The middle-aged man beside Lin Chen said with a smile to the Elder Council Elders.

"You think you are on the 5th floor, and we are on the Third Layer. In fact, our lord is on the 100th floor. We have predicted all your back players."

Elder Council The Elders look pale, isn’t it? The only power they can use is the Guest Elders present?

The only choice is to summon the Supreme Elders!

However, the Supreme Elder of the Divine flame palace is not easy to leave. Many of them are powerhouses at Saint Peak Level before the Saint Realm is officially established.

After many battles of various races in the ancient period, Saint Physique is devastated, and the Supreme Elders have long left many old wounds.

"Damn it, the most hateful thing is that this kid sneak attack my heaven hall, and the guardian hall can’t be used. Palace Lord and Shangguan Jue, the slut, are on their side again..."

Several Elder glanced at the people bitterly, it seemed that they could only summon Supreme Elder this way!


At this time, at the back of the Divine flame Palace Lord, a full twenty holy light rose up, like the sun at high noon, the mountain and sea prison could not compare to one percent of it!

Lin Chen serene, in the direction of the main hall, twenty white-haired old women and old men appeared.

These elders are skinny, with thin and yellow faces, but there is an unusually powerful viciousness and cruelty between the eyebrows.

All the ruthless characters of the Nine Ranks Saint!

All powerhouses are shocked!

Here it comes!

Divine flame Supreme Elder, those old monsters that existed before the creation of the Holy Realm!

Twenty nine-turn Saint! The Divine flame Palace's background is fully revealed!

As soon as the Supreme Elder appeared and made eye contact with ten to Elder Gao from the Elder Council, they almost understood the cause of the problem!

The aura response of Saint Nine Turns is extremely fast.

Lin Chen had anticipated this scene a long time ago.

"hahaha, good come."

"This is the first time I have used the old monster of Grade 9 sect as my opponent."

"I wanted to try for a long time. Let’s take a look at the old monster who fought against the Asura clan back then!"

"It’s getting more and more exciting."

"Go, I will take them to climb the mountain."

"Lord, let's go!"

The servants behind Lin Chen laughed heartily.

The rank nine bosses from 18 Layer of the Holy Prison were dispatched one after another. It happened that there were also twenty people. When they stepped on their feet, they disappeared like thunder with a thunder.

Shih~! Tear~!

Almost at the same time, the 20 Supreme Elder of the Divine flame palace disappeared instantly!

Boom! boom! boom! boom!

All around the crystal walls of all directions, vibration and rumbling sound faintly spread!

Grade 8 can exclaim.

"It's the space greater teleportation!"

The Saint 9th layer opens the sky, can move the space, concentrate its own Holy Force attacks on a smaller area, have more formidable power, and have a smaller aftermath .

Sixth-turn Saint and above, if you don’t work hard, you can move to the empty space position in the space gap to face the battle. It won't cause any casualties around, of course, if you want to fight for life and death, it doesn't have to be.

But, no matter what, Divine flame Palace has thoroughly stated that it is going to fight Lin Chen!

Lin Chen immediately had ten eight-turn servants and four seven-turn Peaks around Lin Chen, one after another body moved, shuttling through the void for a moment, all of them flashed in front of the powerhouses of the Divine flame palace.

Suppress their ordinary Elder and deacon in just one moment!

Divine flame In the palace, everyone from the Wu Pianjue faction, dísciple, Elder, deacon, are all captured and suppressed!

If you dare to move a finger, you will die!

In the Divine flame square, chaos started!

Lan Jingyu eyes shrank.

The worst result is still there!

This group of people, each has a unique ability, united, it is like a tiger that has grown wings!

Divine flame There are many powerhouses in the dísciple, but in front of the seventh and eighth turns, it is as weak as a baby!

And the female disciple and the guardians of the Dharma Hall are ecstatic!

Divine flame Palace, saved!

In fact, if you really want to fight, the existing power of the Divine flame palace will never fear Lin Chen and the others!

The Divine flame palace is in the category of Grade 9 influence, which belongs to the declining level. If the number of powerhouses is concerned, it may be slightly inferior to other Grade 9 giants!

However, in terms of Peak powerhouse, the Divine flame Palace can stand up to this day, and the protector of the Two Great Saint Kings cultivation base is indispensable!

One is Shangguan Jue who was born in the sage list.

One is an old powerhouse that has been famous for a long time in the holy world. After being contracted by the previous generation Palace Lord, he was given a good luck and was crowned in the realm of Saint King. May the Guardian God never fail. .

The background of Grade 9 forces, just two guardians of Saint King cultivation base are enough to look down upon countless powerhouses!

The Heavenly Hall, the Law Enforcement Hall, held by the two venerables, can block most of Lin Chen's powerhouse.

But the Law Enforcement Hall couldn't move, the Tiandian Hall was assassinated, and only one of the law protectors came forward. Their Elder Council was suddenly driven to a dead end!

In this hand, even three Grade 9 representatives have a solemn expression.

"Good boy, this one will push the Divine flame palace to the point where it can only use trump cards!

"This team is not only strong in the number of powerhouses and cultivation base. What's more important is their proficiency in various fields, and the synergistic effect brought by the combination! "

"In all fairness, if any of our forces compete with this team, the outcome will not be a good death. "

Xing Nine Heavens was lost in thought, but he couldn't figure out at the end, what is the origin of these people...

Elder Councils flustered and exasperated, they have given the chief Supreme Elder sent a call, but for some reason he didn’t show up.

Perhaps, the'Old Ancestor' and his Senior are watching the situation--

"Are you going to start the fight completely?" "

"Hehe, if Wu Pianjue brought his Wu Family, wouldn't he save so much shit, and we have to wipe his ass. "

"I don't care, I just fight. "

Nine Great Saints finally got up! The fighting intent is rising!

"Hehe, don't be so hot, little friend Lin Chen. "

At this time, a white-haired old man uttered his voice. He was an old man of Promise!

"Your trip has a different meaning. It's not as simple as picking War God Fire Palace. "

Everyone looked towards him, Lin Chen recognized the Old Senior and slightly bowed his hands.

"Oh? Junior Lin Chen, met Old Senior. The grace of Demon Race last time, remember in the heart, I don’t know what the senior has to advise. "

The old man Wuji said with a smile: "Little friend Lin Chen, since you and Wu Pian are definitely Heaven's Chosen Child in the newborn era, it is better to give the decision-making power to you two How is the human showdown. "

After finishing speaking, the old man Wuji smiled meaningfully, "You don't want to fight Divine flame to the end, you still want your little girlfriend to take over it, don't you? "

As soon as this statement came out, all the powerful eyes met, the old man of Promise clearly understood Lin Chen's intention!

Lin Chen looked over——

Just in time, Wu Pianjue’s eyes are coming right!

The two look at each other, Lin Chen said with a smile freely.

"Alright, take you Wu Pianjue It’s gone, you don’t have to compare the Conferred God Ceremony of the Divine flame palace. The position of the Palace Lord belongs to my sister Ruoyan. "

Wu Pianjue laughs facing the sky, like a big joke: "hahahaha, I'm really curious about where you are confident." "

Lin Chen laughed cynically.

"Because of me, he looks handsome. "

Everyone: "..."

Two people giving tit for tat!

All the guests have a strong curiosity!

One is the son of Martial God, originally Heaven-blessed Genius, and the other is a teenager who turned out to be singled out the enchanting list.

Who can be better?


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