Thousands of different crystals float in the void, such as Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, like a vast astrolabe floating in the sky, like dreams and dreams.

Lin Chen has not let Avatar appear during this period of time, and has been preparing a new trump card in the Four Seasons Planting Bag!

The method of refining medicine belongs to Lin Chen alone!

"The exclusive Alchemy Technique of the dark horse clubhouse?"

Tang Qianmei was stunned, and the pretty face was completely unbelievable: "As it is now, don't you still give up. Your holy pill It has already begun to become a pill, even if you use more means, it is impossible to reverse the universe!"

"Really, let's take a bet!"

Lin Chen laughed proudly , The eyes were like electricity, and between the eyes, a starlight shot came.

An alien crystal was instantly incorporated into the Spiritual Qi vortex formed by the young pill!

Next, Lin Chen's eyes were sharp as a sword, swiping up and down, left and right.

Ten, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, it can be said that the streamer converges, the Star River flickers, the brilliance of a thousand different crystals, and finally, all of them spin into the Spiritual Qi vortex of the young pill Inside!

Boom~~~! !

A splendid, magnificent Spiritual Qi vortex takes shape, like a dream, shimmering with countless different lights, shining on the entire plane!

Tang Qianmei looked dumbfounded!

At this moment, all the pharmacists in the audience burst out instantly!

"It's crazy, it must be crazy!"

"Your damn brain is sick, Lin Chen!"

"Quickly, who is going to stop this Madman, don’t let him ruin Dan!"

"What are you doing if you lose, ruin your medicine pill!"

"Can you not afford to lose? It’s not that I can’t afford to lose!"

"I’ll hang your uncle, you can sell medicine pill to us!"

"I can’t afford to lose, so don’t pill concocting. , My day!"

"Add crystals during the pill concocting process. Isn't this a dynamite on the dish!"

"Are you kidding me?"


Most alchemists are furious!

Everyone thinks Lin Chen is crazy!

Isn't it crazy to add alien crystals in the process of refining medicine?

What is a different crystal? It is the energy crystal formed by various domineering and domineering energy continuously accumulating, condensing, tempering, depositing, compressing, and finally forming between Heaven and Earth.

It is both beautiful and violent, and it is so powerful that it can make Saint horrible to see.

Just like a small star, the Star Core becomes the final form of compressed energy!

It is equivalent to condensing the destructive energy in the last ages into a small crystal, which is both beautiful and deadly!

Usually Saint has to pay a big price to refining when he controls an alien crystal. Now, this ultimate energy condensate is actually used for pill concocting?

Is this world crazy, or is Lin Chen crazy?

Pill concocting with different crystals?

It's crazy to be fucking so new?

If pill concocting is compared to cooking, then Alien Crystal is an alternative explosive!

Who the hell is cooking with explosives!

Why do you want to fry the pill, just say it, and put the strange crystal? mental disorder! I'm not too sick!

"Come on, let the orgasm come more violently!"

Lin Chen's blood boiled all over, and his hands were slightly raised. The spirit strength of the six avatars and the body was instant, as if Spiritual Qi vortex of in midair is all over!

Lin Chen's body raises his hand in no time, snaps his fingers!

"Explosion is art. Give me a burst!"

The colorful Spiritual Qi vortex trembled suddenly! Guanghua skyrocketed, holy light trembled, and the five-color brilliance grew wildly!

Boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

A series of big explosions exploded in an instant!

In the Spiritual Qi vortex, the rays of light grow at high speed, flashing rapidly, like the falling of stars, and the Star River flashes, shaking the entire space plane!

All Saints can't help but stare blankly and stay where they are.

On the high-rise building of Yuntai, more than a dozen super evil spirits froze in a daze.

This scene is magnificent and unparalleled, just like the desperate situation of Human World, it is breathtakingly beautiful!

"So beautiful..."

The elegant lady in Tsing Yi like a lotus can't help but sincerely admire her.

A thousand different crystals, all exploded!

The energy released, even if it can't threaten the Sacred Heart, but if you want to control it, it is almost impossible!

At the moment when the different crystals exploded, the spirit strength of Lin Chen's six Avatars was consumed extremely quickly!

Spirit strength is like an infinite sea, withering away at the speed visible to naked eye in an instant!

In the seemingly chaotic, trembling energy vortex of rays of light, there are in fact hidden mysteries, and countless changes are floating!


Tang Qianmei's pupils trembled, she seemed to have discovered the mystery!

Next, several superb refining giants, from flustered and exasperated, to shock and astonishment!

" this?"

"On the young pill, there is a psychic energy film!"

"He protected the young with spirit strength Dan, I didn’t let the young pill be destroyed in the explosion!"

"No, it's not just that simple. Look, the mental membrane is full of small holes a hundred times smaller than the hair!"


The giants of all kinds of medicine refining have finally discovered the clue!

At this time, the young pill in the Spiritual Qi vortex quickly incorporates countless different crystal energies, and is protected by a spiritual film 1

The mysterious thing is that this spiritual film is actually As many as thousands of small holes!

The lady in Tsing Yi stood up, her blue eyes were filled with incredible, shocked muttering to herself.

"These small holes are rapidly absorbing all the energy of the alien crystals. How can this be? Such chaotic energy of alien crystals, the energy structure of each alien crystal is different, he Lin Chen is How can I control it?"

The azure clothed woman was shocked and throbbed. She had thought that Lin Chen would be surprised, and Danger Land might fight back, but she didn’t expect Lin Chen to do it. To this point!

It's just against the law!

"Old god senior, I didn't learn your training art in vain..."

Lin Chen is extremely excited, fighting intent is rising!

He won this challenge!

Using pill concocting of different crystals to fill the energy shortage of Grade 7 Peak medicine pill, this kind of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering means, only [Spirit Awakening] and cultivated ancient gods "The Method of Cultivating Different Crystals" "Lin Chen can do it!

His knowledge of the energy structure and understanding of the alien crystal is beyond ordinary people! Coupled with his spirit, the instantaneous speed and all Avatars can perfectly remove massive amounts of alien crystal energy!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

This is another hundred Grade 4 sacred pills hanging in the air, violently shot into the Spiritual Qi vortex!

chi! Bang! boom! boom!

Next, a hundred Grade 4 sacred pills exploded together, and the spirituality of the sacred pills was like enlightenment, and they were incorporated into the dreamless heart-breaking young pills!

Everyone has scalp numb, crazy on the spot!


You are coming!

It's not enough to explode the different crystals, so do you want to explode Dan?

Om~! !

At this time, an unprecedented energy wave shook away!

The holy ring in the sky throbs slightly, and then shakes out the eighth complete holy ring!

Om~! An extremely mysterious and abstruse artistic conception enveloped the Dreamless Heart-breaking Young Pill, which gleamed with the rays of light of the polar star, suspended as a light cocoon.

Everyone feels that the medicine pill seems to have life!

At this moment, all the pharmacists present were dumbfounded in place!

"See... see the loyalists, become Grade 8!"

"He actually became the Grade 8 holy pill!"

"History is about to be rewritten , The world of alchemy, add a Grade 8 Saint Level alchemist, enchanting list, Lin Chen!!!"

Many alchemists shouted almost wildly, ecstatic, shocked!

Even the drunk old man was dizzy by the shock!

Reliance, holy pill!

Lin Chen has actually refined the sacred pill!

He finally took that step and found his own method of refining medicine.

In the medicine refining square, Lin Chen floated in the air, he pushed his sunglasses and said with a smile jokingly.

"Sorry, this handsome guy never played cards according to the routine."

"I am handsome, but my strengths are only my strengths. When it comes to being handsome, I only recognize First, refining medicine, I only use my eyes. Picking up girls, I like to use guns. You ask me why I am so good? Because my cultivation technique depends entirely on picking."



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