Saint King domain, a territory of a Grade 9 faction.

A misty and vast palace is hidden in the clouds.

In front of the palace, in a white jade square, hundreds of people are one-knee kneels.

They are either the Perfection of the Holy Mind, the Open Heaven, or even the Saint. In the domains of Human Race, enjoy the name of great power, dominate one side, and pass on forever.

At this time, these human race Supremes knelt down and bowed!

"I implore the senior to come out!"

"This time the visitor is unkind and intends to destroy the forces in the Holy Realm. Please senior personally Deducing Heaven's Mystery, and give me peace in all domains!"

"This is a naked provocation. How can my Human Race in the Holy Realm calm down? We should find out all these thieves, and hope that the senior will give us a chance to fight!"

" Our appeal is only to ask the senior to help us calculate it once! Is it true that the senior is going to die for us!"

"Is this the way Limitless Palace treats my saint! What is the righteousness and the truth? !"

These human race Supremes shouted in anger, creating a momentum to force the Wuji old man in the Limitless Palace to leave the mountain.

"It's so noisy."


Two childish coldly snorted, directly choking the human race Supremes present. Up.

Two pink and delicate little girls floated from the palace, embraced a porcelain doll, with cute little faces, wrinkled noses, and said in unison.

"You are not welcome here, please, climb!"


Every human race Supreme stagnated, and immediately became angry.

They are respected and respected, and they have noble status. They have never been scolded by such two little girls.

The little girl in the green dress squinted: "It seems you want to fight."

The little girl in the red dress said with a slight smile: "I bet you lose first."



Behind the second daughter, a bright moon slowly rises!

Holy prestige increased sharply, and all human race Supreme felt a suffocating holy prestige to suppress them. Except for those above the late Open Heaven realm, there was no blood left, and their faces turned pale.

"Qianshuang, Wanyan. Stop messing around..."

The old man’s sigh sounded,

in the sky, like ghost-like slowly Emerging from a transparent to a white-haired old man, stroking the goat’s whiskers, divine poise and sagelike features, holding a whisk in his hand, a bright mood on his waist, and an expression of detachment.

If Lin Chen is here, he will definitely recognize him. It was on that day that as soon as he appeared, he forced the Dragon Swallowing Demon King and other Demon Races back, and saw through the true identity of Lin Ping An’s painful disaster, the gray-haired old man!

He lives in the domain of Saint King and is the Promise old man of the Grade 9 power Limitless Palace!

Although he himself is idle cloud wild crane, he doesn't know anything about the world, and he rarely shoots, but he is recognized as the number one Prediction Master in the holy world!

This time a large number of Grade 8 sects fell, as well as the backers behind many of the hidden Grade 8 forces, Supreme Elder, Old Ancestor, and they were annihilated in a short period of time, causing a large number of Grade 8 forces to panic!

No one knows if the other party will find them!

They would rather fight, but they can't find the enemy. This is the saddest thing!

So, they are determined to invite the old man Wuji out of the mountain!


The old man Wuji said indifferently, "This crisis is not amidst the calamities and secrets deduced by the old man. The old man will not take action. Please come back."


"Wuji senior, if you don't speak, we will have to wait to die!"

"Yes Ah, your lips are dead and your teeth are cold. You can't do this!"

Human race Supremes are reluctant to let the old man Wuji slightly frowned.

When he was preparing to'show off guests'——


A nine-color exquisite brilliance rises from the Limitless Palace.

"Yeah! This is..."

"It looks like a Linglong chess game?"

Two little girls cried out in surprise.

The old man Wuji said in amazement: "Is the old man staying in the exquisite chess game of the Shenji Pavilion actually broken?"

"Who is it? Who has this kind of ability? Back then Those 3 or 5 people are still unbroken."

"Now today, is it a new Prediction Master?"

"Who is that, with this kind of ability, can Break the exquisite chess game of the old man?"

The old man Wuji couldn't help but pinch his fingers, making more calculations, but his expression became more and more surprised!

He actually couldn't deduct the person who broke the game!

What does this mean?

"Could it be said that the person who broke the game has reached the level of old man?"

The old man Wuji moved!

"Recently, in this troubled autumn, the slaughter of Big Sect powerhouses has appeared, and some people have broken the old man's exquisite chess game..."

Finally, the old man Wuji took out. It depicts the banner of White Dragon, the radiance is gorgeous, and it is waved to the sky!


The shadow of the dragon is all over the sky, the flag is floating in the void, and many great powers are uncertain.

Next, the old man Wuji swept the dust for a few times, and the flag danced with layers of dragon shadows!

The gaze of the old man Wuji stared deeply at the scene in the banner.


Suddenly, the old man Wuji looked up to the sky and laughed.

"My way is not alone! Unexpectedly, he has stepped into the realm of the old man back then, well, even if there is a short distance from the old man, it is not far away."

The old man Wuji turned to look at everyone and said calmly: "Everything you want to know will be gathered in the Divine flame ceremony."

After that, the old man Wuji put away the banner and carried The second girl left!

He muttered to himself: "Who is it that can gather the proud men of those times, it's weird, weird. The old man also has to go to the Divine flame palace in person. It's..."

The great powers stayed where they were in surprise.

"The Conferred God Ceremony of Divine flame Palace?"


In Bingxin Palace.

Lin Chen thumbs up at Yun Tianguang.

"It's really handsome. I see the same thing."

You Wangsheng said with a smile: "Hehe, if the lord directly asks us to do something, it is naturally not What's missing."

Jiang Taixu nodded deeply, "Well, indeed. If the lord names the Martial God descendants of the Divine flame palace, Wu Pianjue is on the cultivation technique. Perhaps the only drawback."

Yes, Lin Chen’s core method is very strong.

He has shown "Taiyifu Heavenly Art" to the servants, and it is so powerful that the servants are amazed by it.

But his cultivation technique battle skill is not enough.

Faced with the enchanting list, Lin Chen’s many orange-level intermediate battle skills, blessing his orange-rank innate talent, are more than enough to fight the enchanting list, and beat the children.

But the sage list is not the enchanting list!

If the enchanting list is a monster, then the sage list is the monster among the monsters!

Even Long Jiushan hesitated.

"If the lord and that Wu Pian are definitely the same realm, then I won’t even frown, and I’ll just hit the hammer and it’s over.

Fei Wushuang nodded, pretty face worry .

"But the lord is now the Condensation Realm, that Wu Pianjue's realm is the Sacred Heart Realm Perfection! And I heard that he wants to accumulate to the perfect promotion, as long as he wants to, he can step into the open world at any time! "

Perfect promotion is the realm that some people on the sacred talent list can achieve.

Opening a holy cave in the Open Heaven realm can increase the Holy Force with more than 400 powers.


But for the sacred talent list, it far exceeds this number!

According to the information collected by the servants, he does not count the peerless innate talent that comes with his Martial God bloodline.

Wu Pianjue's total acupoint expansion is 10550 times, and the total condensing acupoint is 2120 times!

This achievement is also a proud achievement on the sage list!

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