Xing Nine Heavens narrowed his eyes, as if he could see through a faraway scene.

"In some ways, this team is more dangerous than the Grade 9 forces! Among the Grade 9 forces, without casting aside all considerations for face, it will not affect the foundation, but this is an unprecedented The revenge team!"

"This team has a clear goal, expert as clouds, and very ruthless shots. There will be no hesitation. Ignore the warning from the Sky Tower. The visitors are unkind and extremely ruthless."

Another mature and enchanting Rank 6 cultivation base beautiful woman stepped forward, with lingering fears.

"Pavilion Lord, if we were to encounter this team..."

Speaking of this, Xing Nine Heavens' eyes burst into flames!

"If we encounter them and start a head-on fight, our chance of winning may be less than 10%!"

Xing Nine Heavens's words, the entire Qin Family suddenly chilled!

My God, these powerful people from the Grade 9 forces all say that they have less than 10% chance of winning. What kind of existence have been provoked by the Old Ancestors of their Qin Family!

"Would you like to torture these Qin Family people if they knew what they were doing and offended who back then?"

The enchanting beauty of the sixth-turn cultivation base suggested.

Xing Nine Heavens glanced at the people present and shook his head.

"It’s useless. It’s a forgotten question, a group of young offspring. How could the Old Guys of the Qin Family tell them things? When every powerhouse started, the hands and feet are not necessarily clean, which offends some people. , It’s normal."

Xing Nine Heavens showed the color of memories, "I remember some rumors that Qin Family like the sun at high noon back then was set up to destroy the two great geniuses of the year and destroy the twins. The heavens and the earth were destroyed, intending to attract them, but afterwards I heard that it was torn..."

When talking about this, even Xing Nine Heavens shook his head and laughed.

"However, the two of Destroy Gemini have already been counting the holy prison. If they have great abilities, can they still break through the holy prison and run out of it?"

Break through the holy prison and escape? I'm afraid the novel dare not write like this!

Thinking of this, Xing Nine Heavens didn't bother to recall the rumors of Qin Family back then.

He said sternly.

"This matter is no longer something we can take over. Below Saint King, whoever cares will die. Report it to the top!"


When the holy world is rising winds, scudding clouds, a plane of nothingness.

The handsome, pale and evil youth, holding a roll of colored glaze lists, looked at the top position of the enchanting list, and couldn't help but sneer slightly.

"Are you sitting in this position, Lin Chen."

Five fingers force, peng sound, evil youth crushed the colored glaze list in his palm!

"Unexpectedly, you actually did such a major event of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering. I just don’t know, can you afford the corresponding price!"

This People are the number one evildoer in the past, the son of a cloudy day!


A group of dark shadows that are distorted like ink emerged, and the old man with a humpback crutch emerged, and the eyebrows were full of gloom.

"The shadow around that kid, I want to swallow him myself!"

The fourteenth issue of the ultimate shadow! Looking at it, the injury that year has been completely recovered!

"How about Haotian Saint King."

Yin Tianzi said with a smile, patted its shoulder: "Don't worry, Lin Chen, this child can't run away."

Ultimate Shadow’s complexion slightly eased, nodded and said: "Occupying the body of the goddess, there are many benefits, I found the ancient Divine Dragon blood in this Old Guy collection in the dragon ball position, all All are accurate, thanks to the actions of Demon Race, all the dragon balls have been brought back."

"His body should have begun to recover in the mountain range of the Burial Saint."

In this matter, the cloudy sky looks a little dignified.

"How about his recovery. If he were to recover to his heyday, it would not do us much good."

Ultimate Shadow Mouth sneered.

"The body of a generation of Saint King, even with the Dragon Ball of Divine Dragon Blood Essence, it will not be so easy to return to its heyday. At most, it will recover half of it, and it will still be a living dead."


"That's good." Yin Tianzi nodded.

"By the way, you said last time, what's the matter with the many helpers around that kid."

Ultimate Shadow frowned and stared at the cloudy sky.

He casually said with a smile: "It is indeed expert as clouds, and each one is not small, and there is a part. If I have the strength of the heyday, I may not be the opponent in singles."


"So strong?" Ultimate Shadow was taken aback!

"Strong to be strong, I am afraid that he is not qualified to dominate that team, hahaha!"

The cloudy sky laughed, his eyes flashed!

At the beginning, when the Yin Tianzi arrived at the strange realm with the open world of the Nine Evil Sword Palace, if he insisted on fighting Lin Chen, he would surely be able to kill a large number of his servants!

Even, his cloudy emperor can make the servants of Lin Chen's side more than 2/3/2021 fall!

But he himself will undoubtedly die.

Even though he was seriously injured, the powerhouse next to Lin Chen, especially the dozen or so Legendary characters, has always been the cultivation base of Rank Nine Saint!

If the opponent desperately unlocks the cultivation base that suppresses the injury and breaks out the strongest offensive in the shortest time, then his cloudy son will definitely not have the probability to win, and will even fall with a high probability.

Rather than burn both jade and stone, he might as well withdraw and save his strength.

Now, Yin Tianzi feels that his decision is right!

During this period of time, he finally figured out who was the group of great characters around Lin Chen back then!

An ancient god, an ancient god, your eyes are still so old, you can find such a youngster, and you want to reverse the case again.

Proud as a cloudy emperor, I can't help but marvel at Lin Chen. Excellent people will always appreciate and attract each other, but unfortunately, the two are not the same from beginning to end!

Since you can't be a partner, you can only destroy the other party!

"Shadow, this thing can only be done by you, you have to send this thing to a place."

Yin Tianzi flicks with the finger, his Yin Heavenly Talisman The edict, suspended in front of the ultimate shadow.


The ultimate shadow is curious, and does not give the cloudy sky's face, and directly opens the Yin Heavenly Talisman's edict.

next moment, it was shocked.

"Holy Prison?"


Beyond the holy realm, the distant starry sky, twinkling stars, the Star River is vast and vast.

Under the starry sky, countless energy storms raged, but there was a darkness, hidden deep under the starry sky, as if everlasting.


A shadow embellishes the void, and the dark atmosphere turns into a dark curtain.

Dozens of silhouettes, transformed into human figures, floated in the air, but mysteriously, their faces and features are all dark!

These creatures are not humans.

When the dark curtain was unveiled, another piece of Heaven and Earth was hidden under the Star River. There were countless continent plates floating, all around the dark tide surged, as if cutting off the entire space!

In the continent section, there are countless strange buildings, most of which are in the shape of spires. Each spire is shrouded in a cloud of shadows, which seems to be resting and holding your breath.

Dozens of silhouettes flooded into one of the continent plates, and Dark Aura, which surged under the Star River, closed again, as if the space had never changed.

In a dark great hall, hundreds of shadows are floating.

Between them, there is a strange space fluctuation, which is their unique way of talking.

The translation of adult words is probably as follows——

"Perfect, too perfect! I never thought that after Immemorial Era, someone passed the Innate Shadow King's assessment!"


"This child will definitely be the next generation of shadow kings of my shadow clan! Leading my clan to rise is bound to win!"

"However, he has a variety of bloodlines, the king of shadow clan, You shouldn’t be a bastard!"

"Are you stupid! Can't you see the potential in him? Dragon Clan's fleshy body, Demon Race's divine ability, Shadow Race's innate talent, he It has the infinite probability of my clan! It makes up for all the shortcomings of the shadow clan!"

"My shadow clan should not be inherited by this kind of foreign guy!"

"Nonsense, Lao Tzu Tear your grand competition mouth!"

"Damn it, do you want to practice?"

A group of Innate shadow races are so noisy here, but on the surface, It's like making the sound of'gu gu gu gu gu'.

It sounds like a dove.

Well, it's a pigeon.


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