The space vortex disappeared, and Lin Chen arrived at a dim space plane.

all around a faint darkness, even Lin Chen running the Holy Force, the rays of light emitted are extremely weak and limited, as if there is something blocking the way of light in this void.

It's like eternal silence, never welcoming light.

Lin Chen's mental perception was slightly released, as if being trapped in a boundless quagmire, clay ox entering the sea, there was no movement.

Lin Chen never acted rashly. The Shadow Race was once the most feared race among many races.

Their strength may not be the strongest, but the innate talent that is born with it is above all creatures!

It is said that only a few Divine Dragon lineage of the space system can compete with it, and almost all races are in awe of the Shadow Race.

"It's a weird space... little fellow, can you still hold it?"

Lin Chen looked towards Little Shadow, but found that Little Shadow's gaze stared at someone blankly Directions.

"I seem to have been to this place..."

When the little shadow sound transmission to Lin Chen, he actually raised his paw and pointed to the other side.

"Over there, it seems to be the place I've been before..."

Lin Chen is surprised, Xiao Yingying has been here?

Isn't that the time when the egg is in the raw state? Could it be that Sage Tuo also arrived here?

"Here...all around, dark, chaos..."

The little shadow said, overflowing with blood, "all dead shadow corpses, their The corpse will change the space into the most chaotic state..."

Lin Chen feels have one's hair stand on end!

Next, Lin Chen walked all the way, wandering in the boundless darkness and void according to the direction given by the little shadow. The coldness of in the sky made Lin Chen feel a bit of cold that penetrated his body. .

Before a quarter of an hour, Lin Chen's mental perception suddenly exploded, and he stood upside down!

The dark void seems to have a pair of eyes staring at him!

Swipe~! The four pieces of War God immediately possessed, and Lin Chen waited.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ~~!

A weird space fluctuation spread out, and the little shadow behind Lin Chen also gave out a unique space fluctuation.

Lin Chen never acted rashly.

He has heard that this is a unique communication method of the Shadow Race, and no creatures of any race can snoop on their conversation.

"It...let me go by myself, big brother let me...come down."

Little Shadow said weakly.

"No! You are like this, and I will hand you over alone. Didn't you give your life to someone else."

Lin Chen categorically refused: "I will help again You find a way..."

"It's okay, I can feel the senior here...there is no malice, and I always feel that I should be seems that something happened in the clan that year. Secret, the seniors who died here still need me to bring the news back to the shadow clan..."

Little Shadow's injuries have worsened, and even the voices they make have become particularly weak.

Lin Chen clenched his fists, and after a dozen breaths of silence, he couldn't help but call a deep breath.

"Your shadow is still in my luck planting bag. If you have any accidents, I will lift their graves here with Ping An!"

" Big brother ......"

"Also." Lin Chen looked straight into the eyes of Little Shadow: "You should have your own name."

Little Shadow startled.

After being hatched by Lin Chen as an egg, Little Shadow opened up spiritual wisdom and then followed Lin Chen to enter the Holy Realm. Lin Chen is also his father and brother. The so-called master is also called Lin Chen. Didn't really enslave Little Shadow.

Lin Chen has never given it a name, because it has never chosen by itself. Whether it comes to this world or is taken away by Lin Chen, Xiao Yingying has never chosen it by his own will. .

But this is the first time it has made a choice independently, which means that since then, it is a truly independent individual.

"en! Lin Chen big brother, I will!"

Little Shadow's dragon body is overflowing with blood, but his eyes are brighter!

Lin Chen let go of it, and gave the air fortune planting bag containing a large number of sacred pill and gold sacred dollar coins to the little shadow.

The shortcomings of the ultimate shadow still exist. If the little shadow is exhausted without the supplement of the holy medicine pill, it will not die, but the battle strength will be greatly reduced.

Lin Chen watched it drift into the boundless darkness, like a light and shadow that dived into the darkness, until it disappeared.

At this time, in the sky echoed with obscure voices.

"Thank Race..."

Lin Chen didn't reply, but just stared at the direction where the little shadow was leaving, and slowly retreated to the one that was sent here. Location, and left the battlefield of the Shadow Race.

The emptiness of boundless darkness returns to eternal silence.

"The shadow of the little fellow is still there, and it should be fine for the time being."

After Lin Chen exited the Shadow Race battlefield, a spatial vortex disappeared, and he arrived in a dark place. Outside the great hall, all around stand in great numbers, solemn and solemn!

However, what Lin Chen noticed even more is that a golden beam connecting to heaven penetrating the earth emits an eternal and immortal divine might l, rising straight into the sky from the distant dark void!

"That is, the attribute rays of light of the War God suit!"

Lin Chen's mouth slightly opened!

The attribute rays of light of the War God suit components are stronger than ever before!

But soon after, Lin Chen reacted!


Lin Chen touched the chin, this style is wrong!

Lin Chen took a tenth of his breath to react and took a breath of cold air!

"My God, I won't come to the Demon Race battlefield anymore!"

The Demon Race battlefield, the base camp of Demon Race! !

In the battlefield of the nine races, only Demon Race could stay in the battlefield of the nine races in World War I!

If the planes are not mutually exclusive and the Demon Race transported is limited, the battlefield of the Nine Races has long been occupied by the Demon Race!

But even so, this is their home base!

No one can imagine that there is a multi-holy Demon King here!

Lin Chen arrived here, the sheep entered the wolves! You know, even the old Ancestor of Divine flame palace, who controls the Divine flame palace and holds the battle strength of the open heaven realm, dare not approach this place!

"en? What's the situation! There is a Human Race in the Venerable area?"

"hahahaha! There is a Human Race who dare to come in, courting death!"

"This king happens to have the flesh and blood of Saint who has never been tasted in a century, gā gā gā!"

The sky full of screams and roars echoed in Heaven and Earth, and Lin Chen's whereabouts were instantly exposed!

Lin Chen's disguise is not brilliant without the little shadow by his side.

There are also many kinds of Saint Demon King. There are Saint Demon King who is good at perception. Lin Chen's position can be felt almost between the electric light and the flint!

hong long long! hong long long ~~!

Space vibrates, hiding the sky and covering the earth's demonic energy, like a storm sweeping Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and suddenly concentrated towards Lin Chen!

"It's coming towards me, it seems to be a breakthrough!"

With three throwing knives in hand, Lin Chen is standing by, releasing spirit strength perception, just nearby The mid-level Saint Demon King has nearly ten thousand heads!

If we launch an offensive together, even the Holy Mind will be overwhelmed in an instant!

"However, I can't just leave, there are parts of the War God suit on the Demon Race battlefield!"

Lin Chen's lips rose wildly!

It seems that he is going to play a big game!

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