The Demon Race altar is one of the many forbidden areas in the Demon Race battlefield. Without the permission of the high-level, even the high-level Saint Demon King will be bombarded and smashed without permission!

The Demon Race altar was created in the most fringe area of ​​the Demon Race battlefield. It was the closest space coordinate to the core space of the Battle of the Nine Races.

And the Demon Race altar is the most important place to maintain the entire Demon Race battlefield.

If it weren’t for the altar construction, there would be dozens of powerful top-tier Saint Demon Kings and ten Immemorial trolls sitting and maintaining, the Demon Race battlefield would be the same as other planes, only waiting for the time to open. To enter.

At this time, inside the Demon Race altar.

Ten Immemorial trolls are continuously injecting their own energy and blessing in the altar, and the pitch-black holes spinning above their heads become deeper and darker.

The beautiful woman jade green raised her eyes and stared, twitching the giant tail behind her, trembling and excited slightly, and exclaimed softly.

"After so many years of maintenance and persistence, it is finally about to be when the time comes!"

The gloomy and cold old man of Gray Robe couldn't help expressing a bit of sigh.

"Yeah! This ghost is simply a Great Appetite King who can’t feed enough. Fortunately, the fastest is in the past few days. When the energy accumulated in the altar is sufficient, the Demon Race can be outside the battlefield. Accommodating an adult Demon Venerable!"

The other trolls also glanced at each other and exchanged one after another.

"Yes, no mistakes can be made in this section!"

The devil's body has three python-entangled azure trolls opening, in a low, muffled voice.

"For this moment, we can no longer live up to the last wishes of the first demons!"

Two trolls with feathers and claws like two trolls said with a smile.

"As long as the Demon Race battlefield can accommodate a Demon Venerable, and then use the cultivation base of Lord Demon Venerable to stabilize the altar, continue to send power back, and reciprocate, you can accommodate more Demon Venerable!"

"By then, with the reincarnation blood that Master Demon Venerable obtained from the Great Emperor, all the ancient Demon Venerables who were buried here will be awakened! One day, I will wait for Demon Race, When a Great Emperor can enter here, the secrets of the battlefield of the nine races, more than half of the secrets belong to me, Demon Race!"

The conversation of the nine great monsters triggered the tenth giant. Open the eyes of the devil!

That is a silver-haired Demon Race, looks similar to Human Race’s fifteen or sixteen-year-olds. Its silver-gray outlines densely packed Dragon Mark, and there is a hideous scar at the corner of the eye. , Such as a knife cut.

When he spoke, his voice was hoarse and dark.

"It is said that...the thing that triggered the war can allow our Great Emperor to advance to the realm of the year for something even in dreams."

This statement comes out, all The field is silent.

Demon Race Great Emperor, you can create hundreds of millions of Demon Races in your mind!

You can turn the world upside down and destroy thousands of planes at your fingertips!

Every Demon Race Great Emperor is dominating the apex of Demon Race, the creator of the history of Demon Race billions of years!

Every Great Emperor is an existence that rivals Human Race True God!

But I don’t know when, when the king came to the apex, the Great Emperors who had never been born were born one after another, swords pointing to all races, especially the Human Race has set off wars again and again, fighting for countless epochs!

One day, it was rumored that Demon Venerable, the Great Emperors discovered that the apex of the Demon Race was not the realm of the Great Emperor!

There is also a higher realm! Its realm was once called by the Great Emperors, Demon God King!

Once the Great Emperor becomes the king of Demon God and splits the Demon Race for countless years, it will usher in an unprecedented unity and sweep across all races!

"The legend of King Demon God is just a legend after all..."

"The power of the various races today is not as good as it was in the past. If the Great Emperor of our race join forces, it will surely swallow all the races. !"

"The God River galaxy still has the Human Race of the holy world gods. Within the Dragon Clan, there is still the Divine Dragon to suppress the heavens. After the Battle of the Nine Clans, there is a new race, and the Fiend tribe has another party. Although the bloodline is humble, there is an emperor who has broken into the Holy Realm of Human Race alone. The situation is not yet clear. Any battle may cause all races to besiege my Demon Race."

"Right, why not go The evil cave suppressed by the eternal flame is..."


The silver-haired Demon King exploded with terrible power and gave a very deterrent look at the demons!

The nine ancient trolls glanced at each other, as if they had touched certain taboos, they immediately shut up.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ~~!

Ripples appeared in the space, which attracted the attention of ten Demon Kings present.

"What's the matter, how can there be space nearby shaking."

"Who dares to make trouble here?"

When all the Demon Kings are in doubt At this time, there was a commotion from the outside world!

Swipe~! The two bird heads were all gray and white, and the Demon Body swept over like the top Saint Demon King, rushing into the altar!

Ten Great Demon King's eyes narrowed, what happened this time? In the past, if you were near the Demon Race altar, you had to tell them to get permission to enter!

Only the two top-ranked Saint Demon Kings didn't say hello, they were scorched, and when they rushed in, they said hurriedly.

"My lords, Human Race has invaded the battlefield of our race, breaking through the encirclement of all the top-tier Saint Demon Kings!"

As soon as this statement came out, it exploded!

bang! bang! bang!

Three of the Ten Great Demon King stood up in shock!

hey hey hey, what a joke!

This is the base camp of the Demon Race battlefield. Who dares to break in here? What the fuck is Human Race?

"Human Race? Human Race dared to enter the battlefield of our race, and it turned the sky over!"

"This king goes out and destroys him personally!"

The three horrified and moved Demon Kings immediately turned into anger, baleful aura billowing, all around the air torn apart, whistling and billowing like a whirlwind.

The whole sky suddenly rising winds, scudding clouds, killing intent soaring to the sky, the terrible demonic energy roars like a dragon, and the mountains and rivers tremble with fear!

Ten Great Demon Kings, each one is comparable to the level of the Open Heaven Realm!

The two top-tier Demon Kings hurriedly said: "Everyone, according to the information brought back by Fei Sha, this time the Human Race who broke into my Demon Race battlefield and annihilated 100 high-tiers of my race. The Saint Demon King and the Human Race of the twenty-nine top-tier Saint Demon Kings are the same person!"

This statement aroused the anger of all the Demon Kings!

"Damn it! I haven't even gone to him to settle the account, he dare to call the door!"

"I'm really deceiving Demon Race without powerhouse!"

Two Great Demon Kings got up again, furious, and the dignity of the top-notch Demon Race seemed to have been subjected to extraordinary shame and humiliation!

When the two top-tier Saint Demon Kings are about to make a statement and continue to report--

Shi~! peng peng peng!

The great hall of the entire Demon Race altar, unexpectedly burst out a series of explosions, actually started on the verge of collapse!


golden light flashed, when a loud noise that resounded through Heaven and Earth exploded, the great hall Formation of the Demon Race altar was broken, and the roof of the hall was blown away instantly!

Boom! boom! boom!

The three magic coffins penetrated the great hall like meteors, and fell on the altar frontally!

The fire beacon is raging, and the smoke is everywhere. Ten Great Demon King couldn't help but shrink his pupils when he fixed his eyes!

"hey hey hey, fake it..." I don't know any Demon King muttered to himself.

Above the magic coffin, smoke and dust billowed, and a silver robe rolled with the wind. The young boy both hands crossed near chest. He stepped on the Demon Venerable ancient coffin and stared directly at the ten Great Demon King present, jokingly. Smile, no fear at all!

The Demon Kings are shocked and horrified!

He turned out to be alone and killed them at the Great Altar of Demon Race!

Since ancient times, no Human Race enchanter dared to enter the battlefield of their Demon Race, let alone do such a bold thing!

This kid is the first!

Lin Chen, stepping on the coffin and landing in the air, the Demon Race altar!


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