Golden Armored Man burned with anger, eyes flicker a severe light, "Leave the Holy Realm? No, they don’t have the ability, dragging the stubborn body, even one thousandth of the heyday Without the strength, where can they go?"

At this moment, another star-niving prison guard trembled.

"Well...sir, we haven't fully realized the prestige of the holy prison, why don't we make the facts public and collect clues about those characters in 19 layers in each Big Sect..."


Boom~! boom!

Before speaking, Golden Armored Man shot him severely wounded and vomiting blood!

"Public? If we need to be public to find this kid and those people, then what face is there in my holy prison!"

"Your mother is like your wife If you were taken away by others and you were taken away, will you make it public!"

He was extremely angry and laughed, "You can ask such a stupid question, how did you cultivation to the star realm? Drag it down and chop it down!"

In the holy prison, another star-natured state fell.

"Listen well, everyone who followed the great True God to the deepest part of the Shenhe Galaxy will be back in ten years at most. During this period, if you fail to bring back any information, All of us present here must die!"

Golden Armored Man said very solemnly: "We must not let the outside world know that something happened to our holy prison, and search for the characteristics of that kid and 19, 18. The people of Layer, the people in my holy prison must do it by themselves."

The jailer present keep quiet out of fear, isn't this forced to death! Obviously not enough manpower!

If you can disclose the information and characteristics of those people in 19 layers and collect clues in each Big Sect, you may have already gained something, but this will undoubtedly announce that someone in the holy prison has escaped! That's a naked face slap!

Boom~! !

At this time, a supreme sacred might descended from the void, and a Golden Great Dao was rolled up from Nine Heavens and stretched straight down into the sky of the holy prison.

At this moment, even Golden Armored Man's complexion changed in amazement!

"Why come back so fast?"

In the Golden Great Dao, hundreds of golden light twinkling silhouettes emerged!

The natural phenomenon is stalwart, and the imposing manner is majestic. The three handsome and uplifting men at the head are like a round of holy sun in the sky, eternal and immortal, Heaven and Earth is rotten and the holy sun is immortal!

It was actually three Saint Kings!

One Saint King is the legend of every age. Three Saint Kings appear together, as if all the powers of Heaven and Earth are approaching them. Heaven and Earth is centered on them. Spin with them!

Behind the three Great Saint Kings, nine-turn Saint and eight-turn Saint, one after another in teams, groups, or groups! !

The golden road spreads between Heaven and Earth and leads all the way to the holy prison!

The powerhouse, the main force of the holy prison, is back!

At a glance, there are at least 400 people!

The three great Saint King Prestige are standing high and standing at the same level as Heaven and Earth, but at this time, there is a trace of deep fear and lingering fear in the eyes of the three Great Saint Kings!

What can make Saint King feel heart palpitations, is it...

The three Great Saint King’s eyes meet and the sound transmission exchanges--

" The great True God, tearing the galaxy between his fingers, and stopping time and space, can annihilate all things with one move!"

"The Divine Emperor ruins, the gods shot, just the outside of the Divine Emperor ruins can beat the world It collapses and the interstellar collapses."

"Just watch the battle, we are not qualified to watch the battle at close range. The fate of the Divine Emperor has nothing to do with us."

"The gods are fighting. , Has flawlessly taken care of the Holy Realm. This battle may last for thousands of years or even longer. This information, impossible, is only known to us. Each Grade 9 power and the sage ranking must be more or less known. The Holy Realm will change completely. Oh..."

"The Asura clan has entered the God World of the four-dimensional universe. They will never look back and come back. The insect race is gone. The key is the current surviving Demon Race, Dragon Clan, Orcs, Fiends, and shadows lurking in the dark."

"The gods are vacant, where is the future of the holy world. If a powerful enemy strikes, we will leave the dragons without a leader."


When the three Great Saint Kings exchanged quickly, the vast gate of the holy prison slowly opened to welcome the return of the powerful!

"Welcome all the adults back!"

Golden Armored Man shouted, one-knee kneels.


The three Great Saint Kings headed by the Great Saint King are nodded, and even if there are many plots in their hearts, they will not be seen by outsiders.

One of the Saint King peaceful Tao.

"What's the situation in the holy prison, there is no serious illness."

The people who knelt to greet them immediately body trembled, shiver coldly, and no one dared to speak.


Seeing everyone's anomaly, the three Great Saint Kings immediately noticed something wrong!

"Return... to the three nobles..."

Golden Armored Man brace oneself will truthfully report recent events.

"What? Someone broke into the holy prison?"

"Or is it a Demon Race disguised by Human Race?"

"Also killed an Avatar of the Demon Emperor's will Damn, why is it getting more and more outrageous! Where are you reading novels?"

"Can he unlock the seal of the nine temples? He also took away the rest of the 19 layers and 18 Layers. That's it!"

The next day, in the holy prison.

Golden Armored Man was terrified in his heart, but at least he lost half of his heart.

The three Great Saint Kings did not deal with all the prison guards, but forgave them!

Actually, it is not forgiveness, but the holy hell at the moment, it is the time to use people.

If these prisoners are killed on a large scale, the status quo will not change. It is better to keep their lives and do something practical.

Holy Prison, First Layer secret room.

Three Great Saint Kings are sitting here, discussing the pursuit of those who escaped from prison.

"To this day, the holy world will change drastically, and the holy prison will have trouble again. Only with the prestige of the holy prison is recruiting people. We gather our strength with our heritage, with no difficulty."

"Publish the situation. It is more important to find the 17 people of 19 layers than to face it!"

The three Saint Kings reached an agreement!

Why does the three Great Saint King value 19 layers so much?

Theoretically, there is a huge gap between Saint and Saint King.

However, the powerhouse of 18 Layer also has a nine-turn cultivation base, such as Sorrowful Ghost and the others.

But there is a huge gap between them and the people of 19 layers.

Can become a Saint of Rank Nine, most of them were either well-known figures in the top 500 of the enchanting list, or Romance Guards, with the highest chance and all kinds of tempers.

The powerhouse of this level has a very strong background, and ordinary means and other factors can no longer control the gap between powerhouses of this level.

What is the real gap? It's the fate of God!

Such as Zi Qianshou’s Twelve Dao Palace Formation, Ji Wuchen’s forbidden skills, the spatial divine technique flowing in Xiao Linger’s bloodline, etc.!

They are all people with'destiny', from the true God of the ancient times!

This is also the core reason why they became the pride of the times. Neither innate talent nor cultivation base is the main reason! The most important thing is to have a'sacred fate'!

They are not only the group of people most likely to become Saint King, but also the group of people most threatening after becoming Saint King!

The eyes of the Three Great Saint Kings are particularly deep.

"The next holy world will be the era of rampage!"


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