【The host turns on the innate talent, if it cannot kill the target, the innate talent cannot be stopped until the host burns out. ]


A gleaming orange flame suddenly appeared, burning violently from Lin Chen's body!

Heaven and Earth's wind and clouds have changed abruptly. When Lin Chen's skylight and cloud shadow drove away, his pure power was so terrifying that he shattered the void and began to soar again!

1.04 million powers, 1.08 million powers, 1.15 million powers, 1.25 million powers! crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, soaring!

"It's already this juncture, he still has something to do?"

In a moment of change, a terrified look emerged from the cloudy sky!

Yes, Lin Chen was waiting before!

From the very beginning, when he realized that Godslayer was not the opponent of the cloudy sky, he had been waiting!


The servants were horrified. Through the Zhoutian Life and Death Seal, they clearly felt that Lin Chen's life force was passing fast!

Jiang Taixu coldly shouted: "The lord has an order, no one is allowed to act rashly! Focus on dealing with the enemy in front of you!"

[The host speeds up the use of the innate talent of Innate Talent and is increasing its power 1100 times, 2200 times, 3500 times...]

Lin Chen's life force burns to the end all at once, and the power transformation occurs almost half a breath! Soared two levels!

Boom~! !

At this moment, time and space collapse, and the situation changes suddenly!

All the space, time, vitality, seem to be included in Lin Chen's fist with golden divine splendor, forming an unprecedented vortex, the center is all the pure power that Lin Chen condenses!

"No, it seems that something more terrifying has awakened from his body!"

The ultimate shadow, as if instinctively awakened, was so scared that he backed away and escaped from the body of the cloudy sky!

The cloudy sky went wild and violent, "Lin Chen, this seat wants you to die!"

both of his hands hold Grade 9 Holy Artifact, take out the last orange level high Level Absolute Art, with a wave of the sickle, a guillotine split in the sky, as if leading to life and death, leading to death, leading to new life!

This "Reincarnation Guillotine" is the Strongest Absolute Art of the Yin Tianzi. He was completely unprepared by Lin Chen's sudden Absolute Art, but he still had no choice to retreat!

There was almost no time for Yin Tianzi to react. Lin Chen slammed a punch, fiercely hitting Yin Tianzi!

The illusory guillotine splits a blood moon-like slash, dividing Heaven and Earth, facing Lin Chen’s strongest fist!

This fist, like a billion Wan Tianlong crushed and crushed!

This fist, like a million planes sinking together!

this fist, penetrate all the rays of Heaven and Earth!

All powerhouse suddenly felt that between Heaven and Earth was plunged into darkness, only a faint golden afterglow, flashing across the horizon!

"Not good!"

"Save people first!"

The Saint King of multiple factions all felt this terrifying destruction aura, flashing ahead of time Get out of the million li and protect the people from each other's camp!

And Lin Chen's servants and Grade 8 powerhouses evacuated first!


One hundred thousand acres of vast Heavenspan caverns split the eastern high above the Saint King domain of the Holy Realm, leading directly to Nine Heavens, and crushing the distant piece of Star River!

Lin Chen this fist, at least smashed dozens of continent plates and a large number of space planes. Fortunately, the space planes and continent plates in the direction of the Saint King domain are uninhabited, most of which are cultivation secrets. Realm, only very few people will come and go.

High above the eastern part of Saint King domain, two figures float in the air.

A person is five feet tall, the holy cave is blooming, the energy of the different crystals is strong, and the body is bloody. The Grade 9 Holy Artifact that he is holding has several cracks.

It is the cloudy sky!

When the corner of his mouth overflowed with blood, his expression was full of madness!

The other person, the red glow lingering, the golden light circulating, is Lin Chen!

The fight just now seems to be Lin Chen, who has the upper hand slightly! However, in the eyes of all powerhouses, it only has the upper hand!

And the little shadow has already taken action to hunt down the ultimate shadow.

Innate Shadow Clan has the richest resource pool of all races, and there are countless cards left to the little shadow. He is not afraid of the ultimate shadow of the fourteenth period!

At this time, Lin Chen, although gasping for breath and life force are about to be exhausted, he is radiant and staring in the direction of the cloudy sky!

The corner of Yin Tianzi’s mouth is bloody, and he opens his arms to the sky and laughs!

"No one can control the destiny of this king, Lin Chen, neither can you! hahahaha, your life force is gone, and your legend is over!"

"Really?" Lin Chen smiled suddenly,

"Yin Tianzi, I have always believed in you."

Lin Chen’s laughter became more and more cheerful, and there was a Kind of a great fearless taste!

"I believe you are very smart, I believe that the eyes of the ancient god senior can't be wrong! I also firmly believe that you will come over, eager to kill me!"

With his smiling face, he suddenly trembled and his pupils shrank slightly!

Lin Chen said with a smile —— "As long as I keep holding on, you will definitely want to kill me here by fair means or foul, because this is your only chance!"

"It is true that my injury is much more serious than you, but I have countless opportunities to be injured, and you..."

Lin Chen slightly smiled, smile don’t have several points of overbearing, full of madness!

"And you are cloudy, there is no chance of injury!"

ka! ka! ka!

Several clear cracks echoed in the void. , Yin Tianzi's eyes became unbelievable!

He was no longer imperceptible to his Holy Force, and Saint Physique started to shatter like porcelain!

"This...how is it possible...what is the trick..."

Cracks appeared on the face of Yin Tianzi, and he looked down at his body, his expression filled with unprecedented shock And doubts!

All the powerhouses who witnessed this moment, a chill rises from the soles of their feet and rushes to the top of the head!

Lin Chen, has been waiting for an excellent opportunity!

He has been pressing the strongest trump card in his hand, not not to use it, but to make it play the strongest effect when it is the most unexpected!

If Lin Chen meets Yin Tianzi, he will take out all the trump cards and fight him without any explanation, the result will be completely unknown!

However, Lin Chen has been unwilling to bear it, and he does not hesitate to resort to life-changing battles to consume the defense of the cloudy sky.

He has to wait until Yin Tianzi's mood is disturbed, take the initiative to attack, and take out his killing move!

Once Yin Tianzi took out killing move, it is when he is determined to kill himself, the most impossible time to retreat!

In this way, Lin Chen can take out his strongest trump card!

【The host successfully kills the target, and the state of desperate life and death is lifted. ]

[The host triggers the extinction of the innate talent. 】

All the life forces passed by Lin Chen are all returned, radiant and handsome.

But at the same time, Lin Chen's orange golden eyes are slowly covered with a ray of blue!

【The host successfully turns on the innate talent of the ultimate heavenly rebels, and begins to enter the state of the ultimate heavenly opponents, the ultimate instant kill type innate talent, which breaks the defense and kills instantly. Scope of application: True God. 】

Break the defense and kill instantly!

The strongest trump card is finally here!

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth is curved, he is extremely domineering and full of madness.

"Under the sky, All living things are equal!"


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