Saint King domain, in a special plane.

A thousand zhang Cloud Sect hangs high, Martial God Aristocratic Family-the four-character outline is vigorous and powerful,

Plane all around, towering mountains, standing among the clouds and fog.

In the mountains, there are pavilions like forests and huge halls towering high.

Under the mountain, like a giant dragon, there are a lot of strong holy light surging faintly, and it is as static as water, moving can open the sky!

At the main hall, a bunch of red light soars into the sky! !

Boom~! boom!

The red light exploded and turned into a sky full of broken lights!

Countless powerhouses are looking up, their gazes are shocking and unbelievable!

This is Martial God’s exquisite blood jade, it is actually broken?

Countless servants of Martial God Aristocratic Family walked out, staring at each other in shock, as if to say: This is impossible!

"Counting the space jade slip of the two adults and the trump card left by the master for Pian Jue, even if Saint King is out, it is impossible to threaten Pian Jue's life!"

"Could it be that the twin kings besieged the son of God?"

"Who are you, dare to destroy my son of Wu Family!"

"The sin is serious, this person is absolutely sinful! It must be conquered. If not, let me wait for the name of Martial God!"

Countless hidden bosses are angry and terrified!

The more powerful there is, the more difficult it is to give birth to offspring.

The son of God has fallen and moved his whole body. If the Lord of Martial God is here, the entire Martial God Aristocratic Family will suffer!

Only when Martial God adults chose concubines to be pregnant with divine seed, there were tens of thousands of talented and beautiful women vanished fragrance and crumbled jade!

Many of them are still the top ten stunning potential beauties in the enchanting list of the past!

Only the'Yang Yuan Seed' struggled in the concubine body for thousands of years before quietly conceiving the divine seed!

The later generations have nurtured dozens of epochs with countless secret techniques and resources. The son of Martial God has just been born!

So, Martial God is the continuation of the lifeline of the current Martial God Aristocratic Family. Without him, Martial God is furious and no one can bear it!

Martial God Aristocratic Family, a dark red secret room!


A dozen hidden old monsters broke into the door!

In the dark red secret room, above a jade bed of cold jade and mysterious ice, sits a handsome young man in a trance.

He looked at his hands with horror in his eyes!

This person is Wu Pianjue who was beheaded by Lin Chen!

However, the current'Wu Pianjue' is completely different from the previous one.

His cultivation base is very weak, only Life and Death Realm cultivation base, and secondly, he lost the'divine might'!

His bloodline no longer has God's Bloodline factor! Just an ordinary Life and Death Realm!

Wu Pianjue said in horror and trembling: "Everyone Elder, I... Am I dead..."

The red robe old man who broke into the secret room was gloomy and uncertain, and then deep Sigh deeply.

"Yes, the son of God, it is the worst situation..."

"The External Body Incarnation, which was refined by the Lord back then, contains a trace of you of the son of God. The original spirit can assimilate part of the body's memory, and it is the back hand of all trump cards. Once the body falls, your External Body Incarnation will recover and recall the original bloodline......"

God's Bloodline, extremely overbearing , Between Heaven and Earth, even Saint King cannot surrender.

External Body Incarnation is the last trump card left by Martial God for descendants.

If the body really falls, the God's Bloodline of the body will shut down through the void and most of the divine blood will gather back to the avatar. The only loss is the loss of the memory of the cultivation technique and the foundation of the cultivation base.

But now is the worst situation!

External Body Incarnation started, but divine blood did not come back!

This represents Wu Pianjue's fall in a plane of time and space that even divine blood cannot escape, beyond the control of'God'!

This is a very scary thing!

This means that Wu Family is completely'extremely'! I don’t know when the next son of God will be born!


Wu Pianjue held her head in her hands, bursting out heart-piercing screams.

red robed old man suppressed countless emotions in his heart, and solemnly said: "God, please tell us who we are against my Martial God Aristocratic Family!"

" Lin Chen!"

Wu Pianjue growled low, his eye socket was cracked, and his eyes overflowed with bloodshot eyes——"He is in the Divine flame palace, he killed me, my god son is unwilling! No, how can I stop At this point, I have not surpassed father, and I have not yet led the holy world!"

The eyes of many Wu Family bosses suddenly stunned!

Lin Chen, they have never heard of this name.

The Aristocratic Family of the gods does not recognize the unknown!

They just need to know that the enemy of Wu Family is in the Divine flame palace!

"Let's go..."

A dozen old monsters exited the secret room, and immediately there were a few personal maids who came in in a panic to appease the violent Wu Pianjue...

Wu Pianjue was heartbroken and frantic. He saw the light from the corners of his eyes when the many Wu Family servants left, and it was even more bloody!

In the past, the servants who had a lot of admiration for themselves, and the obvious respect and inferiority, left the eyes of yes, or pity, or regret, or disdain, or even take pleasure in other people's misfortune!

Lost Martial God bloodline, even if Wu Pianjue survives, it is equivalent to'dead'!

Martial God values ​​Wu Pianjue's future, and the relationship in bloodline is extremely weak.

The potential of divine blood is the root of his lofty status!

Living in a way of losing divine blood, he Wu Pian will definitely'live better than death'!

After making a lot of noise, Wu Pianjue lost her soul and muttered to herself.

"How can I stop's not true...Lin Chen, Lin Chen!!! I want to kill you, I want you to die!"

Martial God Aristocratic Family, great hall.


Dozens of holy lights are coming, exit the customs urgently!

A crowd of old servants of the Martial God Aristocratic Family gathered together, all with a solemn expression!

"The seriousness of the matter, the old man doesn't want to say more."

red robed old man narrowed his eyes, "The reputation of the Martial God Aristocratic Family cannot be trampled by anyone. We need to give the Lord an explanation! Others have hit us on our heads, wait a moment, and there will be more shame!"

"Go, gather all those who can move, Martial God Aristocratic Family, absolutely Don’t retreat!"

"The enemy, in the Divine flame palace!"

bang! bang! bang!

An almost invincible power from Martial The God Aristocratic Family's plane broke out, shaking the all influence of the Saint King domain!

This former Legendary Aristocratic Family, personally inherited by Martial God, is about to be born!

No one can guess, what kind of ultimate move is hidden in the Martial God Aristocratic Family!

In the Human Race holy world, the means of the gods are unimaginable!


Divine flame Palace, radius of several millions Void, chaos in the battle circle——

The guns are stabbed abruptly, the Dragon Transformation roars like Xue Yifan’s fingers After forming a circle, he pushed out abruptly, and received Lin Chen this spear from the front!


Xue Yifan’s defense was torn, and his eyes changed slightly: "This Spear Art is so fierce. He had never used it when he was fighting Wu Pianjue. He still has reservations?"


"Hey, the pretty boy of the sacred talent list, where are you looking."

Lin Chen picks the corner of his mouth, and the slaughter spear is swept away, stabs violently. After thousands of shots, the shadow of the guns bloomed like a peacock, pushing horizontally all the way to knock Xue Yifan back several times!

In other sage battle circles, Lin Chen’s Avatar also played inextricably with the sages.

Except for Sacred Dragon, which is delaying Dongfanghong, other Avatar battles even have a tendency to gain the upper hand!

Seeing this scene, the corners of the Ancient One's lips twitched slightly.

This youngster, with a dozen of nine sages, can still have the upper hand?

Damn, it’s no wonder that Wu Pian will definitely be suppressed and killed by him to fall, this kind of battle strength, matchless in the world!

"If this goes on, isn't Lin Chen this child's team going to get rid of the collaboration between the Holy Prison and the Divine flame palace?"

An Ancient One who floats outside the Divine flame palace is horrified Lost voice.

"No, it's not that simple."

The other Ancient One looks solemnly: "The old man has learned about the battle strength of the holy prison, and this is not their strongest battle strength. Once the strongest battle strength of the holy prison gathers, Lin Chen and the others want to leave. If the Divine flame palace is delayed, a large number of powerhouses must fall!"


tone barely fell, a large number of holy light from south to north, more than a hundred, descending near the Divine flame palace one after another!

Boss complexion slightly changed!

Here is the support of the holy prison!

Lin Chen, galloping on the battlefield, saw this scene, and the corners of his mouth rose wildly.

"Come on, come on, I'm too right, brother too right."

When Xue Yifan saw his frantic smile, his heart twitched and his eyelids jumped wildly.

Damn, this Lin Chen, his brain is not bad!

You laugh so happy after being surrounded?

Is this person ignorant of God? Are you afraid that you don’t know how many powerhouses there are in the holy prison? Do you really want to go through the Divine flame palace and the holy prison?

To be handsome, is he so brave!

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