In the desert plane;

"The strength of this kid is terrifying."

"Admit it, fight alone, just rely on With that punch just now, your golden sun machine may not be his opponent."

The eyes of the seven top 20 super enchanting evildoers meet, and their expressions are full of solemnity!

"Let’s join forces, we will play in the rankings later, let’s take down this kid’s net worth first. Putting it in the Heaven Vault Star domain is also a huge sum of money!"

"Without a cultivation base of Saint 5th rank or higher, Grade 8 Holy Artifact cannot be taken by force. However, it will be different if Lin Chen is defeated and transferred by himself. This battle is worth taking the risk!"

"It's over when we play awe-inspiring. I don't think he can shake our teamwork."

"If we all join forces, the sage list can also be a battle, let alone a trifling. Lin Chen."

"Cooperating, how can it be so simple. Who can really make the monsters in the top 100 of the enchanting list join hands?"

Just before the fierce battle broke out between the two sides, The enchanting genius in the top 200 of the enchanting list glanced at each other.

At least, most of the super evildoers are still willing to join forces briefly to deal with Lin Chen first!

Benefits are always first!

"hehe, I am fond of his Grade 8 sacred pill, and teamed up to kill this child!"

"arrogant, also delusional to judge the history of the enchanting list!"

"Overthrow the enchanting list? It's pretty beautiful!"

bang! bang! bang!

The power of nearly a thousand super enchantings is brewing, and the entire desert plane is fierce. Tremble!

These super enchanting evildoers are all geniuses with a hole expansion two thousand times. The foundation is terrifyingly powerful. With the realm of the sacred state of mind, they launch an offensive together like a thousand open heavens!

In the desert plane;

The sword turns like a dragon, the four super evil spirits drew their swords and swung their swords quickly. Hundreds, hundreds of millions!

The four super evil spirits each have a sword, slashing out the sword light like a huge wave, and strangling Lin Chen like a vortex!

This offensive seems to be a sign of an outbreak. All the super evil spirits are aiming at Lin Chen, the rays of light in the holy cave have skyrocketed, and Absolute Art has appeared!

They may unite, or fight separately, or hide secretly. Their actions are swift and rapid!

"Not good!"

"Protect the venue first, otherwise this face will have to be crushed and beaten outside!"

"Do this again If you continue to fight, they will have to tear down the four main venues!"

The Ten Great Elders on the high platform seat stepped on the soles of their feet, turning into holy light and fleeing into the void.

Flicking both hands, Holy Force turned into a silver white Power of Space to stabilize the plane.

This battle has evolved to an unprecedented level!

No one can imagine that there will be a single person who will challenge the entire list of super evil spirits!

There are no corresponding battle planes in the four big halls. One-to-one, and one-to-one thousand are completely different levels of concept!

Seeing that the two sides are about to start a war, the mighties of in the sky one after another shot to take all the wounded evildoers away!

When the mighty members of the Peak Conference organizer witnessed these enchanting injuries, they couldn't help but tremble with their pupils.

An old man in a blue robe, staring at Lin Chen's back while he is floating in the vacuum of nothingness, his pupils trembled.

"It's not so mysterious, right..."

Every enchantress, the body guard Holy Artifact was smashed to pieces, and they were only seriously injured, not killed.

What does this mean?

This means that Lin Chen's control of his Holy Force cultivation base is almost against the sky!

This is even more terrifying than the mass murder of evildoers genius!

One-turn Saint can use dozens of cultivation techniques to launch thousands of offensives in one breathing room.

However, every time the impossible offensive maintains the formidable power you want, a certain amount of error will occur in the middle.

With the cultivation base of these powerful second-tier Saints, none of them can do the same as Lin Chen, only severely wounding the evildoers and leaving them alive!

The control of such an ingenious Holy Force is beyond their reach!

You must know that the degree of defense of each evildoer is completely different! How terrifying is the power to control them if you want to only wound them and disable them without taking their lives?

"A ghost, a real ghost!"

"His cultivation base is definitely more than just opening the holy cave!"

"Could it be that he was ahead of time Having opened the holy cave of the brain, Holy Force has reached our level of control?"

These great abilities above the Open Heaven realm have all exploded!

In the plane.

Desert sandstorm is raging, the sky's offensive smashes the plane, the sky is spinning, and the space of Lin Chen's several thousands li is shattered into a vacuum!


Between the electric light and flint, a dragon roar chants, a sharp edge that splits the 9th layer of Yuntian and divides the continent plate!

Lin Chen stepped into the air and swept into the air!

He holds a dark red war knife in his hand. The blade emerges like a pool of blood. The spine of the knife has nine blood lines. The bloody Long Qing on the handle blinks slightly, bursting into flames. , Ten Sides All Extinguish!

Lin Chen holds a knife alone, he is powerful and powerful, and his brows are full of domineering intent to look at the world!

Grade 8 knife, absolutely!

The moment Lin Chen held the knife, the yellow sand ignited raging flames on the entire desert plane, the high temperature filled the desert plane, and blood-colored fireworks burned the sky!

"The guys in the enchanting list are always aloof and remote from beginning to end. Now it's time for someone to crush your arrogance!"

Lin Chen smiled awe-inspiringly , The holy cave rays of light blooming with forty-four six-pointed star lights all over, the Holy Force billowing like a river, the sun and the moon, the moment Lin Chen condensed the blade, Lin Chen slammed his sword and slashed into the sky!

"Tears of God!"


The tip of the knife blasted a dozen ten thousand zhang snow-white blade glow, burning with a faint red flame, and the blade glow was spinning like a spiral!

Many Grade 8 powerful eyes shrank and this blade are flawless and seamless, and they have become perfect! realm is far beyond the realm of open heaven!

However, it may not be enough to take over all the enchanting attacks!

Bang~! At the crucial moment, the blade glow suddenly exploded!

The blade glow exploded and turned into the sky full of Blade Qi fragments, infinite, as if the vast Hengsha, countless!

Each piece of Blade Qi is as beautiful as broken jade, crystal clear and near-transparent, blooming with gorgeous flowers and withering beauty!

Such changes make all the enchanting eyes shrank!

Blade Qi fragments slammed to all the enchanting offensives, pushing and smashing like a storm!

Every Blade Qi fragment, the extremely precise strikes have been attacked by every super enchanting evildoer!

Shih~! boom! boom! boom! boom!

When the infinite Blade Qi fragments collided with the offensive of the evildoers, the sky exploded, tearing apart the plane of the desert, and the world was overthrown!

Blade Qi's aftertaste is like snowflakes, falling in all directions!

In the four conference halls, all Saints in the Open Heaven realm trembled.

Only their cultivation base can clearly see that Blade Qi fragments penetrated all the attacks of the monsters, and a large number of super monsters were shot down!

When the aftermath of terrifying energy disappeared, deathly silence ushered in the Four Great Halls.

In the sky, in a silver robe, the Holy Force circulates, turning into a faint golden light, condensed into a'golden jade garment'.

Lin Chen hovering with a knife, all around are the bodies of super evildoers, or fell to the ground, or floated in the void, fell into a coma, bloody, bloody, and wounded!

With one slash, cut down 800 super evil spirits in the Sacred Heart!

Lin Chen's gaze turned, in the fragmented plane of the desert, only the 200-ranked monsters of the world were left!

The enchanting list, only the last line of defense is left!

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