When the palms of the three women’s green onion jade hand are spread out, a mass of red jade liquid rises, burning the agile Holy Force, pure as flawless water, containing the power of purification .

Boom! boom! boom!

The three Divine flame Gong Zhenzhuan slapped the palm of the hand, and the three scarlet jade liquid exploded, like clouds and smoke covering all areas, and scarlet raindrops were dropped in a very short time.

For mortals affected by the fog and tide, when the raindrops fall, the tearing feeling of bloodline and meridian gradually disappears, and the venomous insect's poison begins to heal.

After the completion, the three holy realms of the Divine flame palace continue to move forward, not dare to neglect and delay the slightest.

This time, with the joint action led by Bingxin Palace and Divine flame Palace, they are going to remove the venomous insect's poison that is currently raging in the major domains and prevent the Genesis Alliance from exterminating sentient beings!

Using venomous insect's poison to select and destroy mortals is more efficient and select future potential stocks than Saint dispatched directly to destroy mortals on a large scale!

"Who? Can you solve my alliance's venomous insect's poison!"

"The situation seems to be wrong, it seems to be three Life and Death Realm Perfection powerhouses!"

"Be careful, things are not right, retreat immediately!"

In the extreme distance, on a mountain top, the two Saints opened their eyes with sharp eyes.

"You are really improper."

A silver robe appeared on the top of the mountain like a ghost. When the two Saints saw his true face, they were shocked and lost their voices.

"Lin...Lin Chen?"


Lin Chen’s Avatar randomly popped a finger through the double saints, but did not take their lives.

Shuangsheng vomits blood, looks horrified! Why did they encounter this plague god!

Lin Chen held their heads with severe eyes, coldly said: "Today, I will spare you a dog and give you a task to collect all the guys and positions that control the venomous insect's poison. , Give it to the nearby Ling Tianzong, otherwise I will let you not have the will to live, impossible to ask for death!"

"Yes...Yes! Your Excellency Lin Chen, we are just doing things for the boss! "

"We must...do this for you, please show mercy!"

The Shuangsheng was held in his hand by Lin Chen like a chicken, trembling all over, They didn't doubt how strong this man who caused the Alliance's alert was!

"Go away."

Lin Chen threw them aside.

Although I really want to kill these two extinct guys, Lin Chen still needs them.

"wú wú wú, mother...Don't leave Yue'er..."

"What did we do to cause this natural and man-made disaster."

" God, please save your people!"

Lin Chen Avatar’s Primordial Spirit has a very wide range of perception, and countless mortal wailings and screams flooded into his mind.

The severe light in his eyes is even worse, and Lin Chen's Avatar sighs.

"It seems that the journey to Dragon Clan has to be accelerated..."

At the moment, Lin Chen does not have the'Ultimate Sky Reverse' and Divine Spark fragments, he is the only one Only the'Godslayer' innate talent and the War God five-piece suit can compete with Saint King.

His body refinement foundation is not enough to support himself from the War God suit to obtain the strength comparable to Saint King, unless it is through the'Godslayer' innate talent.

But Godslayer will have a cooldown when used once, Lin Chen can only be used as a killing move, so now we must improve the Body Refinement Realm!

Only if he really has the means to fight Saint King himself, can he fight the Genesis Alliance!

Five days later--

Odd Domain, the position of Bingxin Palace.

The mist is entwined, and the Formation is fully open. This is the maze prepared by Zi Qianshou, and even the background of the saints may not be able to discover this place.

In addition, Jiang Taixu concealed the secret, the Genesis Alliance found it, and it was not a short time to find it.

It's not just Odd Fields, there are still many areas where the Genesis Alliance needs to be suppressed. For a while, I didn't expect Lin Chen and the others to leave Odd Fields, instead making it a base camp!

Lin Chen is not worried about everyone for the time being. With today's team, your servants retrieve the Holy Artifact, their battle strength and abilities have skyrocketed by one or two levels!

There are three Great Saint Kings in front, two half-step Saint Kings and a dozen nine-turn Peak, plus a Divine flame palace......

Even six Saint Kings I can't eat his team even if I come here!

The Genesis Alliance is busy sweeping away all domains, and the six Saint King Level battle strengths can't be dispatched casually.

On an island, the waves are rough and the waves are surging.

Three dragon-shaped Formations rise on the sea, and Zi Qianchou personally controls Formation.

Xiao Ling'er's palace dress is snow-white, beautiful as Fairy, green jade fingers embellish the void, and a half-moon-shaped space channel appears to be void.

And Lin Chen is standing on the island directly below, wearing a robe of stars and stars, a flying knife on the left, a sword on the right, and a Nine Heavens Starfury Bow and a Demon Slayer Spear on his back. fully armed'!

"Master, are you ready."

Lin Chen said with a smile: "Ready, you can open it at any time."

The longer the space channel, the greater the space pressure.

This is also some super long-distance space channel only Saint can carry.

If you enter the space channel without the Holy Force body, you will have to be torn apart!

This time, Zi Qianshou and Xiao Ling'er have opened up an unprecedented space channel, spanning more than a dozen domains!

Although Lin Chen has the Godslayer innate talent, and if he goes directly to the Genesis Alliance base camp, he can best take advantage of the'Godslayer' innate talent.

But it is not enough to kill the powerhouse on the surface of the Genesis Alliance.

Their root lies in the major combined Grade 9 forces. The Godslayer innate talent has a limited duration and cannot insist that Lin Chen fights all Grade 9 sects one by one.

In other words, a battle cannot solve the Genesis Alliance!

While'Godslayer' can only be used once in a short period of time, Lin Chen cannot easily use it yet.

If you want to use it, let it burst into the strongest formidable power when you need it most!

"Turn it on!"

Zi Qianshou coldly shouted.

Xiao Linger's jade hand is dancing, and the silver butterfly is flying around the Star Palace Formation!

Om~! The semi-moon-shaped space channel in front of you expands in an instant!


The two said, Lin Chen laughed and jumped!

Lin Chen's voice echoed when he left: "The team will be handed over to you for the time being, what's the matter should be transferred immediately, and you can fight guerrilla warfare with the enemy!"


Lin Chen disappeared, and the space channel was sealed.

However, the faces of the two who have stayed here are particularly solemn.

I have to say that only their master can do this plan!

Zi Qianshou said with a bitter smile: "If it hadn't been for witnessing so many miracles of the lord, I would have even suspected that his brain was pumped."

Xiao Linger helplessly said:" The lord will never act according to our ideas. It is the limit to keep up with his rhythm."

The space channel that the two of them recently jointly opened was a coincidence that Xiao Linger entered. One of the space coordinates left when a Dragon Clan ancient palace.

This spatial orientation will lead directly to the Huang Ancient Dragon clan!

In other words, once Lin Chen arrives at the end from the space channel, he will directly parachute into the "Dragon Realm" of the Ancient Dragon clan!

What is this concept?

The Dragon Realm is a galaxy dominated by the Wild Ancient Dragon clan, and is the place where the dragon kings and dragons are entrenched in history! !

Every dragon king is comparable to Human Race Saint King!

Furthermore, Dragon Clan is born with a powerful dragon body, which is extremely difficult to kill. There are dozens of known tribes of the Wild Ancient Dragon clan alone!

That's where Dragon Clan’s current heyday powerhouse gathers!

Imagine being besieged by a group of ancient giant dragons...Saint King must die too!

The Great Saint Kings who are better than the current Human Race dare not go deep into the dragon world singlehanded alone!

But their lord, they want to go alone and go straight to the base camp of Dragon Clan!

In the eyes of ordinary people, this action is simply suicide...

A Human Race in the Condensation Realm, dare to waste the land of the ancient dragon kings?

This kind of behavior is equivalent to provoking the majesty of the ancient Dragon clan and the entire dragon world!

To be more realistic, if a Human Race goes straight to someone else’s home, it is equivalent to declare war on Dragon Clan!

Doesn't you die fast enough?


Lin Chen: "Touch me? If it doesn't exist, touch me and you will explode. A Godslayer on the backhand will be super doubled and muffled to make a fortune. How prolific is the dragon, Chen How bold."

"The ancient Dragon clan, your handsome guys are coming back!!"

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