She opened the letter--

"To the gentle and considerate Yang Miss Qing'er, Lin Chen really handsome guy still has important things to do. I can’t meet you for now. , I’m not afraid to meet, I’m afraid to leave at first sight."

"So, we promise next time, amidst flowers and in the moonlight, you bring wine and spices, and I bring roasted gluten. You bring With steamed buns, I carry a gun. Let’s talk about life, about knowledge, and time management. By the way, talk about the strange postures I learned in those years, oh no, it’s strange knowledge..."

After reading the letter, the lady smiled with tears, tears and smiles, like a hundred flowers in full bloom, beautiful and delicate.

"You must come back safely and abide by the agreement, I am waiting for you..."

Beyond the mountain top, seeing the beautiful lady finish reading the letter, Lin Chen couldn't help sighed in relief.

Lin Chen was turning around and preparing to shuttling through the void. He bumped into something with a puff, soft and fragrant, and hit his face.

"What is it that blinded my eyes."

"Hey, who hit me with the Sister Yueqi, you..."

The glamorous and beautiful person stared at him with a faint smile, with curving eyebrows and whispering softly.

"Yang Qing'er, what do you plan to do."

Lin Chen is in a cold sweat, mom, this is probably a proposition...

Leng Yueqi each Minding their own business said: "During this period of time she followed you silently, taking care of you afterwards, and waiting for you silently, you must not let others down."

These Lin Chen naturally knew that he had just returned to Heavenly Song Academy and Yang Qinger didn't bother him for half a minute, but kept his place spotless.

I think about Lin Chen for his sake, thinking that he has important things to do, but never thought of disturbing him.

Such as this woman, world geometry.

Lin can't help but sigh in his heart, it is the most difficult to accept the grace of beauty.

He coughed lightly: "Ah, what? Sister Yueqi, I will definitely not next time..."

Lin Chen hasn't finished speaking, Leng Yueqi jade hand When he caught it, he pulled him to the front, the fragrance of the fragrance was tangy, Lin Chen was full of heart.

Beauty Dan raised her lips, picking out a charming smile.

"But, don’t think that I’ll be overwhelmed this time by agreeing with you. You have so many girls you have been fascinated with. You can’t bring them all back. What is it. You are my man. I don't allow other women to have you casually."

Lin Chen immediately raised his limbs in favor.

"No problem! I have always believed in the coquettish but not indecent doctrine. I only enter the spirits of others, not the bodies of others."

Leng Yueqi sees him so honestly, rarely, Smiled.

"Believe in you, there are ghosts, Lin Chen's mouth, a deceitful ghost."

The beautiful lady smiles, like a stunning beauty, Lin Chen can't help but stare at it.

After Lin Chen left, the light and lotus figure floated over, standing beside Leng Yueqi, faintly smiled and said.

"Leng Yueqi elder sister, only you and Miss Bai Ruoyan can control him."

The person who came is naturally Ning Qingxuan, after she became a saint , The temperament is more than three points better than that of the past, Yun Yi Juechen, like a banished immortal who does not ask the world.

Leng Yueqi shook her head slightly; "In this world, how can there be a woman who can control him, meeting him is simply the nemesis among our women..."

Ning Qingxuan Her mouth chuckled, her eyes flowed, and she felt empathy. Only when she talked about Lin Chen's affairs, her mundane eyes would ripple a little.

"He will definitely become what the dean said, his fate, no one can see through."


Tianzhou, absolutely Tianshan .

This Earth Demon is overwhelmingly angry, and the mountain cuts all around all around in a cross-section like a saw.

In the center, there is a dark red hole that rotates rapidly, as if it is connected to a magic prison, Heaven and Earth trembled with fear.

At this time, a handsome boy passed by and threw a punch in the air, the mountains and rivers were terrified!

Tear and pull~! The scarlet spike is like a sharp thorn, and the Tearing Space turns into an arrow from the string, and with a sneer, it shoots into the dark red hole awe-inspiringly!


The hole was inserted upside down by the scarlet spike, completely stuffed, deep, and full.

Affected by the nine-sharp nails, all Space Formation was incorporated into the lowest level, the demonic energy flowed back, and finally absorbed back into the magic eye.

"Huh! It's finally done. Only the magic eyes suppressed by the Sky Tower are left. The nine Great Demon eyes have completely suppressed eight."

Lin Chen stepped into the air and flashed. , Swept in the direction of the sky tower!

Divine State, since the fall of the pseudo-god Aristocratic Family, the heroes have competed here, and the ancient aristocratic families reappeared brilliantly, starting a battle for hegemony exclusively owned by the Nine Provinces.

However, Lin Chen has not interfered with the self-development of Nine Provinces. He is now at a different level.

Lin Chen went straight to the sky tower. When he saw the vast and simple tower again, Lin Chen was sure again.

This item, far exceeding the Holy Artifact level, has the divine might of the ancient gods hidden, and is the genuine Divine Item!

Lin Chen looks at the sky tower, clicking one's tongue in wonder.

"Divine Item, when can I complete a Divine Item. The identity, appearance, temperament, cultivation base like me, not the entire Divine Item, can't say it."

Some people, he just doesn't feel satisfied. He obviously has a better trump card than Divine Item, and he is also greedy for other people's Divine Item.

Men always eat in the bowl and look at the pot, wanting them all.

Lin Chen put on a black robe to dispel his breath and sneak into the team.

Lin Chen can cross the void at will and move to any location in the Nine Provinces, but he must enter through the main entrance of the Sky Tower alone.

Divine item's prestige has been suppressed so far, not to mention Lin Chen, even if Saint King comes to him, he has to enter from the front door obediently, and cannot enter the inner plane from the outer Tearing Space.

In the Sky Tower, Dragon City No.10.

It is still a familiar taste, and the cultivation base can be sealed to enter the city.

But this time, Lin Chen is no longer restricted, stepping across tens of millions of miles to reach the final area of ​​Dragon City No. 1.

A pair of eyes suddenly awakened in the darkened secret room of the sky tower!

"en? There is a powerhouse approaching! What a terrible method, if it is not for the perception of the sky tower, I can't find it with my cultivation base."

The master of the sky tower suddenly wakes up, The body flashed and moved to the demon eye position of the Sky Tower——

"Which senior is it, visit my Sky Tower...Hmm? Lin Chen, why are you!"

Seeing Lin Chen who is holding the scarlet spikes on his shoulders, the tower master is stunned!

"Hello, tower owner, Junior has come back to Eternal Seal to drop this last magic eye. The nine magic eyes of Nine Provinces continent have been sealed off by me, just the last one."


Lin Chen peaceful smiled, but the tower owner was shocked!

"You, did you seal all the other eight Great Demon eyes? Did you get the Nine Demon Nails? Wait a minute, that means you succeeded in sneaking into the Holy Prison? And your cultivation base, I... I can't see through at all!"

The tower master was completely shocked!

When he wants to test or perceive Lin Chen's breath, Lin Chen's body is like an infinite Boundless Starry Sky!

If you want to explore in depth, you will encounter an unprecedented holy power, as well as a pure power oppression that suffocates the tower master!

This is not what it used to be!

The Battle Sovereign kid back then has grown to the point where he can only look up to his back!

His figure of a fierce battle against a false god is still vivid!

He had expected this day, but he did not expect that this day would come so fast!

The boy here is still young, but the boy here is not the boy of the past!

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