As soon as he entered the palace, Sacred Dragon, who was part of Lin Chen's body, immediately sensed the position of the bloodline attribute light ball!

"Well... the Saint Level blood of the centipede king has not finished refining. If you can get the bloodline of Divine Dragon this time, it is equivalent to have two kinds of Divine Dragon bloodline and Divine Dragon bloodline in one breath. A kind of Ancient Dragon bloodline! Within the same level, my Sacred Dragon will be invincible!"

When Sacred Dragon entered the palace to accept Divine Dragon’s will, Lin Chen sat cross-legged and sat outside the palace .

Collect other Divine Dragon scales in the Divine Dragon ruins and hand them to Avatar.

Lin Chen did not decompose the dozens of nearby tombs of Divine Dragon.

Anything in the tomb of Divine Dragon still has a'divine nature', more or less the will of Divine Dragon remains and cannot be decomposed.

Lin Chen’s focused refining caused the massive amount of Saint Level blood in the body of the Sacred Dragon, and he secretly thought--"My other Dragon Clan Bloodline has been strengthened in advance by +17, if they can all be transformed into Divine Dragon bloodline, It's just adding a variety of +17 Divine Dragon bloodline in one breath!"

Lin Chen flipped his palm, and the "Yin-Yang Divine Transformation Dragon" dragon Bloodjade Crystal stolen by the centipede king appeared in his palm!

Seeing Lin Chen's palm, Princess Xingyue's heart throbbed, and she lost her voice in shock.

"Create Divine Transformation dragon blood!"

Next moment, Princess Xingyue witnessed Lin Chen actually incorporate the god Dragon Blood Crystal into the palm of her palm to absorb——

When she looked towards Lin Chen, it was as if she had seen a ghost!

This guy...Is it impossible to go to heaven? !

The bloodline of Taixi Ancient Dragon and Divine Dragon is not enough. He also wants to build the bloodline of Divine Transformation Dragon from Yin and Yang!

In this way, Lin Chen began to absorb the Divine Transformation dragon blood jade, refining it into the dragon body, while assisting the Sacred Dragon body to absorb massive amounts of Saint Level blood!

In the remains of Divine Dragon, when time passes--

On the other side of the distance, insect race Land of the Fallen.


A huge Kuva Nine-pole Scorpion Emperor swiftly skimmed the sky, and when it reached the dim nebula, it lay slightly in the void and hooked the scorpion tail. This was a gesture of respectful acknowledgement allegiance.

The Kuva Nine Pole Scorpion Emperor sound transmission in the language of insect race.

"My lord, there are currently more than 700 insect kings, an Insect King, willing to participate in the war, and the news is still spreading farther."

Darkness The Scarlet Star cloud, flashing and thundering suddenly, exploded with rushing starburst-like energy, like a hurricane sweeping the starry sky!

The Red Scorpion Emperor keep quiet out of fear, and dare not say much.

In the Scarlet Star cloud, a pair of star-like eyes opened.

"Not enough...this little power is not enough to destroy the Dragon Clan guy and the descendant of the ancient dragon, we need more..."

The eyes in the nebula Coldly said.

"You go and report another piece of information. If anyone can join the team of this seat and serve for this seat, you can get the blood of this seat!"

Out, the red poison scorpion king complexion greatly changed!

"Lord...Your present situation, do you still want to donate your blood? Isn't that..."

The great will in the Scarlet Star cloud bursts out Anger!

The Crimson Scorpion Emperor shut up immediately, and trembled with fright—"The Lord will calm down his anger!"

The willful voice said: "Blood is not important, this seat I'm already powerless. I just want to kill the descendants of that guy before I die! If you work well for this seat, this seat can give you a chance to become a king..."

Kuva Scorpion King He was ecstatic, and hurriedly thanked him: "Many thanks, Lord!"

In the Divine Dragon plane, a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering news came out, which shocked countless insect races!

one after another Frightening secular worms flooded in a certain direction, condensed, gathered, as if brewing, the most deadly blow!

Time passed.

3 months later ——

Human Race Holy Realm, Saint King domain.

Genesis Alliance Headquarters——

The alliance has recently encountered great resistance, and their plan to eliminate mortals has failed!

There is a dedicated team, as if it is specifically aimed at the Genesis Alliance. Clear out which domain the team goes to, and the opponent will appear in the corresponding area.

What the Genesis Alliance needs is not just a mass extermination of mortals, but also the use of venomous insect's poison to select the geniuses who have been left behind, and the other party’s plan was messed up.

Even if the Genesis Alliance dispatched several Mount Tai Big Dipper-level Prediction Masters, they could not predict the other side's position.

However, some people in the alliance have witnessed the people from the Divine flame palace who interfere with the alliance.

Divine flame palace, surrendered to Lin Chen.

The one who hinders the'change' of the Genesis Alliance, all the alliance powerhouses can see, they belong to Lin Chen's team!

The senior leaders of the Genesis Alliance seemed to have received a new order. When Lin Chen's team blocked the plan to'clean out the mortals', not only did they not increase their strength, but instead reduced their investment in battle strength.

It's not that the senior leaders of the alliance have changed their minds, but they have more important things to implement!

Just two and a half months ago, the Genesis Alliance frantically plundered the resources of a large number of forces.

Especially medicine ingredient resources, almost as many as there are. As long as it is a treasure of Saint Level, whether it is Saint Level Grade 1 or Saint Grade 8, Genesis Alliance wants it all!

Boom~! !

In the Saint King domain, a murky atmosphere rose to the sky, murky heavens dark earth!

The powerhouses in countless alliance headquarters have fallen into the illusion of spinning around the world. This is the oppression and illusion caused by the birth of the powerful Primordial Spirit!

Genesis, the top of the sacred mountain.

The mountain is named the center of Genesis, and only the top powerhouse can enter here.

However, on the top of the sacred mountain at this time, all the sages have a solemn face!

Those pretentious and extremely rebellious sage lists, at this moment, are solemnly gazing at the other side of the summit of the sacred mountain.

I saw that on the top of the sacred mountain, seventeen silhouettes appeared!

The two of them have recovered a lot of injuries, their breath is like the sun at high noon, and they have the smell of being close to the heyday!

One person, black robe cloak, fierce face like an eagle, a pair of sword eyebrows, and eagle pupils gradually appear.

The other person, white hair and youthful face, red light full of face, red robe like fire, quite the vicissitudes and indifference of the game world, only the evil killing intent passing by between the eyebrows from time to time.

In the eyes of the sacred talent list, that is not an ordinary genius, but a group of living legends! !

The old man with the black robe cloak chuckled and said: "This Pill Recipe handed down by Pill God is really good, the old man has recovered more than half, and even the grade 8 holy pill can be refined. It is nothing difficult. "

This person, title: No Heavenly Pill Saint-Infant!

Before the creation of the Human Race Holy Realm, it has been famous in the ancient times, shocking the supreme powerhouse of Human Race and the Saint cultivation base of Nine Revolutions.

The most important thing is that his pill concocting strength has reached Grade 9 ranks! !

Grade 9 Saint Level Alchemist·Yinweitian! !

When another old man with white hair and youthful face looked up at the starry sky, his pupils turned an astrolabe, and there was a bright red across the pupil astrolabe!

He gave a smirk: "Unexpectedly, Human Race has produced such an interesting Prediction Master, hehe, he met such an interesting opponent just after leaving the customs."

Sages Suddenly, there was a tingling sensation, and even the spirit and consciousness had a sharp tingling sensation!

It seems that under his gaze, all the secrets are invisible!

It seems that with just one glance, the endless secret is clearly understood!

In the ancient times, the first Prediction Master of the Human Race was the first Prediction Master · Broken Heart Red!


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