golden robed man finished reading the content in the jade slip of the space, gloomy and uncertain, neered.

"Since he can sneak into the holy prison, his appearance must be in disguise. Go, follow these details, reproduce all one million copies, launch the top ten Grade 8 Aristocratic Family, and use a carpet search , Including the material information of the major Business Groups in each domain!"

"Anyone who signs a large number of medicine ingredients with Business Group must dig it up until they are clear. This seat allows you to use the private rights of the holy prison deacon. Suppress the Business Group, and according to the undisclosed Business Group, kill it on the spot."

"They want to heal their wounds, so they must buy a large amount of medicine ingredient. I don’t believe they can hide any traces. !"

The golden robed man waved his hand and handed it out to the guard Saint beside him.

"In the near future, you adults are about to return. It will be easy to get rid of these remnants at that time!"

The thirty-six areas of the holy world are extremely wide. Normally, find one People, finding a needle in a haystack is much simpler.

But if you are looking for someone in the holy prison, the nature is completely different!

Holy Prison has the right and qualifications to order a large number of Grade 8 giants, and can use the fastest speed. Issue a sweeping search!

Once expanded, the number of Saints who participated in the search will even exceed 100,000!

If there are such a number of Saints who want to explore a domain to find individual people, it will no longer be such a fantasy story!

This is the right that only the Holy Prison has!


In the space plane of nothingness, all around the sword and stele form a forest.

The ancient palace in the center of the sword monument is as sharp as a sword.

In the dim great hall, the blood-colored monster eyes opened, looking towards the cloudy sky beside him, with overwhelming anger.

"Yin Tianzi, what do you do! This seat has only been closed for a period of time, and you have broken the sky! Even if you are the future venerable of my Nine Evil Swordsmanship, you can’t do this foolishly. Ah!"

Sword Temple Lord angrily scolded Yin Tianzi.

"You have damaged my manpower so much! With four open heaven realms, the foundation of my Nine Evil Sword Palace has been destroyed by half!"

Yue, "What are you worried about? They died not in vain, they were all worthy."

"I came up with an interesting piece of information."

The corner of Yin Tianzi's mouth slightly raised.

On that day, none of the people who forced him to use the time and space divine water were general!

Singular domain is impossible. There are so many peerless powerhouses all at once!

Don't talk about the Grade 8 giants, even those Grade 9 Hegemons that are not born, it is impossible to send so many powerhouses in a short time!

"There are so many wounded powerhouses, it must be impossible to appear out of thin air. Go and check carefully, what major events have happened in the various areas of the holy world recently."

While the cloudy sky is planning--

"hehe, are you the cloudy sky. Very good, with the demeanor of the king."

There was a light laughter, two silhouettes Slowly stepped into the great hall.

One, pale-faced, weak young man.

One person, erect, wearing a green ghost mask, unable to see the true face.


Yin Tianzi was surprised, "The famous Haotian Saint King, unexpectedly found here."

Nine evil swordsman The headquarters is very secretive and can hide from the sky, but it may not be possible to hide from a Saint King.

"Are you interested in cooperating?"

The teenager possessed by Saint King in Haotian laughed.

The surface of the sword master of the Nine Evil Sword Palace is calm, and the heartstrings suddenly tightened!

Saint King, even if half-footed into the gates of hell Saint King, it is by no means comparable to the ordinary Open Heaven Realm!

What does he want to come here for?

"Cooperation is only based on the premise that the two parties are equal, talk about your goals and chips."

The cloudy sky is full of aura, and he is neither humble nor overbearing in the face of Saint King. The way.

"He is my bargaining chip."

Haotian Saint King points to the people around him. When Yin Tianzi is wondering, the other party releases a thread of aura, his complexion slightly changed .

"Demon Venerable?"

A Demon Venerable got in here? They don't know it!

"This is the Demon Venerable specially sent by Demon Race to cooperate with this king. It is good at disguising. This trip, this king wants to talk to you about Lin Chen."

Yin Tian Zi was surprised: "Oh? You Haotian Saint King also stared at him?"

A strong killing intent passed between Haotian Saint King's eyebrows: "This child is bad for me. I have to come out of the mountain with a half body. If I don’t kill this child, it’s hard to vent my hatred!"

"You collect the last three Dragon Balls of the Spirit Dragon for me, and wait for my Saint Physique to recover. , Let’s join hands to deal with Lin Chen, how about it. I took what this kid stole from me, you share his secret, Demon Race VIP, how about?"

Nine Evil Sword Master He Yin The emperor glanced at each other.

"Okay! it's a deal!"

Multi-party alliance!

Bingxin Palace Lord.

Lin Chen is lying in Ge's position, with a hollow face.

Yun Manqing and the second daughter of Jian Qingcheng wiped his faces for him, Jiao Dian is full of distressed colors.

"Damn it, so tired, I have never tried such a tired high-intensity pill concocting."

Lin Chen rubbed the temple, his eyes narrowed.

The situation is not good, the servants' injuries are beyond his expectations!

There are 62 servants following Lin Chen.

The strongest seventeen are from 19 layers of the holy prison.

The powerhouse of 18 Layers consists of 41 people and four brothers of 17 layers that survived the last.

The servants of 18 Layer and 17 layers have recovered 50% of their injuries, and the cultivation base and strength that can be used are also 50%.

For those of 19 layers, only 30% of all injuries have recovered, and the available cultivation base is less than 30%.

Once the injury is too serious, more cultivation base needs to be shared to suppress the injury, which will cause a continuous downward trend!

Lin Chen groaned, eyes deep.

"Less, too little! I didn't even reach half of the expectations. In this way, once a powerhouse stronger than the second-turn Saint comes to the door, I can send a battle to compete with it. The strength is very low."

The situation is more severe than imagined. Lin Chen could not think of it. He holds more than one hundred kinds of gold sacred dollar coins produced by middle grade spirit plants, and two kinds of high grade spirit plants. Unexpectedly, it can't fill half of everyone's gap!

In this treatment, the cost of gold sacred yuan coins alone exceeded 15 trillion sacred yuan coins!

It's not even that Lin Chen has harvested the six super evildoers, the family property of the four Sword Saints and the resources brought by You Wangsheng!

With so many accumulations of resources, the servants have not been cured yet, and even half of the total has not been reached!

"Family property is running out. If this is the only option, I will have to relocate Bingxin Palace... I’m afraid Yin Tianzi has already started investigating me. If you don’t have enough battle strength, you can’t It's exposed like this..."

When Lin Chen was distressed, cherry blossoms were falling, and a red glow entered the great hall.

It is Crimson Fairy.

"Lord, you seem to be very upset."

Crimson Fairy molested Lin Chen, he sighed; "Yes, I am upset about why I have nothing but handsome."


"You still have me."

The crimson Fairy's eyes are flowing, smiling like a flower.

Lin Chen was taken aback.

This sentence...


Lin Chen just remembered, and said in surprise: "By the way, Blush, you are lucky..."

The blush Fairy’s green jade finger pressed against his lips and moved towards him. Throw something in your arms, said with a lovable smile.

"Hey, I knew you would need it for a long time, and I have specially prepared it for you with the younger sister Baiqianqian."

Lin Chen Dingqing took a look, it was actually a high grade level. Your luck planting a capsule!

When Lin Chen's spiritual consciousness sneaked into this air transport planting sac, he was completely shocked!

"A lot, so big, so white, so long! Hiss, so hard!"

Lin Chen suck in a breath of cold air!


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