Lin Chen incorporates Sacred Dragon and Phantom Clone into his body, and urges pure power to form a dragon power domain guardian to protect himself.

After confirming that Lin Ping was fine, he stared at the blooming demonic energy storm and continued to wreak havoc.

A self-destruct of the Holy Demon King who is like the open world, its formidable power is destroying heaven extinguishing earth, and it is nothing difficult to sink dozens of them!

Those Demon Race who tried to get close to the Demon Race altar were instantly annihilated and shattered by this energy wave!

Even the Demon Venerable in the ancient coffin was blown through a few holes, but Lin Chen did not regret it.

He tried to use the [decomposition function] and decomposed the remains of Demon Venerable, but the attribute value obtained was not satisfactory, and he had to decompose the value of 5000 points high level Heavenly Dao once!

He has only 40,000 high level Heavenly Dao points left by Lin Chen. Decomposing seven or eight Demon Venerable remains will consume the family property. The Heavenly Dao attribute is extremely useful, and he is reluctant to consume it. it's here!

The attribute values ​​dropped by Demon Race are mainly innate talent points, strengthening points and high level blood. Although these attributes Lin Chen are lacking, they are not as important as the [awakening function] brought by Heavenly Dao value.

"The energy dissipated!"

Lin Chen flashed into the air, rushed into the storm, and then swept into the deepest bottom of the altar.

The demonic energy under the ground is as majestic as the sea. If it is ordinary, Saint in the star realm will even be crushed by the demonic energy!

"open for me!"

Lin Chen blasted open with one punch, smashing the demonic energy, all through!

When I went deep into ten thousand zhang, I finally saw the source of the attribute rays of light!

In the attribute light beam, there is a golden light gorgeous attribute treasure box suspended. When Lin Chen's fingertips touch it, the attribute rays of light disappeared and incorporated into Lin Chen's body.

[The host opens the War God suit attribute treasure chest and obtains: War God suit main part·Armor design. 】

"The design drawing of the War God armor?"

Lin Chen is ecstatic!

War God suit, armor is the core component!

If you count the armor, then Lin Chen's War God set is five!

Only the last piece of armor left!

"According to the system's display, the complete War God suit can at least enable the host to have power comparable to True God..."

Lin Chen was excited, but he couldn't take a closer look at the armor. The material used for casting the design drawings, the nine Great Demon King outside completely turned the sky upside down and furious!

"roar! Countless years of hard work of this king!"

"Just one step! Just one step! We can let Lord Demon Venerable come, the distance will unlock this The secret of the battlefield of the Nine Races is the last step!"

"You, why! Dare to destroy the altar of my race, the kid of Human Race, today you must die without a burial site!"

"Very well, today either you will die or i will die. Human Race's dog stuff, this king wants you not to have the will to live and be unable to ask for death!"

All Immemorial The trolls are all furious!

All these years of accumulation have been in vain. It is like waiting for the bridal chamber for thousands of years to enter when someone suddenly blows up the bridal chamber. This is a mess!


Lin Chen rushed out and stood with Lin Ping An.

His all around are nine completely crazy Immemorial trolls, each based on one side, the monstrous demonic energy pressure is like a wave of extinction, flooding all around all around!

If the ordinary acupoint expansion stage is standing here, I am afraid that even the magic power will be unbearable. Even facing the nine-headed Immemorial troll, even the Open Heaven stage will be life-threatening!

It's rare for Lin Pingan to lose the past frolics, and seriously said: "Lin Chen, or me..."

Lin Chen frowned: "Don't mess around, You can’t liberate all disasters."

Lin Ping’an smiled: "It’s okay, I’m used to..."

"You can’t do this even if you’re used to the pain. , You promised me to be obedient."

Lin Chen interrupted her directly, looking at Lin Chen's eyes, Lin Ping An lowered his head and gave an'um'.

"even more how, I'm not sure, how dare I challenge these guys, it's time to try new tricks!"

Lin Chen smiled evilly and awe-inspiringly. In time, Sacred Dragon was released again.


Nine Great Demon Kings all shot together, Heaven and Earth overturned, and the situation changed drastically! The space crystal wall, which is as strong as the battlefield of the Nine Races, was also shaken to a radius of hundreds of thousands li. The void trembled violently, as if the moment of extinction!

Boom! boom! boom!

The sky continued to explode, and the entire southern part of the Demon Race battlefield continued to explode. The top-tier Saint Demon King who tried to watch the battle was forced to retreat and retreat!

This is a melee at the Open Heaven Realm level!

Those high-ranking Saint Demon Kings of the star level are in danger of even approaching to support!

Except for the number of levels of the cultivation base of the Sacred Heart, there is almost no room for intervention!

Om! Hum! Hum!

Divine light shines, a streak of divine light starts from Heaven and Earth, and slowly descends to the direction of the Altar of Demon Race!

"Then...what is that?"

"This is the first time I saw this king, what a powerful bloodline coercion..."

"Yes Did that Human Race come out of it? It doesn't seem to be! Dragon Clan's bloodline coercion!"

The Saint Demon Kings from all walks of life were horrified!

Nine Immemorial trolls narrowed their eyes, staring in the direction of Lin Chen.

They felt an extraordinary Dragon's Might!

When the fire beacon dissipated, a vast and mighty dragon shadow coiled around the void.

Sacred Dragon by Lin Chen!

It’s just that his Sacred Dragon no longer appears in the form of a human body this time, but the real body!

Its dragon body is endless, winding like a dragon, with a body length of hundreds of miles, a Qilin head, a carp tail, red horns resembling a deer, with golden whiskers on its face, its wings hanging down, and dragon scales are red gold. , The golden dragon claw is as huge as the stars, and it relies on the sky and the earth!

The dragon body is infiltrated with the dignity of the Sovereign creatures, divine might suppress the ages, invincible in the whole world!

When Divine Dragon opens his eyes, Heaven and Earth is daylight. With eyes closed, it is as if Heaven and Earth has fallen into eternal darkness!

Sovereign Nine Heavens and Ten Earths as if the Divine Dragon of the ancient times is here!

Nine Immemorial trolls were shocked! Was completely shocked by this scene!

The power of Divine Dragon!

Maybe it is not the real Divine Dragon, but this divine might is undoubtedly a level that the descendants of pure Divine Dragon can hold!

It is Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon ontology!

After getting the blond little girl’s blood essence tempering, Lin Chen’s Ancient Dragon bloodline has increased to 5 billion points! It became the first of all bloodlines!

When the body appears, it will take the characteristics of Taixi Ancient Dragon as the main body. The three characteristics of the ancient dragon, the dragon transformation made by yin and yang, and the hell water dragon only occupy a very small part!

At this time, there is a scarlet divine light circling around the saint dragon body, like a fast-rotating star ring, protecting Lin Chen and Lin Ping An!

"It deserves to be a peerless divine ability, it really didn't disappoint me!"

Lin Chen looked at his Sacred Dragon with satisfaction. To be precise, he should be called the descendant of Divine Dragon now. Up!

The star-ring red light surrounding the bodies of Lin Ping'an and Lin Chen is Taixi Ancient Dragon bloodline divine ability controlled by Sacred Dragon: Taixi divine light!

divine light, one of the abilities that only gods can control, the descendants of Divine Dragon are perfectly reproduced with Bloodline Strength. Although it is not as powerful and perfect as True God, it can be used for the most basic use.

For example, when Taixi Divine Light Body Protection, the body's defense is almost in the state of Absolute Defense!

As long as the power of the Dragon Vein has not been exhausted, the ordinary Heaven-opening realm cannot be broken for the time that the divine light is maintained!

Yes, the real Absolute Defense under Saint!

Under the protection of Taixi divine light, Lin Chen geared up and the corners of his mouth rose wildly.

"If you beat up nine Immemorial trolls, the accumulation of pits on me should be so exciting, right?"


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