After finishing speaking, one of the three elders, the "green old", brought the core method fragments of "Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art" to the palm of his hand, and passed it through the air.

Lin Chen is very on the road, and almost at the same time, he also passed the Dreamless Heart-breaking Pill in his hand.

The two sides got what each other wanted almost at the same time.

The moment Lin Chen held Taiyifu Heavenly Art in his palm, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

Heavenly Art Fourth Volume, Lin Chen belongs to him!

No matter what happens, it is impossible to escape from him again, unless Lin Chen is killed!

"The last volume is left. If you collect the fifth volume..."

Lin Chen couldn't help holding the black scroll tightly, and a fighting intent rose!

"If I can find the fifth volume, it will be the complete core method! At that time, I will be able to strengthen the Heavenly Art of Taiyifu, expand the multiples of the acupoints, and it will skyrocket! I don’t know when I will match it again. So what kind of sight will Lin Xingchen look like..."

Lin Chen felt that he and Lin Xingchen might meet again!

Perhaps he has his own secret on his body. His star mark has never reacted, only to Lin Xingchen.

Lin Chen collects the Heavenly Art and let the Avatar return to the air luck planting bag first.

In this pill concocting, Lin Chen also consumed a lot of rune energy.

After all, the speed of Phantom Clone's passing spirit strength far exceeds the speed of normal compensation. Rune energy must be used to supplement the consumption of Avatar before the cultivation technique memory fusion can be performed.

From the beginning to the end, the people from the Nine Evil Sword Palace did not seem to appear at the cultivation technique exchange meeting.

"Little fairy, allure, let's go."

Lin Chen disinclined to pay attention to Tang Qianmei and the others, old man and the others cup one fist in After the other hand, turn around and say with a smile to the second girl.

He now with one's heart set on speeding home, only has two goals!

One is the cultivation core method, and the other is to start pill concocting!

Heal his servants!

In the Divine Consciousness Sea of ​​Lin Chen, dozens of divine light circles like the sun at high noon, floating to Lin Chen’s Sea of ​​Consciousness all around.

This is the spiritual imprint bundled by the Zhou Tianyin of Life and Death. It is one of the fine Divine Source heads of all the servants of Lin Chen!

"Everyone listens to the order, and, at the fastest speed, heads to the Sacred Realm and the New Bingxin Palace to gather. Swim to life and bring the alchemy resources to concentrate!"

Lin Chen said When the command was given, the space rippled faintly, and an extremely mysterious and abstruse spiritual sound transmission diffused out of the space plane and spread to more distant space!

"Hey, manager Ying."

At this time, before Lin Chen left, he called manager Ying.

"Young Master, your servant is here." Ying Guan Shi Yingying leaned back, her eyes flowed, looking forward to him.

Lin Chen provoked her white face and jokingly said with a smile: "I can give you a chance, but you need to give me your half-life, do you want it?"

The lovable body trembled of Ying Guan, her eyes flickering for a moment, thinking very fast, it seems that she has made a great determination to clenched the teeth.

"Young Master, please!"

"I need someone to do things for me. If you can do it for me, I will protect you into the Sacred Heart."

Lin Chen's few words made Ying Guanshi's heart tremble!

Enter the Sacred Heart!

According to her experience as a manager, she was flatly unbelievable even if she was given a picture of cakes by others.

But if it is Lin Chen, a Grade 8 Saint Level alchemist, who is still very bold and bold, the weight of this proposal is completely different!

After thinking about it for a while, Ying Guanshi’s wonderful eyes no longer hesitate, and respectfully said: "Please tell Young Master frankly, if your servant can do it, go through water and tread on fire."

"Liberate your mental defenses, I want to add something to your spirit Divine Consciousness Sea."

Lin Chen pretended to smirk, and to his surprise, Ying But I did without the slightest hesitation!

The risk of doing so will be great. If Lin Chen wants to threaten himself, it is easy, but if he intends to cooperate sincerely, the benefits and benefits in exchange will be unavailable for a lifetime!

A Grade 8 Saint Level Alchemist has this energy!

She is a cultivated woman for more than a dozen epochs. She is very clear that there are some fortuite encounters, and if you miss it, it will be forever!


In Divine Consciousness Sea, Ying Guanshi's spirit, there is a mark of life and death.

However, this mark will not Sovereign her life, it will damage her from the inside and affect her life more than enough.

"You take this money, and I want you to spend it as quickly as possible!"

Lin Chen gave Ying Guan Shi a lucky bag, Word by word: "Your task is to spend money on me."

"Huh?" Guan Ying was a little confused.

"Holy Artifact, different crystal, eighth rank medicine ingredient, all of them are purchased first, and then delivered to this address."

Lin Chen gave her the address of Bingxin Palace and laughed warned repeatedly: "As long as you do well, I promise to give you the benefits, and you won't be less."

When Ying Guanshi releases a ray of mental thoughts to explore the air luck planting bag that Lin Chen threw to her, Qian Pupils trembled!

covering the mountains and the plains, piling up into sea-like gold coins!

She swept over this amount roughly, and at least broke three trillion gold coins!

In charge of Ying’s legs softened a bit, Lin Chen actually entrusted such an important task to her?

Can he let it go? Not afraid to run by yourself?

It is much harder to find a hidden star state Saint in the holy world than to find a needle in a haystack.

Lin Chen set her weekly Life and Death Seal, the effect is not the most important, the purpose is to know her location is enough.

She dare to have two hearts, Lin Chen can pull up by the roots to her by the forces behind her!

"Don’t be surprised. I need a professional in this area to handle this matter for me. If you cooperate well, I won’t lose you. If you have two minds, I won’t be persuaded. "

Lin Chen patted her fragrant shoulder, said with a smile: "Go, remember to send things as quickly as possible!"

Lin Chen brought a sword to the city , Lin Ping An, and the three Little Demon Empress left, leaving everyone behind.

"Hehe, have you gone."

"Prepare all hands and destroy him."

"He can kill the open world, you have How sure to win him?"

"Oh, it is true that this Young Master can't kill the Open Heaven Realm, but I can still do it by making the Open Heaven Realm immobile."

In the cloud pavilion next to the medicine refining square, a group of super evil spirits of the Jueshen Gate disappeared.

A private room in a box.

Two black clothed persons one-knee kneels on the ground, and put their hands on the jade box.

In the darkness, the four silhouettes walked out slowly. One of them picked up the jade box. After opening it, the cyan light flowed into a cloud, brilliant and crystal-like, as beautiful as a sky blue gem.

The four of them can't help but feel a touch of enthusiasm!

Grade 8 sacred pill, or a dreamless heart-breaking pill that specializes in making a breakthrough!

I thought I could only get one Grade 7 Peak Dreamless Heart Breaking Pill, but I didn’t expect it to be harvested at Grade 8!

Also, look at this quality and catch up with the Grade 8 intermediate sacred pill 1

"Master, are we going back next?"

one -knee kneels the black clothed person respectfully cup one fist in the other hand.


One of the people said with a smile, as if they were chatting at home, peaceful.

"No dreams broken heart pill, I want it in the Nine Evil Sword Hall. I want the secret of the core method fragments, I want too!"

"This seat was already in the core method fragments In the article, please move the Old Ancestor to set a mark, and you may not be able to see the clues in the Open Heaven Realm. Go and prepare to follow that kid!"

"The little child makes the choice, my Nine Evil Sword Temple, we want it all!"

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