If the common evildoer makes such a request, it will definitely be rejected.

But Lin Chen is different. The organizers of the enchanting list have seen his bargaining chips and net worth! His net worth alone is not the level of a small fight!

Moreover, he is not a violation.

As long as the evildoers on the evildoer list are willing to accept his conditions, in theory, this multiplayer challenge is Supreme limited!

It's just that, what no one can predict is that this will be a grand battle that singles out the entire enchanting list in the name of an individual! !

In the battle plane.

There are many evildoers in the evildoer list, together with Lin Chen, and they are transported to a desolate desert, vast and boundless, with sandstorms in the sky.

The space plane of this place is the strongest space barrier in the Four Great Halls, which can withstand the strikes of the Open Heaven Realm!

In the plane, every grain of yellow sand weighs a million catties, and its quality is extremely high.

All around the space, there are more than nine thousand evildoers genius, floating in the air.

And Lin Chen is on the opposite side, the two sides are hundreds of thousands li away, but they seem to be close at hand.

For Saint, urging the Holy Force at a glance can provide insights, and tens of thousands of miles to launch a blow. Although the formidable power is compromised, it is not a big problem.

"I have to say, the baby that is delivered to the door, I will laugh at it."

"Don't really think that the strength of the open world will be able to single out the enchanting list, right?"

"How about Lao Tzu even if he has the strength in the middle and late stages of the Open Heaven Realm?"

"Don't say that the top 100 big guys are all here, the first 2000 evildoers If one person makes one move, he will have to lose half his life in the later stage of the Open Heaven Realm! It’s not surprising that you die on the spot."

"As long as you can get a Grade 7 sacred pill, you will earn blood! There are so many heaven, material and earth treasures and spirit plants hahaha!"

Many evildoers stared at Lin Chen in the distance with joking expressions.

At this time, in the sky once again came the sound transmission from the organizer.

"This battle will be held by this seat. Because of many people, this seat will send the injured away according to its own judgment. Those who are sent away will be deemed as a failure."

"If Lin Chen fails, life and death will live in peace. If you can save it, you can save it. If you can't save it, it is the path you choose."

Lin Chen snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "No problem."

The powerful sound transmission makes the evildoers feel more at ease!


This one, just hammer him Lin Chen!

"Now, Peak will begin!"

Dahneng tone barely fell ——

Suddenly, Lin Chen smiled without saying a word, and stretched out slowly A finger.

up ahead, a green-haired evildoer genius jokingly said with a smile.

"This finger means, do you want to use one trick to get us?"

Lin Chen clapped his hands and exclaimed: "Fuck, confidant! How do you know !"

Hearing that Lin Chen was planning to kill the evildoers with a single trick, the powerful people in the Four Great Halls couldn't help but sneer.

An old man in grey clothes even said with a smile.

"What a big tone!"

Boom~! !

In the desert plane, flying sand running stone, Shengwei shines forever, going out all directions, going up and down, full of endless murderous intentions!



The sword shadow like a tide cuts all over the sky, the blade light is like a wind and a Dragon-Tiger, vertical and horizontal, wind lightning Secretly waiting for many attribute Holy Force transformations, like a billowing frenzy, it simply covers the entire Heaven and Earth!

The first to launch the offensive were the evildoers who ranked 6,000 to 9,000!

This offensive alone has caused a lot of grave expressions from the great abilities of Grade 8 Aristocratic Family.

Although these evildoers are still very young, their powerful aptitude and heritage have begun to show up!

It's better than opening the sky, facing this move may not be able to retreat!

One or ten young evildoers genius are nothing.

But once there are hundreds or even thousands, quantitative changes will trigger unprecedented qualitative changes!

The offensive it triggers is by no means as simple as the superficial cultivation base!

The enchanting list is always the enchanting list, not the Saint of Fanliu! With this offensive alone, the Grade 8 talents agreed that Lin Chen must be taken seriously before he can take it!

The powerful evildoers are still waiting and watching, staring at Lin Chen closely. Once he takes the first wave of offensive or reveals a weak spot, the evildoers will immediately rise!

focal point of ten thousands, Lin Chen runs pure power slightly, lifts up and inhales!

After that, Lin Chen's breath has a long history. When he inhales, almost the entire space begins to twist and collapse, the light shatters, and the space collapses like a paste!

Holy Force gathers the dantian energy and condenses it into Lin Chen's chest.

Next moment, Lin Chen suddenly opened his mouth and exhaled!


bang! bang! bang!

The hurricane swept across the entire desert plane, destroying the sky and the earth like a thousand realms. The super storm caused Heaven and Earth toppling over, blowing yellow sand raging, and rolling hundreds of millions of feet into the void!

hong long long!

The strong wind and vigor, like a sword turned into a sword, drove Zhou Tian into an unprecedented chaos, and directly penetrated all the offensive!

Boom! boom! boom!

The void burst into a series of explosions in an instant, and the terrifying Holy Force frenzy was crushed by this hurricane that pushed Sun, Moon and Stars horizontally!

The surplus of the wind is like a sword piercing the void, penetrating the defenses of thousands of evildoers, their Saint Physique'pu chi' was torn apart, and the holy blood rushed! He was seriously injured without even reacting to it!

The sky is full of yellow sand, and the fire beacon is rolling. The storm roars like a dragon, and the dust storm roars like a thunder!

The light is distorting and the space is collapsing!

"Not good!"

In the sky, there was an exclamation, and the blue holy mang was ejected from the sky, like an eggshell, protecting the lifeblood of countless evildoers!

All Great Demon evildoers have retreated violently, and their expressions are full of unprecedented shock!

At this moment, all Saints in the Fourth Conference Hall changed color in amazement.

A chill rushes from the soles of everyone's feet to the top of the head!

The ten host Elder Fang on the high platform stood up on the spot, staring at Lin Chen stubbornly!

Take a breath!

It just took a breath!

More than four thousand enchanting evildoers attacked, blowing out the breath of dantian!

The most terrifying thing is that he didn't even use Holy Force!

With the power of this body refinement, more than four thousand evildoers were crushed!

What the hell is this realm and grade!

On the VIP table, the gray-clothed old man who was disdainful of Lin Chen just now, dumbstruck, was trembling with fear and trembling.

His Senior muttered to himself with horror on his face.

"Ok...what a big tone..."

More than four thousand enchanting evildoers, all seriously injured, such as falling feathers, scattered around the sky, and finally transported away, leaving a small part of it attribute ball of light.

The remaining five thousand evildoers finally realized the terrible Lin Chen!

However, their reaction speed is far inferior to Lin Chen!

Lin Chen strode across a thousand miles to the ground, bending slightly, his five fingers inserted into the yellow sand ground!

Seeing him in this pose, some body refinement eyes shrank in the holy realm......

"No way......"

"Oh, he wants to splash sand... …"

With the power of Lin Chen's trajectory and the earth, with this "desert yellow sand" weighing a million catties, this palm splashed over...

Neither did I know it. Which evildoer muttered to himself subconsciously.

"Turning the skin with water."


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