Listening to Ten Great Elders’s answer, Shangguan Jue’s expression became colder, and the beautiful eyes flashed with great anger, like a burning Divine flame, and the breath exuded all over his body. Burn the barriers of the void so zi zi loudly!

She coldly said.

"But he is a complete outsider! At least, he is not even my Divine flame palace dísciple, Bai Ruoyan is my Divine flame palace orthodox dísciple anyway, and the first person to control the eternal flame in ancient and modern China and abroad !"

"How much Bai Ruoyan has done for the Divine flame palace, supporting rookie dísciples, interpreting the new Divine flame heart sutra, and benefiting all dísciples. With the power of the eternal flame, a new flame space has been opened, Let all dísciples cultivation Heavenly Fire Heart Sutra!"

"In just a few years, these feats can be done by an ordinary dísciple! Even the Palace Lord agrees that it will take a position in the future Tell her, what do you Old Guys interfere with!" Shangguan Jue questioned the senior Elders of the Divine flame palace.

The white haired elder headed by "hehe......" laughed. "What you said, most of Wu Pianjue Young Master can do it."

"The fact that Wu Pianjue Young Master is not a member of the Divine flame palace is completely a small problem. Although Wu Pianjue Jue Young Master already has a famous wife, but as long as Bai Ruoyan marries him, and the little girl who is wronged Ruoyan becomes his concubine, everything will be a matter of course."

Hearing this, Shangguan Jue scolded angrily: "Have you forgotten our original agreement not to mention her marriage!"

"hehe, Sir Law Enforcer, it was the beginning, now is now."

"The sacred world has changed in recent years. Only those who catch up with the wave and dare to accept new reforms can embrace the beginning of the era."

"Sir Law Enforcer, you should retreat behind the scenes, this era Unprecedented changes are about to take place. Our choice is to burn the Divine flame to the last moment of the world."

The answers of these ten Elders made Shangguan Jue's whole heart sink!

She knows that among the ten Elder Gao, a few have turned to Wu Pianjue.

But what she's unimaginable is, what kind of bargaining chip the other party has opened, it actually took ten to Elder Gao to turn to the side!

cultivation technique? Chance? Secret treasure? Holy Artifact?

Can't think of it, she can't think of what conditions Wu Pian can definitely propose, have what skills and abilities to win these ten Elders!

Be aware that the Divine flame palace is a Grade 9 giant!

And these ten to Elder Gao, and second only to three Supreme Elder, they are all powerful and dominating superpowers!

What a peerless cultivation technique, you have never seen it before, and what sacred relic has never been seen before. Even if it is a sacred talent list, it is difficult to impress ten of them at the same time as heavenly ascension!

If the rights of the ten of them are concentrated, even she, the protector of the law, has less power to speak and make decisions than them!

"Be reasonable with you people, it seems that I am really stupid."

Shangguan Jue's green silk is flying, and the flames swirling like an elf burns around her. From now on, her jewel-like eyes became crimson, with a beautifully pierced flame burning.

Ten Elder moved!

When can this lady's violent temper be changed!

Her uncle, she will start fighting if she doesn't agree!

Is she still trying to make this happen?

Shangguan Jue sneered: "Since you want to move the sovereignty of the Divine flame palace, then fight with me! My mother, the Divine flame protector, was shot back then. Your fists are bigger than mine, then I will definitely not ask!"

"Madman, what a madman!"

"Do you want to fight us here? What about the dísciple outside, you are going to destroy my Divine flame palace The foundation is not achieved!"

Ten Great Elders scolded, and the tone was full of jealousy.

"Dísciple? How many of the dísciple outside are female? Some of them are orthodox of my Divine flame palace!"

"The Divine flame palace is all smacked, Let this protector clean up the door!"

tone barely fell, Shangguan Jue's slender hand twisted slightly, and a palm protruded out of the sky. The five fingers were surging with the flames that burned the world and destroyed the sky. The power is not strong, but All of a sudden ignited the temperature in the hall!


At this time, a voice carrying the Sound of Great Dao echoed in the void, and the flame in Shangguan Jue's palm was instantly extinguished and his eyes narrowed.

"Do you want to fight me too, surnamed Lan."

"Blue guardian!"

Ten Great Elders said in surprise.

Divine flame Another protector of the palace!

At this time, the hall walked slowly into one silhouette, he was handsome and handsome, with sword eyebrows and stars, and a pair of blue eyes that looked clear and deep. He looked at Shangguan Jue and said calmly.

"Guardian Shangguan, you don’t need to persist in your own wrong doings anymore. This matter has been affirmed by the Chief Supreme Elder. At least this matter, we don’t have a word to kill, we don’t give Did Bai Ruoyan challenge Wu Pianjue after April?"

Shangguan Family lovable body trembled.

Chief Supreme Elder?

Even he... also got out?

Shangguan Jue suddenly fell silent, her gaze quietly stared at the blue guardian, as if she wanted to see him through.

Shangguan Jue's red lips lightly opened, and he said suddenly.

"Even the Chief Supreme Elder asked you to move. May I know what your chips are."


Guardian Lan let out a long laugh, and with a wave of his sleeves, he shot out a letter, which Shangguan Jue grabbed with one hand.

"Look for yourself, guardian Shangguan. You will know how great our decision this time is!"

The blue guardian opened his arms, and his eyes seemed to have witnessed it. The world of Millennium Hegemony!

"Only for the Conferred God Ceremony after April, there will be ten sage talents who will arrive at the Divine flame palace in person."

"Divine flame palace, Will return to the top again! This era will belong to us, belong to the Divine flame palace!"

The moment Shangguan Jue opened the letter, her eyes trembled suddenly!

When she carefully read the contents of the letter, she was even more shocked!

Wu Pianjue, there is such a background and power behind him!

He is even more terrifying, no, it should be said that it is their plan, but also heaven-shaking, earth-shattering!

I saw that at the end of the letter, there were hundreds of names that were densely packed!

These one hundred names, each one, is a legendary that will extol the ages and never fall!

Each one is a masterful sage representing the absolute authority of the various domains of the Holy Realm!

All the names of the saints on the list of saints!

A total of one hundred saints on the list of saints, all nominated in a letter, all have traces of their Holy Force, representing their autographs!

What does this mean?

This means that the content of the letter and the "prosperous age" described in the letter are completely possible!

"No's no wonder that the Chief Supreme Elder will stand in line with them, this one can refuse..."

It's better than the protector, Shangguan Jue, after reading the letter. When it comes to content, the heart can't be calm for a long time.

The heaven of the holy world is going to change completely!

The great wheel of era change will roll over, and no one can stop it!

"Lin Chen, you must not come to the Divine flame palace......"

Mumbling to himself, Shangguan Jue is almost ashamed!


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