On the other side;

"Wu Shuang actually wants to use this move, it seems that the battle situation is a bit bleak..."

Lin Chen The eyes are sharp, the introduction is almost buried, it's time to let it bloom!

He has been pressing the strongest trump card, not because he doesn't use it, but he wants to make the cloudy sky sneer cruelly.

"People who don’t think of you still have this move trump card. However, even if you return to full state, you Lin Chen still has no chance of winning in front of this seat! We were interrupted just now, let us continue to score this time High and low!"

tone barely fell, the different crystal rays of light in the palm of the cloudy sky, the rays of light in full bloom, are all in full bloom, and they are all exploded!

bang! bang! bang!

In the body of the cloudy sky, there is a loud noise like the dumping of Heaven and Earth, and endless waves of air are sweeping like the sky!

A total of 70,000 crystals of energy rushed into the center of Yin Tianzi’s eyebrows, his 100th holy cave temporarily swelled, and the endless Holy Force spread all over his body!

"This guy can withstand so much alien crystal energy..."

Ultimate Shadow is full of surprise.


Yin Tianzi burst out painful screams, swelled rapidly, and became a five zhang high giant.

His squirming veins are as thick as a snake, surging with radiant energy of different crystals, horrible to see!


The position of the 100th holy cave at the center of the eyebrows of the Yin Tianzi is full of six-pointed stars.

Half of this holy cave is condensed from pure alien energy!

The Shangguan Jue complexion slightly changed!

"This cloudy son is stronger than when it blocked me! This is completely comparable to the strength of Saint King Level!"

At the beginning, the cloudy son used tens of thousands of inferior products. Alien crystals and some middle grade alien crystals temporarily blocked and confronted Shangguan Jue.

But now, there are a total of 70,000 middle grade alien crystals, and one twentieth is still the number of high grade alien crystals! The energy is nearly ten times as much as before!

There is no doubt that the cloudy sky now has Saint King’s battle strength temporarily!

Add a handle Grade 9 Holy Artifact, if you join forces with the ultimate shadow, Lin Chen and Xiaoying will only be crushed!

"hahahaha! This is the power of Saint King, how wonderful, this is definitely not the limit of this seat, one day, this seat will personally step into this realm!"

Yin Tianzi laughed loudly, and the laughter actually shattered the crystal wall of the Saint King domain, cracking the vacuum crack of horrible to see!

"Don't worry, you are not the only one with the trump card!"

Lin Chen coldly shouted!

"War God set possession!"

Boom~~! The War God four-piece suit is attached to Lin Chen's body!

At this moment, the invincible divine might possess Lin Chen, erupting from the War God four-piece suit!

Boom! boom! boom!

The series of voids exploded. Lin Chen just released an imposing manner this time, and exploded the space of millions li into a vacuum!

Godslayer innate talent + War God set!

Unprecedented stacking!

bang! bang! bang!

Lin Chen circulates the red glow of Godslayer innate talent, and blooms with War God golden brilliance, rays of light ten thousand zhang!

Lin Chen is covered in meridian, flesh, bones, and transformed into a golden light divine splendor like the fleshy body of the god, tearing the Star River between his fingers, and bleeding can burn Sun, Moon and Stars!

His eyes dazzled the divine splendor, and his fierce slaying aura shook the sky, countless powerhouses like to see a man wearing armor, wearing a Golden Battle Armor, a divine splendor cape on his shoulders, and a cloud on his head. True God covering the golden divine light!

200,000 power, 300,000 power, 400,000 power, 600,000 power, 800,000, 980,000, 990,000 power?

The strength is rising unstoppably! The breakthrough of desire, the'Saint King's boundary'!


The void under Lin Chen's feet was suddenly shattered, and his power rushed to all new realm!

Millions of power!

At this time, Lin Chen rises and explodes the tens of thousands of planes, the almost invincible War God Might descends on the Saint King domain, and all the Grade 9 sects watching the battle are shocked!


Lin Chen opened his eyes, the void he saw collapsed in a moment, the light was distorted, and the vacuum was all shattered, like a storm of shattered pieces sweeping across the sky!

An invincible imposing manner of Only I Am Supreme rises between Heaven and Earth, and it fights against the overcast!

This suffocating oppression, all powerhouses are unbelievable and at the same time have to accept this subversive fact in front of them!

There is no doubt that it is Saint King Level's other coercion! !

Long Jiushan on the side is full of madness, excited by the cry of lost self-control!

"The breakthrough! The lord has broken through the boundary! The pure power of Saint King Level!"

Yin Tianzi eyes shrank, incredulously said: "There is such a killing. Trick..."

"This is a 60% charged War God four-piece suit. This is the first time I feel that it might be blown by pure power after getting the War God four-piece suit. It feels like if the first time I got the bracer of the incomplete War God armband..."

Lin Chen peaceful raised his hand and flicked his finger, the golden-red clouds surging from his fingertips, and he shot out a touch of golden. divine splendor Tearing Space!

The divine splendor passed by for a moment, and there was a sound of pu chi. In the distant battle circle, a blood line was split on the neck of a Wu Family's Seventh-turn Saint, and it was almost too late for the opponent to react. [Extinction Rupture] Triggered, Saint Physique separated, and died on the spot!


All kinds of suck in a cold breath, better than Saint King Realm's powerhouse is also eyes shrank!

Destroy the Seventh-turn Saint at your fingertips!

Saint King Level! The real Saint King Level battle strength!

Now Lin Chen, singled out any powerhouse in the field is worthwhile!

Ultimate Shadow's face is particularly ugly, coldly shouted-"Yin Tianzi, join hands, this is our only chance to win them!"


tone barely fell, Lin Chen stepped out in one step and moved with pure power. When matched with the little shadow, almost moved the entire void!

Everything Lin Chen does is crushed by vacuum, it is chaos!

The fist shining with golden light smashes and decays, and violently beats the cloudy sky in front of you!

This fist, like a million venerables united in one blow!

this fist, break the Star River alone to sweep the sun and the moon!

The five-foot-tall cloudy emperor is fierce and crazy, lingering around the palm of the colorful brilliance, pushing and rolling away, and the palm of billions of crystal energy is facing Lin Chen!

Shih~! boom! !

Hundreds of mushroom clouds exploded with a bang! The world is upset, and the hurricane to destroy the world is sweeping everything!

Outside the Wushen River, all powerhouse battles were forced to stop and all dispersed!

Small Shadow Possession cooperates with Lin Chen's movement, breaking the thousand realms in one step, and breaking Nine Heavens with one punch!

Lin Chen clings to every second, the whole person is fighting intent madly, if there is divine light in his eyes!

His power is the wind and thunder, punch after punch, his punches are like raging waves, like a thousand knuckles, like a rolling meteor shower, and violently beat the cloudy sky like a squally rain!

"This overdrawn power depends on how you dominate it!"

Yin Tianzi Angry Roar, mobilizing massive amounts of alien crystal energy to attack violently, facing bang!

"Then let's see who the hell is stronger, come on! Come on!"

Lin Chen crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood went away with every punch It's all a million powers that shake the sky! Two people are like crazy monsters, fighting each other with fists!

Lin Chen and Yin Tianzi play like a life-for-life! No one takes a step back!

All the powerhouses are scared to flee!

The entire eastern part of the Saint King domain has completely overturned the sky!


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