiend clan stopped immediately, and were almost out of breath by this coercion!

The crazy dragon startedled, and then the corners of his eyes couldn't help but shed tears of blood drenched with blood!

"Lady Empress is out!"

"Lady Empress has finally chosen the throne! The day of crusade against Human Race is not far away!"

At this time , A cold and ruthless indifferent voice spread across all planes of the Fiend clan.

"The emperor has an order, the Fiend king of each army, summon the magic capital."


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