"Lin...Your Excellency Lin Chen, please offer your terms, as long as I can survive, Jushenmen can pay the price you are satisfied with."

Xiao Jianqing gnashing one's teeth said.

He avenged his cousin Xiao Jing, but he didn't expect to take himself in.

"The price of my satisfaction is your life."

Lin Chen killed Xiao Jianqing very simply and gave him a good time.

Lin Chen's creed, he has a murderous enemy against himself, and he will never be merciless.

The six sacred minds saw the fall of Xiao Jianqing and went crazy, Lin Chen sent them on the road together!

"Oh? Lord, we found a good thing!"

At this time, the servants who surrounded the four great open world sword saints on the other side sent a surprise sound transmission.

When Lin Chen walked away, he noticed that the appearance of the four sword saints changed drastically.

They are no longer uniform, but there are young and old, with completely different temperaments!

"Eh, this is..."

When Lin Chen was curious, Cinders stepped into the sky and put on four colorful glass-like human skin masks.

Lin Chen picked it up, the mask was very mysterious, sometimes flashing with ripples, and sometimes transformed into different human faces.

"To the lord, this is a human skin mask made of fantasy colored glaze. The technique is extremely unique and delicate. The higher the wearer’s cultivation base, the deeper the type of change and the means of concealed aura. Wearing an Open Heaven Realm Perfection, Saint King may not be able to recognize the real identity of the pretender!"

When Tianjin answered, Lin Chen's eyes lit up!

"Good stuff, this thing! It's much stronger than my human skin mask disguising the dark horse clubhouse!"

It's no wonder that the Nine Evil Sword Palace has its head and tail, and migrated to Not many people at Sacred Domain can find them, it turns out it is because of this thing!

"If you can make these treasures in batches, don't you have the means to hide your identities?"

Lin Chen suddenly have a thought, with fiery eyes.

At this moment, another silhouette came and leaned forward.

"Master, the method of making this thing is said to be known only by their sword, Temple Lord. However, if you give me a month, I will definitely be able to crack the method of making it."

This person is thin and sharp, with sharp eyes, like a night owl in the dark. It is mysterious that he has a green and yellow vertical eye on the center of his forehead!

He is the powerhouse, the eye of the sky, and the Sorrowful Ghost imprisoned in the 18 Layer of the Holy Prison!

His Heavenly Eye hopes that a technique can be analyzed and copied in a very short time, which is terrible!

According to the legend, he once reproduced an orange-level intermediate cultivation technique within half a year. Normal Saint, but it takes a thousand years or more!

Its efficiency is so high that even Saint King wanted to recruit him, but was rejected.

But finally this divine ability also became an opportunity for him to enter the holy prison.

"Very well, I will leave it to you."

Lin Chen threw the mask to the Sorrowful Ghost, and immediately looked towards the Four Great Open Heavens, jokingly said with a smile .

"How about you Nine Evil Sword Palace, this time you are planning to eat black?"

The old man with green beard headed calmly and said seriously: "This order , It’s caused by the Palace Lord, it has nothing to do with us..."

"The secret of my cultivation technique, your Nine Evil Sword Palace is not authentic, Young Master, the Grade 8 dreamless heart-breaking pill. It's been refined for you, fair and equitable transaction, you guys are still here to fuck me?"

Lin Chen shook the head, a severe light flashed in his eyes!

"Don’t, Lin Chen, everything is easy to discuss!"

"Damn it, if you want to kill or cut, give it a go!"

Four A sword saint, some begging for mercy, some arrogant surviving, just begging to die.

"death cannot wipe out the crimes!"

Lin Chen satisfies them all, counts his palms with his backhands, and under the suppression of the servants, he wipes out the four great realms of the open world, Even the spiritual consciousness has been transformed into a large number of attribute values!

This is probably the first time Lin Chen has killed the Open Heaven powerhouse of Human Race. He has obtained a huge amount of top quintessence and laid a huge foundation for his accumulation of caverns!

This time, Lin Chen has harvested six super evil spirits.

In addition to the family property of the four open-world sword saint, even his Grade 8 Dreamless Heartbreaking Pill, going around and around, also returned to his hands.

"There are really a lot of good things, system, decompose all the Holy Artifacts and convert them into the essence of the suit."

[Consumption of 12800 high level Heavenly Dao points, Decompose 9 pieces of Grade 7 Holy Artifact, 14 pieces of Grade 6 Holy Artifact, 23 pieces of Grade 5 Holy Artifact, and get the essence of the suit...]

[The essence of the suit is filled, the host is currently charged with the four-piece War God : 25%, 25%, 26%, 25%. 】

The intensively consumed War God suit charge has made up for it, and Lin Chen is also relieved a lot.

Immediately, he took everyone away from the plane of time and space.

"Everyone, don't talk too much nonsense."

Lin Chen hovered in the air, grinning when facing everyone.

"This time, I will promise to make you regain your glory!"

The eyes of the servants have become particularly hot and expectant!

Even, there is a trembling feeling in my heart!

On this day, they waited too long!

Two days later, the new Bingxin Palace.

The brand-new Bingxin Palace, surrounded by icebergs, is rising and falling.

Bingxin Palace Lord, this is the forbidden place of all dísciples, within a radius of thousands of miles, no one except some'specified people' should be near.

In the main hall, Bingxin Palace Lord is dealing with all things--


Suddenly, a group of unprecedented auras descended on the Bingxin Palace, and the Palace Lord couldn't help being frightened to Huarong!

However, Class 66 and the others who were already waiting at Bingxin Palace were ecstatic.

"The squad leader is back!"

When everyone in the great hall was going out to greet them, in the sky, a group of silhouettes, majestic and imposing manner, came to face each other!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

The leader of the young man, dressed in silver robe, is awe-inspiring, and the young man here smiles like an immortal.

The group of people behind him are shocked by the world!

Some are like the overlord’s own conquest, with five-colored clouds covering the top of the head, there are thousands of rivers and mountains, the illusion of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers opposes all around, such as Heavenly Monarch comes to the world, Sovereign sentient beings!

Some heroes, have a dignified appearance, like the peerless gun that pierced Lingyun Nine Heavens!

Some are reticent, their eyes seem to have a lightning glow when they open and close, and the holy light is like a lightning snake, and the sky is full of blue clouds.

Some blood energy is like a dragon, like an eight-armed magic dragon, disillusioning countless true monks, Qilin illusory shadows, such as Saint Physique’s Supreme giant beast!

Some are wearing nine rounds of scorching sun, a round of sun flames permeates like fire sea, devouring the sun!

Some are peaceful, but full of vigor, both hands crossed near chest, like the emergence of ten thousand swords, the edge is so strong, Heaven and Earth are unmatched!

Some domineering, sharp and sharp, cut off the Great Dao of Void at a glance, and provoke Supreme Blade Qi to whisper!

Some immortals are beautiful and exquisite, like white clouds fluttering, silver shining dazzling, snowflakes flying, fluttering embellishment, unparalleled beauty.

Some divine poise and sagelike features, talking and laughing like ordinary old men, between the brows are full of absolute confidence endowed with extraordinary intelligence.

A total of 61 people, each Saint is like a strong existence!

Everyone in Bingxin Palace was shocked to the point!

These people are like Legendary!

It's like a historic moment like the legendary epic when returning to the Holy Realm to create it!

And Lin Chen, is the center of these legendary characters, all the stars cup themselves around the moon!

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