One person beat more than a dozen Divine Dragon descendants. Under the contemporary powerhouse, perhaps only the ten legendary people in the Shengcai Bang can do this kind of thing!

No, not so much that this Human Race is powerful, but rather, his ancient Dragon bloodline is too bad!

Lin Chen's 80,000 powers are comparable to a descendant of Divine Dragon with full firepower at most under normal combat conditions.

However, his'Absolute Defense' completely reversed the situation and turned the battle into a unilateral ravages.

Only if he beats others, no one beats him!

This is too bullying!

All the offensives of the descendants of Divine Dragon are only to break Lin Chen’s defenses, but they are repeatedly hit by him in close quarters, forcing everyone to counter him with pure strength, and eventually he is crushed all the way to Yin and Yang. Dragon Qi is broken!

Boom! boom! boom!

A series of shocking explosions, after the dragon's breath storm dissipated, the battle was suddenly stopped!

I saw that there was only a huge "Heavenly Prison" in the Array Space. The power of Lin Chen's Primordial Spirit was shrouded, and no one could perceive what was going on inside!

"This guy... actually defeated all the nineteen goddesses!"

"How about, the remaining Xingyue Princess did not appear, what's the situation inside?"

"Unclear perception, the perception of this Elder was cut off by his Primordial Spirit power."

"Would you like to end and rescue Princess!"

The powerhouse of Dragon Clan of Yutianjin is ready for action, and the Dragon Transformation of the beautiful woman in palace costume is carried by Wang Yi to carry the jade hand.

"Wait, the yin and yang Dragon Qi of Xingyue Princess has not been completely broken, and there is no life worry."

The dragon patriarch always looked at each other and didn't dare to act rashly.

In Array Space;

In Heavenly Prison; Lin Chen pressed the dragon head of Xingyue Princess with one hand, Taixi Ancient Dragon took her dragon claw, dragon tail, all Entangled, one man one dragon, bound her tightly in Heavenly Prison.

He hammered all the descendants of Divine Dragon and knocked them all out, except for Princess Xingyue.

Lin Chen jokingly said with a smile: "How about, still refuse to accept."

Xingyue Princess gnashing teeth: "I don't accept it! What a good guy you are, you just rely on it. We won by the bloodline divine ability of Dragon Clan’s Taixi Ancient Dragon. In the words of your Human Race, it’s picking up people’s teeth, what kind of ability!"

Lin Chen laughed and slapped it. On her dragon horn, Princess screamed, and the dragon pupil was full of anger and unwillingness!

"I’m picking up people’s teeth. If you give you Dragon Clan the Ancient Dragon bloodline of Taixi, can you exert this level of power in a realm of 110,000 powers? Why, dissatisfied, dissatisfied with Believing or not me Just bully until you take it!"

Xingyue Princess said unwillingly: "No matter how clever your tongue is, you also rely on Taixi Ancient Dragon bloodline to win us!"

"Otherwise, with your brute force, this Princess will win you nothing difficult! You thief who insults the Ancient Dragon, I will definitely kill you!"

Lin Chen One Raised his eyebrows: "Oh, my mouth is quite stiff."

He turned his eyes to Sacred Dragon and deliberately said loudly: "Ancient Dragon, show her some color!"

Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon a long whistle, wave the dragon tail to her dragon tail!



Xingyue Princess gave a soft cry, gnashing teeth said: "Rogue!"

Lin Chen said with a smile: "tsk tsk tsk, it turns out that Dragon Clan Princess will also ying ying ying, come, and give Young Master another one!"

Dragon tail waved again, pa!

Xingyue Princess was blushing." You bastard!"

Lin Chen laughed: "I dare to call me a low slut clan, come here, I, Kangkang, you noble Dragon Clan Princess, will make some strange noises. !"

pa! pa! pa!

Taxi Ancient Dragon waved in a row, hitting Xingyue Princess. The shame of Princess soared, and the anger towards Lin Chen was even more raging!

Through childhood, who didn’t respect her, the Dragon Clan Princess, and hope that she was a clan, who would dare to beat her like this?

The more Xingyue Princess wanted to resist, the more Lin Chen suppressed her with pure power, and even when she wanted to induce the power of Dragon Vein to release the dragon’s breath, Lin Chen directly took a single-handed Rune of Slowness and suppressed it. she was!

"Damn Human Race!" Xingyue Princess was angry and ashamed. When the breakthrough Rune of Slowness was restrained, the dragon body trembled and transformed into a human form!

Just transformed into a human form, Princess Xingyue wants to make a move!

Swipe~! Taixi Ancient Dragon also turned into a human form, with the power of Heavenly Prison's dungeon, turned into a chain bondage, and then captured Xingyue Princess with pure power!

Until I saw the ancient draconian form of Taixi, Princess eyes shrank of Xingyue found out that Taixi Ancient Dragon really had lineage with Lin Chen!

This Ancient Dragon bloodline is related to him, and the ruler is Lin Chen!

Princess was furious. Out of admiration and worship for Taixi Ancient Dragon, she surpassed her fear of facing Lin Chen at this time!

The beautiful lady said coldly: "You humble Human Race has tarnished the great Ancient Dragon!"

Lin Chen frowned, "Shut your mouth is Human Race. Humble, handsome. I’m forced to teach you how to respect others today!"

Xingyue Princess tenderly shouted: "Whether you are now or in the future, you don’t deserve High Ancient Dragon’s bloodline!"

Lin A trace of displeasure passed between Chen's eyebrows.

Immediately, the corners of his mouth rose, and the fingertips picked Princess Xingyue's chin, raised her Xueli, jokingly said with a smile.

"It is said that the tiger's butt can't be touched. What kind of feel is that someone Lin will touch the dragon today! Let you know that the two races of human beings and dragons are equal!"

After all, Lin Chen raised his hand.


Xingyue Princess's elegant and noble Xuedi has a touch of redness, shame and anger are intertwined.

"What kind of a hero are you, you have the ability to let go of this Princess, and I will definitely beat you one-on-one!"

"defeated, I still don't know how to repent!"


" damn pervert!"

"Disrespect others, don't respect other races, you should fight!"



"Shoot Young Master!"


"You...Don't let this Princess go out, otherwise you must look good! Yeah!"


"still refuse to accept, do you admit defeat?"

"Do not accept, do not admit!"

"Do not admit? Well, it seems I want to make Out of my lost Absolute Art, the ultimate dark horse Dragon Claw Hand!"


Lin Chen becomes more addicted to shooting, it's just one shot!

Outside Heavenly Prison——

"Why so long?"

"Could it be said that Princess Xingyue is resisting Lin Chen's fierce attack? "

"Hiss! Princess is really a role model for my generation! The thief is fierce and fierce, and his moves are fierce and trembling, and each move is so fierce!"

"Xingyue Princess has blocked this wicked generation alone for so long. It is too strong. This strength is worthy of being the strength of the first round."

Dragon Clan powerhouse with four continents. Discuss spiritedly, only the pretty face of the Dragon Transformation King is slightly blushing, and I don’t know what I perceive.

"His Royal Highness, how is the situation now."

A dragon cultivation base Elder looked towards creating a Dragon Transformation King.

Yin and Yang Dragon Qi is under her control. Now the situation in Heavenly Prison is enveloped by the power of Primordial Spirit, and other dragon kings can’t penetrate it. Only the King of Dragon Transformation can perceive it through Yin and Yang Dragon Qi. Case.

So, once the Yin and Yang Dragon Qi is broken, it means that Princess Xingyue has lost, and they must go in immediately to save the dragon.

Creating Dragon Transformation Wang Qing covered the pink cheeks and shook his head and said: "Xingyue's Dragon Qi is not broken yet, she...has not yet decided to admit defeat."

Yes, follow It is stipulated that if Dragon Qi is not broken, and the alternative Dragon Clan does not call out to admit defeat, it cannot be counted as an end.

Dragon Qi only protects the lifeblood of the dragon, but it still feels painful.

Lin Chen's slap is printed on the beautiful woman Xuetao, only painful and not hurting, under the premise of being restrained, it is impossible to judge the interruption of the battle.

So now Xingyue Princess wants to'break away from Sea of ​​Bitterness', she has to admit defeat.

But what she hates most is Lin Chen, the Human Race, let her arrogant give up to Lin Chen?

Isn't this more uncomfortable than killing her!

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