At this moment, whether it is the Peak Saint Demon King or the top Saint Demon King.

Whether it is the Dragon Clan Dragon King, or the Great Saints of the Human Race, you super enchantings, all have stopped fighting!

Even the arrogant, arrogant Crown Prince has stopped!

All the eyes of powerhouse are full of doubt, confusion, horror, and incredible!

A crowd of super evildoers even had scalp numb, and many people lost their voices and were shocked.

"I have seen handstand diarrhea, seen the movement of dragons, and seen Turtle Clan with his head cut upright, but I have never seen such an outrageous scene!"

"Ghost, This...this fucking crazy, it must be an illusion!"

"According to the nearby Star Domain movement, the energy flow all around, and the signs of my brother's congestion, I saw the illusion The probability is 0.00001%, and the probability of the world going crazy is 99.9999%..."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! We have seen a phantom, it is definitely a phantom, hahaha! Don’t pull me, I didn’t Crazy!"

All the super evildoers were once very exciting!

Their expressions range from horror, to shock and confusion, to unbelievable, to frantic inhalation, and panic on their faces!

Yes, it's fright, fright!

Same as a fucking horror movie!

Is this world crazy!

Condensation point? It's actually a natural phenomenon of condensing caves? Did you read it wrong?

What's the joke? Is this too ridiculous!

What's so shocking about the natural phenomenon of the breakthrough realm?

But, who has ever seen someone congeal in the Heaven Vault Star domain? The Ningjing Realm came here like cannon fodder!

However, this scene is even more outrageous!

Not only in the Heaven Vault Star domain, but also in the Demon Realm breakthrough realm!

Who would dare to congeal in Demon Realm!

Even in the list of sages, those peerless sages who are outrageous and beyond the sky are also impossible to go to Demon Realm to condense their caves!

Isn't this courting death!

What's more perverted is that this is still condensed on the site of the wild Demon world, which is known as the strongest Four Great Demon Races!

What kind of racial explosion joke is here!

That is an area that even the Demon Venerable in the Demon world dare not approach easily! Enlarging cavernous realm and transforming condensing realm have entered, and even the scum will not be left!

What kind of fuck is the Divine Immortal Divine Immortal to go to the Demon Hell in the Demon Realm to condense the cave!

Which madman will be born with such a mind-defying thinking that makes people even dare not even think about it, and he has done it!

Several dragon kings of Dragon Clan urged the dragon's breath to stare at the natural phenomenon in the sky, muttering to themselves with shock.

"Divine Dragon is here, old man is dazzled, right?"

"There is a Human Race, and I went to Demon Realm to fix the cave?"

" Is this serious... Since ancient times, Demon Realm has always been a forbidden place for our human and dragon clan. Can someone of this fucking go inside to condense the cave and break the realm?"

Dragon Clan was also caught Frightened silly!

What is the concept of Demon Realm?

This is like fighting between two armies, and the Evil Hell is the enemy's territory. Fight against enemy territory that hasn't been penetrated for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

Suddenly one day, not only did someone break in, but the fucking gave it to the bridal chamber!

Who the hell will be in the "bridal house" on the enemy's territory!

Furthermore, you must know that condensing a hole to break the boundary is much more important than a bridal chamber!

All the Saint Demon Kings of Demon Race looked at each other, with unprecedented horror in their eyes.

This day, this battle, this moment, good or bad, is destined to be

Even the proud Crown Prince can't help staying in place, laughing like himself.

"There is...this kind of operation?"


Heaven Vault Star domain, Human Race territory, Star Tower Tenth Layer.

Tenth Layer is the residence of many star towers Elder.

Today, the Star Tower was shrouded in a faintly hazy mood. The power that Human Race lacked this time was sent out to perform the secret mission with serious lack of intelligence.

That was a big bet, anything can happen!

Even the entire army may be wiped out. But if you don't go, you will even get more serious consequences!

"I don’t know if these little fellows in this trip are competent..."

"Ai, we can only rely on them. In this case, if we don’t send a man After all, if you let Demon Race implement any major plan, it may harm our entire Human Race!"

"These guys, really make people...huh? Wait a minute! Look, what is that? !"

The Elders of the Star Tower, suddenly someone exclaimed.

In the very far distance, there is a strange wave of Qi.

A vortex of energy transformed into a nine-color aurora, slowly rising, gradually expanding, turning into a hole, hanging in the sky, still expanding!

The Elders were surprised first, then puzzled, then shocked and confused!

"Natural phenomenon of condensing caves?"

"That's not right! Youngster who enters the Heaven Vault Star domain, the lowest is his mother's star state!"

"Who the hell came in with the Condensation Realm!"

"No, no, no! Look, that direction, is it the direction in which Senior Scarlet Fire heads their mission!"

"Isn't it...The Demon World? This is the cave in the Demon World?"


Star Tower Eighth Layer,

The list of enchanting evildoers gathered here to recuperate.


At this time, a mysterious energy fluctuation triggered the Heaven and Earth degassing machine, spreading all around all around!

Just now, the super evil spirits who were still in retreat, chatting and talking happily, or talking and laughing, suddenly dumbfounded!

When they looked into the distance, they felt the strange opportunity and the fluctuation of Holy Force, they suddenly changed their expressions!

Especially when they perceive that the fluctuations of Holy Force come from the wild Demon world, the faces of the enchanting genius are unprecedentedly exciting!

Some jumped up directly, rushed out of the star tower, their mouths opened wide...

"Did I pick you up? Someone condensed acupuncture points!"

There is an evil genius with a numb scalp and goose bumps all over, as unbelievable as seeing Divine Vestige.

"It's crazy...what day is it? Where is the Divine Immortal killing Demon Realm to condense the cave!"

More evildoers genius directly rushed there He knelt down in the direction, his mouth opened wide and lost self-control and roared wildly.

"grandfather! I call you grandfather!"

"No way, ancestor, ancestor hahahaha! Demon Realm, what is this ancestor? ?"

"Very awesome!"

"Crazy...It must be crazy...What's wrong with this world?"

"My mother , Who is this, do I have to recognize him as his ancestor, let me go! Ning points went to Demon Realm, this is not what Divine Immortal is!"

"Demon Realm Ning points? Me! A basket guy, this fuck is Heavenly God, what a fuck!"

"Human Race is No. 1 in the sky!"

"Demon Realm condenses the hole? I drop the boy, this is simply Shit on the head of the Demon Race, and ask them to borrow paper hahahaha!"

Besides the star tower, whether it’s a new enchantment or an old powerhouse, at this moment, the Human Race in the Heaven Vault Star domain owns Saint, horror and ecstasy, all exploded!

Not only that, but the other three Great Demon Race, Dragon Clan, and others were all bombed when they received first-line news!

A true Heavenly God's saint, who is like an earthly saint, is condensing his cave in Demon Realm!

This news has become an unprecedented storm, sweeping the entire Heaven Vault Star Domain, and blasting the entire Star Domain!


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