Dozens of Demon Venerable coffins resemble meteors, carrying the power of the rolling Demon Venerable crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Seven Great Demon Kings shook all the way!

All the powers are dumbstruck dumbstruck!

This young man, it's really only they can't think of it, nothing he can't do!

Playing Demon Venerable ancient coffin as a ball?

What the hell are you kidding me!

Even their group of Sacred Hearts, which are regarded by Human Race as a "power" series, will be completely suppressed by the magic power when they are close to the Demon Venerable, and it is extremely difficult to move.

Can this kid use them as a ball?

Compared with Lin Chen? These human race Supremes are just a fart!

He is called Da Neng, alright!

"Impossible! Peak Saint Demon King, how come to my Human Race battlefield?"

At this time, the evildoer Heaven's Chosen who had just evacuated from Chiyang Square was horrified. !

"It’s not right, it’s not right! Although we have a Demon Race in the Human Race battlefield, it is absolutely impossible to have a Demon Venerable coffin!"

"Could it be that...Lin Chen, I went to the Demon Race battlefield?"

All the enchantments, all the powers glanced at each other, and an unprecedented chill came from the soles of the feet to the top of the head!

Think carefully!

When everyone witnessed the seventeen Demon Venerable coffins high in the sky, they were all thinking and terrified!

No way ……

This kid, could it be said that singlehanded killed the Demon Race battlefield?

What the hell is this concept!

Be aware that Dragon City is a powerhouse with all influences, even if all of them enter the Demon Race battlefield, there is no one who can leave alive, I am afraid that there is not even one third!

He is in a state of expansion! Expansion of the cave!

Dare to singlehanded break into the Demon Race battlefield?

This is more than just a newborn calves do not fear tigers can describe, this fuck is simply crazy!

Lin Chen alone broke into the Demon Race battlefield, pretty close!

Peak Saint Demon King, there has not been a case of setting foot in the territory of Human Race in history.

Not to mention the Demon Venerable ancient coffin. If it appeared on the Human Race battlefield, it would have been discovered by Heaven's Chosen, who had entered the battlefield of the Nine Races in the past.

If it is a Peak Saint Demon King and one or two Demon Venerable remains, it makes sense, but he will be nine in one dozen, and seventeen Demon Venerable coffins in one kick!

Obviously, this kid must have hit the Demon Race battlefield!

"Is he really a human..."

"Even a madman is afraid of death!"

"Too fierce...I Lent I dare not even think about it! The expansion of the cultivation base will dare to kill the Demon Race battlefield?"

"If he breaks through the Realm, Life and Death Realm, wouldn't he dare to fight Saint King? Domain?"

"old man cultivation Baiji, if you don’t accept it, just let him Lin Chen!"

In this short period of time, there is too much information about what happened. Big, everyone has been shaken to the buzzing of their brains, and some are not enough.

Yue Xiner, who was retreating under cover, covered her lips with her hands, her heart trembled!

"He...what he said is true...he really hit the Demon Race battlefield..."

Yue Xiner's ghost thought of Ye Qingwu's surprise. words.

Never want to try to figure him out, because no one can predict what height he will reach.

"Ye Qingwu, I really envy you..."

Feng Xueer on the other side stared at the young man in the sky with extremely admiring eyes, as if looking at the sky. Stars.

Shangguanchen's eyes are deep, his eyes look farther and longer.

"In time, if he were to visit the Divine flame palace, what would it be like...hehe, Wu Pianjue, maybe your opponent is no longer limited to the sage list!"


High in the sky——

When the coffin of Demon Venerable retreated the seven Peak Demon Kings, Lin Chen took advantage of the victory and pursued it!

"hahaha! Playing well, playing beautifully, playing really damn happy!"

"Lin Chen boy, good job!"

"Come, come, and we will help you too!"

One after another, the sword light that has been stalking thousands of miles away, is actually the bigwigs of Sword Domain!

They laughed so proudly, without paying attention, they flashed to Lin Chen’s Sacred Dragon and helped Sacred Dragon block the blood-tailed Demon King, making Sacred Dragon free on the spot to support Lin Chen!

The people of Sword Domain are the first team to dare to support Lin Chen!

The four Sword Domain bosses headed by are the Peak of Sacred Mind, and the remaining seven are in the middle or late period of Sacred Mind, including the three elders of Sword Domain's Jian Sha and others!

"It's been a long time since I fought with Demon Race!"

"The last battle was the ancient blue troll who surrounded the Peak Saint Demon King."

Eleven people from Sword Domain surrounded the blood-tailed Demon King, and it grinned: "Only you, dare to fight against this king? Courting death!"

The battle between the two sides started instantly. , The bloodtail Demon King fights the eleven Sword saint, Peak Saint Demon King’s battle strength is fully revealed!

Lin Chen takes the air sound transmission!

"Senior, thank you!"

After that, Sacred Dragon rushed to Lin Chen's side.

At this time, he is wearing a divine light with scarlet gold, one man one dragon, chasing the jade green beautiful woman is a hit, Rune of Slowness slams out!

Her injuries are already extremely serious, and demonic blood spews from many wounds!

When the devil blood dripped on the ground, it made the corrosive sound of chi chi chi, corroding the buildings of several hundred li!

If you continue to fight, she will be destroyed!

"Help..." jade green, the beautiful woman wanted to call for help, and the two gray talisman burst again, not even giving a chance to call for help!

Lin Chen flashed behind him and hit him with a punch. The stalwart divine force penetrated his waist, with a bang, and flew into the sky with one punch!

Tear and pull~! Five huge Azure Dragon claws of Yitian were grabbed outrageously and bombarded in the body of jade green with one blow. A mushroom cloud exploded in the sky, and a hurricane swept across the sky!

"You forced me, the kid of Human Race!"

The jade green beautiful woman was hoarse, and the magic blood in her mouth continued to flow, burning violently, and the whole Demon Body was like a sun Like rise!


When the grade 8 of each road is able to cover their own evil spirits violently retreating, they can't help but suck in a breath of cold air!

Lin Chen, this guy actually forced a Peak Saint Demon King to the level of self-destruct!

To know the existence of self-destruct of this level, it basically means that the mountains and rivers are exhausted, and we have to perish together!

"Have you forgotten what was just now."

Lin Chen smiled evilly, not advancing and retreating, a lunge spurred the power of the dragon, flashed instantly, and his palm hit In her top of the head!

The moment before the fiery blood of jade green burns to self-destruct, her pupils shrink!

"Overtime innate talent!"

Lin Chen gave an order, the green light flashed, and the jade green beauty disappeared in no time!


The major Peak Demon Kings have just stabilized their body and looked horrified!

They felt the breath and mark of the Jade Scorpion Demon King, and completely self-destruct dissipated between Heaven and Earth!

But what is terrible is that this self-destruct has not brought any threat to this human brat? It just disappeared!

Lin Chen's'overtime innate talent' faces a high realm powerhouse with a high probability of launch failure, but if it is touched at close range, it will not be a problem at all!

In his time-space plane, except for twenty Demon Venerable ancient coffins, there is nothing left, she can self-destruct as she pleases!

"Another self-destruct into the attribute light ball, very good, very good..."

Lin Chen turned his eyes, the fierce glow in his eyes can be said to make the six big Peak Demon King's scalp is tingling!

Ten Immemorial trolls, two are already dead!

Who's turn next?

Lin Chen grinned, smiling like a child.

"Next, I will randomly select a lucky Demon King to return to the happy hometown."


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