The handsome young dragon king wearing a golden armor is also nodded and said: "Yes, that secret divine force, has several points of Divine Beast, even the old man is unheard -of ."

An extremely old dragon king next to him suddenly opened his eyes. A pair of dragon pupils circulated the mysterious rays of light, releasing the breathtaking rays of light, staring at the high platform. The three Ancient Ones on the ——

"However, it’s not enough to increase the entry quota by 20. This king proposes to increase to 40. Please move the dragon kings of all races to stabilize the entrance of the plane. How? Several elders should have no big opinions, right."

All of you Dragon Clan looked at the three elders on the high platform of the hall.

Yes, Dragon King’s suggestions are only suggestions. The most important thing is to look at these three'respected elders'!

In the past, the "Dragon King" was not born, and it was basically the important thing in the tribe of these three elders!

One of the seniors who squinted his eyes, always kept a squinted smile, said with a slight smile.

"Forty places, the old man thinks it's okay. As long as your races are not afraid of losing their Divine Dragon descendants, the old man is willing to go out and stabilize the entrance of the plane."

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of Dragon Clan mighty and dragon kings were delighted!

In this way, there are seventy places! More than doubled! This time the Divine Dragon ruins will benefit more descendants of Divine Dragon!

Immediately, the eyes of the dragon kings became fierce again!

Allocate places, whoever allocates more will be more advantageous!

"On overall strength, our family should get eight places."

"Fuck your mother, what else do you do besides knowing how to fight? Is it the only way to enter the Divine Dragon ruins? Is it big by fists? I don’t know how to be killed by insect race!"

"nonsense, for the newly allocated forty places, my king wants four."

" en? What did you say? Dreaming in broad daylight?"

The dragon kings of various races stared and angered, and the nine strongest Dragon Clan began to quarrel first!

The atmosphere of rattling arrows and crossbows fills the hall, and there is a sense of sight that starts to fight at any time.

As the three elders are preparing to stop--

"I have a word, please listen to me."

At this time, there was a clear voice from outside the hall. Young voice.

"The Old Fourth party hesitates and is slightly indecisive. The five kings and six clans are divided into seven places and eight groups, causing chaos among the nine clans. I will take one, which is very arrogant!"


Perceiving the ghost-like atmosphere outside the hall, the dragon kings sat up in shock!

Their looks are incredible!


"This breath..."

I saw outside the hall, the silver sprinkled, the starlight circulated, the handsome silver robe boy Walk into the hall with a cynical joking smile!

The three elders above the hall, Long Tong burst into light, squeezing out the two words from the teeth in shock and shock.

"Human Race?"

The 28 dragon kings and forty-two dragons present were all stunned.

Their expressions are highly consistent, all in a daze!

They all stared at Lin Chen as if they had seen a ghost!

This place is the site of the Wild Ancient Dragon clan in the Dragon Realm. Powerhouses are gathered. The descendants of the Divine Dragon are rampant in the world, and the Dragon Kings of the Ancient Dragon clan gather together.

However, a Human Race is actually mixed in here! !

No, it's better to say that this kid is just and honorable in, rather than being mixed in! Still alone!

I saw, Lin Chen serene walked into the hall in full view.

His movements are not muddled, he enters the hall, sits, and sits on the table with his legs up.

The proficiency and proficiency, even the dragon kings are dumbfounded!

It's like returning to your own home!

Big brother, have you made a mistake!

This is the dragon world!

You are a Human Race of Dragon Clan's enemy, come here as if you are back to your own home?

Are you crazy or are we crazy?

I saw someone in Lin with Erlang's legs tilted, his hands resting on the back of his head, and he jokingly smiled.

"I want a place, you are free."

After saying that, he even took out the teapot and poured himself a cup of fragrant tea. The aroma of the tea lingered, and the heat rose like a cloud of smoke Floating, reflecting the dumbfounded expressions of the dragon kings.

His grandma was shocked!

Whatever? Feel free to your uncle!

What kind of way is this kid? Is the road so wild!

How did he get in? By the way, Human Race drinks tea to the dragon world?

It's like when all the supreme powerhouses on the highest level of Human Race gathered together, it was as weird as a Dragon Clan appeared without any warning, and neither of these Dragon Clan can get in!

Lin Chen said with a smile when everyone was silent.

"Eh, why don’t you talk about it? Go on, are you all shocked by my handsomeness and talent? In fact, I’m very low-key. I’m just a little bit handsome, I’m just a little bit handsome, and I’m also a little girl. It's just a little bit."

Lin Chen talked and laughed, making a beautiful woman in palace dress Long Zun said tentatively.

"Qianbian Bai Senior Long, is that you?"

"Qianbian senior, don’t play, it’s not good to scare the dragon at this time. We were all alone just now. I’m in a cold sweat!"

"This is all kinky, senior, can't you stop for a while?"

A crowd of half-step Saint King Level and the other dragons shook their heads helplessly.

Only the dragon kings are gloomy and uncertain, and they are thinking amidst their doubts.

Thousands of changes White Dragon, the ancient beast of gods, Bai Ze, is familiar with spirituality and appearance and charm of all things, and has the divine ability of Myriad Transformations. Later, he extended his descendants with a Divine Dragon and passed on lineage alone, so it is Thousand changes White Dragon.

Lin Chen's words and deeds are so weird that you, the Dragon King and Dragon Lord, can't even believe that he is Human Race!

Think of him as the most proficient in Transformation Divine Ability's "Thousand Change White Dragon"!

They thought that the old naughty boy of Thousand Change White Dragon was coming to entertain them!

"Is your brain terrified by me." Lin said with a smile, saying with a smile: "Friends of Dragon Clan, this handsome is not a White Dragon, so I won’t change my name on the downside. Change your surname, Human Race is the most handsome in the holy world, and the invincible of all races, Lin Chen."


In the center of Lin Chen's eyebrows, a tyrannical Primordial Spirit was deliberately released. The fluctuations were like ripples, sweeping the hall and even thousands of miles away. All Dragon Clan is clearly audible!

This Primordial Spirit breath is completely different from Dragon Clan’s Primordial Spirit. It is only available in Human Race. It cannot be disguised!

"Human Race Lin Chen?"

The third old man in the hall muttered to himself, and then his face changed drastically!

"Lin Chen of Demon Realm!"

Lin Chen! The name is too loud, and even Dragon Clan's executives have paid attention to it.

This and the others have recently appeared in the Human Race holy world, challenging Human Race Grade 9 sect, Demon Realm condensing the cave, single-handed Demon Emperor Crown Prince, and sweeping the nine Great Saints!

Dragon Clan impossible doesn't know this kind of character, but what they didn't expect is that the other party dared to directly enter the dragon world and appear in front of them!

Boom~! !

The fishy wind is like a knife, and the wind is galloping with electricity. Two terrifying severe light claw winds hit Lin Chen from one side to the other. Aggressive, half-step Saint King is also difficult to pick up!

Do you do it as soon as you confirm your identity?

War God golden light flashed, Lin Chen jumped into the air like a swift, turned around and kicked, with an angry fist, smashed the two dragons who were suddenly upset!


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