High in the sky, azure clothes are like ink, and his eyes are like swords. A handsome and beautiful man looks down on Lin Chen, indifferent way.

"Lin Chen, you are the hardest-mouthed person this Young Master has ever seen. I hope you don’t die too fast later, there are 18,000 punishments waiting for you to go to Absolute God. Experience it again!"

Lin was shrugged, with a relaxed and free expression on his face, as if going on a scenic tour.

"Really, I think there are many parts on my body that are harder than my mouth, such as legs, bones, and head, which are all hard. But I’m the hardest, It's still my gun."

Sword Qingcheng is waiting, in the sky, there are five super evildoers!

They are all early-stage and mid-stage strong players in the Star Realm!

The handsome young man Xiao Jianqing from the gate of the gods has 66 holy caves in full bloom, approaching the late stage of the star realm!

The Little Demon Empress's eyes lighted up, and she looked as if it were not too big to watch the show, as if she had forgotten that she was also a member of the authorities.

"I said, do you really have a way to trap him?"

"hehe, don't make it when the time comes trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off , Xiao Jianqing."

The two super evil spirits jokingly smiled.

Xiao Jianqing glanced at them both indifferently.

"Don't worry, as long as you do it together, the benefits are indispensable to you."

Those who dare to offend Grade 8 Saint Level alchemists are also those regardless of the law and of natural morality. Super evildoers in the evildoer list dare to do such a thing!


Five Great Demon evildoers surrounded Lin Chen, each according to one side, as well as the six sacred mind Elder brought by Xiao Jianqing, forming a hexagonal lineup, blocking Lin Chen's retreat.

Xiao Jianqing did not release the sword, but a delicate pendant hovered in his palm. The whole body was cyan, filled with the Power of Space of Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move!


When the Linglong pendant suddenly exploded, all around the space solidified, and nine circles of light appeared like a god, surrounding Lin Chen's body.

"Lock!" Xiao Jianqing shook his hand with one hand, and the nine apertures completely locked Lin Chen in place.

Moreover, the space around several tens of thousands of li seems to be solidified, ordinary Saint, impossible to move even a little bit!

Lin Chen unleashes all powers, 280 powers swept across a hundred planes, shattering Sun, Moon and Stars!

Boom~! !

The space trembled violently, and Lin Chen's power shook all around, but he did not break free from the shackles of the nine apertures on his body!

"Huh? This pendant Interesting...should be a high-grade space Holy Artifact, enough to trap the Open Heaven realm in a short time..."

Lin Chen Before breaking free, the moment the opponent restrained Lin Chen, the five Great Demon gangs burst into the orange-level Absolute Art!

A move is a killer move, without any underestimation, the sky is dimmed suddenly, and the five super evil spirits join forces, and their power is far beyond the ordinary Sacred Heart to attack!

"Just want to eat me Lin Chen, I can't help but look down on me."

Among the electric light and flint, Six Paths divine light descends next to him, Lin Chen’s six Avatars When they appeared, they threw away a piece of Rune of Slowness!

Suddenly even the Spiritual Qi flow in time and space has slowed down in the originally frozen space!

The attack of the five super evil spirits was slightly paused, the moment they were stagnated in the void——

Boom~! A Phantom Clone of Lin Chen spurred the nine wings of heavenly demon, walking thousands of miles, jumping into the void, and flashing in front of Xiao Jianqing.

When the blazing and terrifying hot breath surged into the palms, Avatar slapped away with 280 powers, and the 9th layer Burning Heavens Palm shook Xiao Jianqing hard on the front!

Qiang~! The sword is like a dragon!

Boom! boom!

Xiao Jianqing swung his sword violently, One Sword Shrouding the Sky shredded thousands of miles of void, Avatar’s 9th layer Burning Heavens Palm was intercepted and stopped. Not only that, but the arm was also twisted torn skin and gaping flesh by the sword qi. .

He smiled wickedly, "I knew you were an Avatar method, but you..."

bang! Avatar backhand punch towards his handsome face!

Boom~! Xiao Jianqing stopped Avatar's this fist with one hand. All its pure power seemed to be sucked away by the vortex-like suction of his palm. He calmly said with a smile.

"With your pure strength, you also want to fight..."

Phantom Clone showed Lin Chen's iconic smile.

"Will you pretend to be you? You are here."

"Overtime innate talent!"

[Host launches overtime innate talent, locks the target, costs 1900 Ten thousand high level innate talent points. 】

When the rays of light of dark green flickered from the center of their fists, Xiao Jianqing's silhouette was slightly trembled, and his eyes were incredibly light.

next moment, Xiao Jianqing disappears like a ghost-like in an instant!

Om~! When the space ripples, all around the imprisoned space is lifted.

Xiao Jianqing's pendant seals the void, but at this time he is included in the super-space by Lin Chen, and the imprisoned space naturally doesn't work!

"Young Sect Master!"

"What demon technique does this kid use?"

The six sacred states of mind looked terrified!

They actually lost touch with Xiao Jianqing?

"What's going on?"

"Damn it, this kid is weird, be careful, don't let him get close!"

Lin Chen's pressure disappeared. At that time, the five Great Demon wicked all exclaimed.

"How about it, are you sure. Do you want me to do it?"

Lin Ping'an bounced hehe said with a smile.

"The last time you fought, your spirit plant was half dark, so you can no longer shoot casually, come in."

Lin Chen opened the spirit plant and the three women looked at each other. At a glance, escape into the four seasons planting capsule.

Boom~! !

Lin Chen released 280 powers, the sky was trembling, and he smiled like a simple child.

"I want to besiege me Lin Chen, to prove that you are mentally prepared, right."

After finishing, Lin Chen's eyes swept to the void, and the corners of his mouth rose.

"Don't be arrogant, you are a lot mader than you on the enchanting list."

"No matter how arrogant you are, it is also a body refinement holy realm, your cultivation base of the cave expansion realm. It's not worth a while in front of us, know."

The five super enchanting sneers did not panic because of Xiao Jianqing's disappearance.

"Boy, don't hand over the Young Sect Master, there is no way for you to survive in this holy world!"

"is it possible that you want to challenge Grade 8 sect? With a little external force I want to challenge authority after challenging the Open Heaven Realm?"

The six sacred mind states sternly warned Lin Chen.

Lin Chen hasn't responded yet. At this moment, the void fluctuates and spins a space channel.

The beautiful lady's long skirt is purple, the waist is slender and delicate, and the light veil outlines the hot figure vividly and thoroughly, and the lotus step moves lightly to stand beside Lin Chen.

The woman has crooked eyebrows, her eyes are flowing, and she smiles like a flower.

"Lin Chen Young Master, seems to be in trouble. It seems that a little help is needed."

Lin Chen was taken aback, but he didn't expect this Women will come!

Tang Qianmei!

"Help me, it doesn't seem to be good for you, right?"

Lin Chen jokingly said with a smile.

Tang Qianmei said with a lovable smile: "I don't have to be good at doing things."

Lin Chen suddenly said in a serious way.

"People, don't seek small profits, they must have big plans."

Next, the handsome Lin seemed to be thinking something, clutching his chest, pretending to be frightened.

"Could it be that after you want to help me, let me repay with my body? You actually greedy my body, you are mean!"

Tang Qianmei: "..."

What about the face? Really shameless?

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