Fei Wushuang looked back at his younger sister and said seriously and seriously.

"Qian Yu, I will see Lord Lin Chen soon."

Fei Qianyu was taken aback, a little awkwardly Yingying leaned back, and bowed to a Junior, "Qian... See you Qianyu Past Lord."

It was the first time she saluted such a young boy.

Lin Chen waved his hand and said with a smile at will: "No. Wushuang, don't make these imaginary...eh? This beauty is a bit familiar...oh, the pretty girl on the enchanting list conference. !"

Lin Chen suddenly realized when he saw Fei Qingyue when his eyes rolled.

And Fei Qingyue was shocked to stay where she was.

The uncle returned, and he called Lin Chen of his generation to be the lord.

These two pieces of information were too explosive. Suddenly, Fei Qingyue felt that her brain was not enough.

Nine-turn Saint, which is not a supreme powerhouse that is stronger than Saint King, may not be able to surrender, let alone the well-known figure in the nine-turn Saint of uncle!

Can Lin Chen be better than Saint King?

She suddenly thought of the words after he singled out the enchanting list.

I'm in a hurry, and there are still important things...

Now it seems that this is definitely not a bluff!

Maybe, he really had an important time to become the first major event on the list of evildoers!

Especially he gave himself a good fortune, the orange-level high-level cultivation technique, Full Mastery in half a month! From cultivation to the Great Accomplishment Realm, there is only one thing missing to reach the perfection boundary!

This kind of method, I am afraid that even Saint King can't match it!

"Lin Chen, who the hell are you......"

Fei Qingyue couldn't help asking.

Lin Chen is serious and serious.

"Have you finally noticed my secret? Forget it, one day it will be announced to the world, so let me tell you in advance."

Fei Qingyue hold her breath, this is the end What is the great secret...

Lin Chen solemnly said: "Yes, I am the most handsome man in the holy world."

Fei Qingyue: "... "

Fei Qianyu: "..."

Fei Wushuang: "I'm used to it."

"Since the lord is in a hurry, we walk and talk Right."

Fei Wushuang said with a smile.

Fei Qianyu looked at Fei Qingyue solemnly, "Qingyue, Yunyu Sect is temporarily handed over to you, with your prestige, no one in the clan refuses."

After all, Fai Qianyu left with the elder sister, leaving Fei Qingyue alone in the wind.

Before leaving, Lin Chen turned to Fei Qingyue and blinked playfully.

Fei Qingyue got gnash the teeth.

This man's damn arrogance is also dreadful.

"If you want to eat melon, go to the Divine flame palace in the Saint King domain, but when the time comes, don't get too close..."

Fei Qingyue’s ear The boy's laughter reverberated, and as soon as he reacted, he walked away.

Fei Qingyue was puzzled.

"Divine flame Palace? Could it be the recent Conferred God Ceremony? What did he do in the Conferred God Ceremony......"


Sacred Domain, Shenji Pavilion.

This is the most famous Grade 8 force in Sacred Domain, and even Grade 9 forces will treat each other with courtesy!

Because here is the gathering of the most elite and most enchanting Prediction Master in the Sacred Domain, even the forces of the Saint King domain dare not look down on it easily.

Today, the Saint Level Prediction Masters of the Shenji Pavilion are out.

Because there are too many powerhouses, they urge Shenji Pavilion to make a move to calculate the next trend in the holy world, and count as a hanger for their own forces.

Unfortunately, even if the Vice Pavilion Lord, who is as strong as the Shenji Pavilion, took the shot himself, he couldn't even figure out what the situation was this time.

Shenji Pavilion, the top floor.

A secret meeting room.

The fragrance of tea is lingering, rising like a fairy mist, two men and one woman sitting cross-legged till now.

Male divine poise and sagelike features, female charm still exists.

"Sacred Domain is very lively these days."

"The saints are born one after another, I am afraid they are going to cause trouble."

"It's really uneasy. The one born."

"The catastrophe expected by the Shenji Pavilion, I am afraid it will be close."

"Are we going to part?"

"The power of the world, divided for a long time must be combined for a long time, and divided."

The two Old Seniors of divine poise and sagelike features shook their heads and laughed, as if they had long been dismissive of Human World.

The beautiful lady in the palace costume still has the charm, when she looks at the starry sky, her eyes sparkle with brilliance, revealing hopeful memories.

"If he is here, it will be fine. If he is there, he must be able to go further and spy on God's secret. Maybe my Shenji Pavilion's catastrophe is not without an opportunity to cope."


Talking about'him', the other two elders sighed.

"Yes, the ancestors once predicted that he is the most outstanding Prediction Master in the history of the Shenji Pavilion."

"I thought it would take ten thousand years to reach the realm, but he couldn't It’s like a hot knife through butter’s promotion for thousands of years!"

The beautiful woman bit her silver teeth: "Damn the holy prison! He said that his existence will make Heaven and Earth unbalanced, which is clearly aimed at people. , I only hate me. Shenji Pavilion is only a Prediction Master organization, not a powerful Grade 9 sect!"

The two elders are hearing this, only to sigh deeply.

Between Heaven and Earth, when personal abilities reach the limit, tall trees will naturally attract the wind and cause ominous calamities.

It seems that even he boasted that he had this tribulation when he hit it!

The beautiful woman in the palace dress pursed her lips, "Unfortunately, before he was imprisoned in the holy prison, what he hoped most was to crack the senior's exquisite chess game..."

" Breaking the game may have become Taixu's life's regret."

The two old men looked at each other and got up immediately after being deeply moved.

"hehe, since we talked about the old man, why don't we go and see his breaking the game in the past."

After all, the two old flicks with the finger, the space moves, three people come Arriving at a Holy Mountain in the Shenji Pavilion, the fairy mist entangled like Cloud Dragon Swallows mist.

Holy Mountain Peak, there is Tianhu, and there is a huge chessboard with several feet.

The chessboard is embellished with starlight, as if successive weeks, every piece of chess hides mystery and endless luck, just like a vivid lifeform.

And the pieces are connected, each kind of connection will build more probability.

The entire chessboard contains nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine and 19 chess pieces, which contain great roads, which coincide with Heavenly Dao! Outlined into a supreme Treasure exquisite appearance.

The three of them saw Linglong chess game again, and couldn't help feeling very much. It took the Prediction Master, who had counted hundreds of millions of dollars, to make this kind of god-like chess game possible.

When the three of them walked in and took a look, they dumbstruck instantly!

The game has been reversed!

The chess pieces are also exquisite designs, but they are completely turned over, closely linked with one another, and lead the way of heaven!


The three people's minds were blank for a moment!

"Linglong chess game was broken!!"

"What happened, when did it happen? Why did no one notice this change in my Shenji Pavilion?"

" p>

"Wait! Look, there are words on the chessboard!"

Under the Linglong chessboard, there is a layer of colorful holy light faintly flowing.

Everyone took a closer look, holy light outlined the ancient urn.

"I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, but I am in this mountain."

"If you stand up after the break, you have to suddenly enlightenment."

" With my exquisite heart, illuminate the mountains and rivers."

"Heavenly Dao is in the emptiness."

"Prove the horrors of the past and see the history of the past and the present. . Don’t enter Six Paths, don’t ask Nine Realms. Don’t ask gods, don’t ask vain. If your heart is my lord, then there will be no gods."

"If you ask who will break this game, I will be too empty. Lord!"

Some holy text, grandiose, fluttering in style!

The tears soaked her cheeks, and the beautiful woman in palace clothes lightly covered her red lips with her hands, and the tears of joy were shocking.

"It's him! He's not dead! He is still alive, and he has left the holy prison and returned here!"

The strongest Prediction Master in the history of Shenji Pavilion, Jiang Taixu, could it be Want to return to the holy world?

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