Saint King domain, holy sea.

The blue sea is raging with huge waves. This extraordinary sea, the sea is shining with clouds and shining, and is surging with renewed vitality!

A pair of holy pupils with infinite holy power opened from the Sea Territory, staring in a certain direction, muttering to themselves.

"A new king was born, or two...Is it an enemy or a friend..."

Saint King domain, Divine Sword Sect.

Three elders with ancient swords on their backs sit on the top of the tower. When they open their eyes, it seems that Heaven and Earth are tilting. The sword intent that kills fiercely seems to penetrate the plane of ten thousand and see through to the domain of Saint King. Eastern Region.

"The king of the holy world has come, and there are two more new kings in the holy world, now in the direction of the war."

"This is not the person of the Divine flame Palace, the Divine flame Palace Lord Although it’s only half a step away from Saint King, it’s still some distance away from Saint King Realm..."

"Who is that? The Saint King domain is now a man who can become a king, but four or five people, that four The five-person Qi machine has not yet been crowned king......"

"en? sword intent and Blade Intent! They are the kings of sword dao and Blade Dao!"

After a glance, his expression was a bit shocked!

Sword Dao and Blade Dao, incompatible as fire and water, but two saint kings with two swords and swords were born at the same time!

"What a pure sword intent, what an overbearing Blade Intent......"

"These two people are closer to the point of artistic conception than me!"


"If it weren't for the fate of Heaven and Earth, I'm afraid I would have already mastered God and walk alone in Saint King Realm!"

At this moment, all directions are shocked and the heroes are shocked!

The twin kings are born, a new king will soon appear in the holy world, dominate one party, and command the heroes!

The holy light giant wheel spinning like a roulette floats high above the eastern part of the Saint King domain.

Just above the holy wheel, there is a sword and a Heavenly Sword floating! Symbolizes its idea!

The sword cuts Sun, Moon and Stars, the sword can open the sky and destroy the world!

All the powerhouse looked up at the sky in disbelief, and even the old man Wuji felt incredible.

Saint King was born, Chiki rarely seen! Not to mention, the twin kings are present at the same time, there is no precedent in the history of the holy world!

Ji Wuchen and Zi Qianshou and the others are in ecstasy!

Shangguan Wudi and Qi Feiyan smiled knowingly.

"Let them break the border first... They are really two terrible monsters!"

At this time, Wu Weiyang's Hell Halberd was blocked in midair——

It is Fang Ling who stands in front of him!

He wore a black robe, chic and harsh, and his body was surging with shining sacred clouds, and the sword intent between his brows seemed to pierce the sky!

He held the sword to block Wu Weiyang's holy halberd, and the holy light giant wheel hovered above his head. The 100th holy cave at the center of his brow was completely opened!

Lan Jingyu is also facing a similar situation!

At this moment, the waves are turning over the clouds, with a knife in hand, domineering wildly, looking at the world!

He swept his gaze, extremely domineering, and smashed Venerable Law Protector Lan Jingyu into the air!

Lang Fanyun said indifferently: "Venerable protector of the Divine flame Palace, from now on, your opponent is only me."

Fang Ling smiled: "Wu Family's Saint King , I want to move our lord Fang Ling, is it too arrogant!"

All powerhouses or suck in a breath of cold air, or shout and cheer! Excited!

Even Lin Chen couldn’t help shouting with excitement—"I said you two are too handsome! This can be a breakthrough!"

Divine flame Palace and Saint Prison The powerhouses on the side look particularly ugly!

Even Haotian Saint King, cloudy sky son and the others, who just stepped into Wushen Hanoi, suddenly became gloomy with their self-confidence.

The twin kings are born!

Lin Chen’s team has added two Saint King’s battle strengths at once!

Battle strength of Saint King Realm, Lifting The Heavy As Though It Was Light. If it is a half-step king, he can only delay Saint King at most, and then can suppress the number of Saints with nine turns.

But promotion to Saint King Realm is completely different!

Especially'sword dao Saint King' and'Blade Dao King', if you want to win these two, you almost have to pay a bloody price!

Without paying the equivalent of Saint King’s life, I want to take the two of them completely impossible!

'Delay a Saint King' and'equalize a Saint King' are two concepts!

Shangguan Jue was ecstatic--"What kind of monsters this little fellow found, the breakthrough Saint King, the situation is completely different!"

Ying Chunqiu complexion ashen:" You deserve to be appreciated by the creators. The potential of these two guys is the ultimate holy realm!"

Zhen Chan’s calm gaze revealed a different kind of shock, muttered: "This It's hard to end up next..."

Suddenly, Fang Ling let out a deep cry.

"Jiang Wan'er, Yun Tianguang, you go and protect the lord, leave this old bastard to me!"

Wu Weiyang complexion ashen: "You are not new to Saint King, even decent There is no Holy Artifact, dare to look down on the old man!"

Fang Ling laughed: "hahaha! I am against Tiange with my own sword, who dares to say that the world is invincible! What about the new Saint King, against you? , I am enough!"



Fang Ling and Langfanyun suddenly burst into flames, blade light and sword shadows, rising winds, scudding clouds!

Boom! boom! boom!

Between the rain and fury, the two of them bloomed with the glory of Saint King freely and recklessly!

Four Great Saint Kings formed a brand new battle circle and won heaven falls and earth rends!

You Wangsheng stared at these two people, his eyes gleaming with hopeful rays of light, revealing the color of memory——

March ago, Bingxin Palace.

"What, you two are trying to take that medicine pill? Are you crazy!"

Swimming in the secret room, looking at Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun, Stunned.

Fang Ling Erlang glanced at each other with a solemn expression.

"Yes, we have prepared the materials for refining medicine pill."

Yu Wangsheng solemnly refused: "No! I said "Nine Years of Saint King Dan" before. It is half Grade 9, which can stimulate the life force of Saint to its potential, but it has huge flaws. The difficulty of refining will be ignored for the time being."

"Once the person who takes the medicinal power stimulates medicinal power, it will be piercing. The pain will continue to flow away from the life force of the Sacred Heart and the potential of the holy cave, all concentrated at the position of the 100th holy cave. If the 100th holy cave cannot be opened within 96 hours, you two will undoubtedly die! "

"You should be very clear about how difficult it is to break through Saint King in such a short period of time. Taking this medicine pill is tantamount to suicide. The old man cannot let you go crazy..."

"Death!" Lang Fanyun coldly shouted!

You Wangsheng was stunned.

The cold and resolute face of the waves over the clouds, faintly revealing the determination to live toward death, coldly said: "Swim to life, you really feel that we can choose the War God Flame Palace, we can not retreat."

Wandering to life is speechless.

Lang Fanyun said solemnly-"Indeed, the lord is very powerful, I even think he is stronger than any of us. However, challenging the Divine flame palace of Grade 9 sect, the potential will appear in many ways. Uncertain factors."

Fang Ling smiled freely: "If we didn’t even have the power to bet on life, we would not go to the present. You Wangsheng, if there is any situation by then, we will be the two of us. Human fate is a bet."

"If we don’t become Saint King, we will become a skeleton! Whether we win or lose, we will use the lives of both of us to build good progress for everyone and the Lord. The road or the backing bridge!"

Yu Wangsheng sighed while looking at the calm and determined gazes of the two.

He took the two people’s luck and planted the bag, and after a mental scan--

"The old man cannot guarantee whether these five medicine ingredients will be successfully refined. But I, do my best!"

It's rare for the two of them to smile.

"Then please, our alchemist."

When the memories came to mind.

Swim to life and look at the two again, wanting to escape and sigh.

"The two of you are really strong in your heart... When activating medicinal power, you endured such a huge pain, and you can stop a Saint King and successfully break through Realm of King."

"old man, I really admire you from the bottom of my heart!"


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