"This...what's a joke!"

"Although the Five Elements crystal is valuable, can it not reach 100 million?"

"This kid is not rich, I'm afraid it's brain-dead?"

All Saints sneered; one hundred million, this is not a silver sacred dollar coin, this is a gold sacred dollar coin!

If it is converted into silver sacred dollar coins, it is one trillion!

That's not how you spend money, right?

Lin Chen is indeed terribly rich in money!

Not to mention his gains on the battlefield of the Nine Clans, just he robbed the Dragon Clan evildoer, the gold sage yuan coins were hundreds of millions!

Lin Chen has more than 70 middle grade spirit plants!

Secondly, during the time he went to the battlefield of the Nine Clan, Bai Qianqian, who was staying in Dragon City, cultivated a new high grade spirit plant for him, and the golden sacred yuan coins were produced like raindrops!

Lin Chen’s gold sacred dollar coins are indeed terrible! He didn't even bother to count how much money he had on hand.

Secondly, Lin Chen is currently lacking strange crystals, he already needs refining, and secondly, a lot of strange crystals are needed elsewhere!

So, the more the better!

For 100 million gold coins, Lin Chen directly ruined everyone's bidding ideas!

"I want to play too!"

The beautiful eyes of the Little Demon Empress shined, as if regaining the anger of the past, and she was full of excitement, "I also want to bid. Lin Chen, what do you want to buy, this Young Lady will offer you a price, and you will pay the bill."

Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly. Isn't it the money I paid?

Sword Qingcheng’s wonderful eyes flickered, and then he also said: "I want too!"

Lin Ping’an looked like it was fun, eating a sugar man with a small tiger tooth grinning, "Me too!"

Boom! Lin Chen knocked on her little head melon seeds.

"What do you want, join in the fun, you eat yours."

Lin Chen raised his head, and then said: "I heard that there are three auction venues in this venue. If you want to buy If so, just help me buy all the alien crystals and Holy Artifact, whether it is inferior or middle grade, Holy Artifact is also needed, the more the better."

"No problem!"


"Give it to me!"

When the two girls gave high fives and smiled, they were stunning, a smile so beautiful that Lin Chen was stunned.

The two women act separately and go to the other two auctions respectively.

In the three auctions, every alien crystal and all that appeared below were all packed by Jian Qingcheng and the Little Demon Empress!

Furthermore, although Jian Qingcheng and the Little Demon Empress didn't buy them for themselves, they shouted prices with great joy.

Lin Chen couldn't help but sigh.

Women’s desire to shop is really natural!

After a lap, two days and two nights have passed. In the three venues, all the Holy Artifacts and alien crystals were packed into Lin Chen's pocket!

In the conference hall; the auction is about to come to an end, but everyone knows that this is just foreplay and warm-up, the real highlight, in the following cultivation technique exchange meeting!

"I think you must be eager to enter the exchange meeting directly, but before the exchange meeting, let’s start a small episode."

At this time, the conference hall Inside, the former Ying Guan, personally took the stage to preside, her lips are cherry red, her waist is as soft as boneless, and she is wearing a close-fitting and light dress. Some snow-white faintly discernable reveals, which outlines a perfect arc. The atmosphere of the audience is pushed to a higher tide!

With a wave of her slender hand, a goose-yellow kit appeared in her palm.

"This thing is a four-season planting sac, ranked high grade, and a high-grade air transport planting sac, covering more than one million acres. There are four seasons, eight climates, and energy and air transport are absorbed very well. There is more than 100 spirit plants in full bloom, and the price is 15 billion gold coins!"

Those who can buy this thing are the ones who really have the big heritage!

Generally speaking, Great Influence has its own plane space to cultivate spirit plant.

Usually, the middle grade air transport capsule is sufficient.

For high grade air transport, all you can use are real great characters!

However, before everyone could speak, Lin Chen's voice came again.

"Well, I like this wallet. I am worried that my wallet is too small and the space for money is too small. I will give out 30 billion gold coins!"

Zhong Saint Stuck in place!

I think the wallet is too small, and the space for money is too small. Use high grade pouches as wallets?

Listen, what are you talking about?

If Lin Chen was a grandstanding before, then now he is really spending tens of billions of dollars!

"Mother, I really want to hit him!"

"Damn! Doesn't this kid treat the gold coins as money? 30 billion gold coins! Grade 8 sect is also impossible Just take it out!"

Lin Chen felt helpless when he heard the unabashed scolding around him.

"Ai, I have endured the pressure brought by the handsomeness that I shouldn’t be at this age, and finally became an honest child. I told the truth that I was slammed to this extent. It’s so hard to be a man. It’s even harder to be a rich man in addition to being both talented and handsome!"

In the end, no one dared to bid on this thing with Lin Chen and won a new'wallet'!

Yes, Lin Chen bought this high grade pouch, really just used it as a purse!

Before, he used middle grade air transport to implant the sac. For him now, the scope is indeed a bit small.

He tried to be honest for a while, but he drew a lot of eyes.

Being an honest child is so difficult!

Then, the beautiful woman in the palace costume gave a chuckle, waved her delicate hand, and slowly revolved with a huge sapphire compass, which caught everyone's eyes!

I saw, rays of light dazzling, illuminate the whole venue!

Countless Saints were dumbfounded for a moment, and their pupils trembled, staring at the jade-like gem on the sapphire compass in disbelief!

High-level holy magic crystal!

According to the experience of the powerhouse present, there are people from one hundred thousand Dragon City and thirty-six domains. They are all dominating the party, showing off talent characters, high-level sacred crystals, they are not without I've seen it with my own eyes.

However, they have never seen so many high-level holy magic crystals!

A closer look, it's even more than a thousand!

Does this mean that a thousand high-level Saint Demon King fell?

This is the amount that only the rare super war in history can fall!

Next, there was a heated discussion in the two venues nearby. Obviously, the same scene was also staged in both venues!

"These high-level Saint Demon Crystals are each priced at 5 billion gold Saint Yuan coins. If any VIP wants to, please press the crystal stone on the seat! If the number of purchases exceeds the number of Saint Demon Crystals , The first will be excluded by bidding."

Ying Guanshi chuckled, then said again.

"Also, auction guarantees that the source of these high-level sacred magic crystals guarantees the right way, and is brought by the VIPs of our No. 7 box!"

As soon as it came out, many Saints even stood up in shock!

Box 7? The pampered young master who is stupid and rich in money?

Moreover, he brought all these holy magic crystals?

Does this mean that he has the ability to kill thousands of high-level Saint Demon Kings?

Or is it the power that destroyed a thousand high-level Saint Demon Kings?

"Please also ask me to give a grand introduction. The owner of Box No. 7 is the most rumored in recent days. He has the strongest acupoint expansion in the history of the enchanting list. After entering the battlefield of the Nine Clans, he will be alone in Demon. Race battlefield, also killed two Peak Saint Demon King..."

Countless Saint's mouths are slightly open...

This is so much information!

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