Between the electric light and flint, Lin Chen and his Phantom Clone reacted swiftly, turning around one after another. When they focused on the descendants of the eight-headed Divine Dragon, they flashed a divine light!

[The host activates Form Displacement Shadow innate talent eight times and consumes 2400 top innate talent points...]


The spatial orientation of Lin Chen and Avatar, and the descendants of Divine Dragon, instantly exchanged!

In this scene, the descendants of Divine Dragon were amazed, and quickly reacted to adjust the offensive, aiming at the worm emperor in the worm tide to explode bloodline divine ability!

"Heavenly Prison·Chaos!"

Lin Chen uses the Sacred Dragon to control the Heavenly Prison, and Heavenly Prison crushes countless insect races. The aurora water blade penetrated a crowd of insect kings!

The insect emperor’s battle strength is comparable to that of Saint on the first turn, but at this time it is like killing a chicken, being crushed by Lin Chen’s Heavenly Prison side by side!

Even if a certain insect race insect emperor possesses a special innate talent and is penetrated by the Heavenly Prison's attack without being immediately killed, it will gradually lose its combat power and eventually turn into blood.

The innate talent of [Extinction Ripples] is always alert to the opponent who is fighting Lin Chen!

Looking at the skyrocketing attribute light ball, Lin Chen couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart: "It's comparable to the half-step Saint King's cultivation base to display peerless divine ability, what a pervert!"

Not to mention, [Enhanced +17] Divine Dragon bloodline!

The'Heavenly Prison' of this move is really terrifying!

If Lin Chen's previous [Enhanced +17] Heavenly Prison, the formidable power coefficient is 100, now the formidable power coefficient is 9999!

This is still not counting the half-step increase in Saint King’s cultivation base, but only on the transformation of bloodline divine ability!

Lin Chen Sacred Dragon’s lethality, I don’t know how many times it has been turned over!

Now that the cultivation base that is lower than Rank 9 Peak is trapped in Heavenly Prison, it is 100% waiting to die!

It's better than half a step Saint King. It won't be better to be trapped in any Heavenly Prison, and it's extremely difficult to attack by force.

Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon was sitting in town. In less than a day, the second wave of the insect wave was resisted by Lin Chen and the descendants of Divine Dragon.

For this wave of resistance, Lin Chen’s Sacred Dragon has 60% of the credit!

All the descendants of Divine Dragon and all the Avatars of Lin Chen combined are not as good as Sacred Dragon!

Just finished.

When the sky full of attribute light balls are scattered, Lin Chen divides a large number of Primordial Spirit Avatars to take away——

chi! chi!

Lin Chen Avatar The many battle skill Absolute Art that broke out have been shattered and disappeared into nothingness!

For all the expression congeals of Divine Dragon descendants, Lin Chen’s attack was broken?

I saw that in the surging mass of insect races, groups of Insect Kings were discharged, and the stars surrounded hundreds of huge insect races like the moon.

The descendants of Divine Dragon are full of dignity in a moment.

Lin Chen was a little surprised: "Peak Insect King?"

Each Peak Insect King has battle strength comparable to that of Rank Nine Saint or even Rank Nine Peak!

The worm tide army led by each of them can be described as solid.

The ordinary moves of the descendants of Divine Dragon and the battle skill formidable power of Lin Chen are almost useless!

Lin Chen Avatar’s sacred cave cultivation base, including the soaring elemental attribute value, the ultimate lethality that can erupt is only about 70,000 powers.

Even if the blessing is [Instant Light and Split Shadow], under the premise of heads-up, the formidable power cannot threaten the Saint level of Rank Nine.

Unless all Avatars concentrate on attacking one, they can break their wrists with Saint of Rank Nine, but at this time, the opponent is the leader in number.

Although Lin Chen’s Primordial Spirit is powerful, its foundation has to depend on the combination of the host’s Holy Force cultivation base to produce formidable power.

Primordial Spirit Realm is now more of an auxiliary method for Lin Chen.

Regardless of the creatures of any race, a powerful cultivation base can also counter the formidable power of the Primordial Spirit.

The enemy's spiritual realm is weak, as long as the cultivation base is strong enough, it will not become a shortcoming.

If the Primordial Spirit is compared to a sharp blade, then the Holy Force cultivation base is the strength of the holder, and only enough power can the blade exert its edge!

Therefore, the only way to counter these Peak Insect Kings is the War God five-piece suit and the 500,000 Sacred Dragon with a cultivation base!

A ray of golden light flashes, War God Might is invincible, and the suppression is unbeatable. Lin Chen's five-piece War God set is attached.

If you want to resist the third wave of worms, you must use War God to confront the enemy!


At this time, Lin Chen dantian actually agitated the peaceful Holy Force fluctuations. The strong Holy Force shook all around the distorted void, and the space as strong as the Divine Dragon plane wanted to be torn apart. open!

Lin Chen eyes shrank, muttering to himself: "Damn it, No way ……This juncture is here?"

bang bang bang!

Space shakes , The super-large worm tide hits like mountains and seas, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood again!

This time, the descendants of Divine Dragon did not dare to attack rashly!

Peak Insect King, an opponent that only Dragon Clan's dragons can suppress, this opponent is too far away for the current descendants of Divine Dragon!

Three black, blue, and purple beams of light suddenly bloom in the insect tide!

Three huge monsters are born!

Purple light is a scorpion, the whole body is beautiful like a jade-like shell, the scorpion tail outlines sharp blood-colored tail spines, and the moon-shaped pattern of the worm pupils releases the power of the soul. Insect King ·Purple Moon and Bi King Scorpion!

azure light is a bee, as thin as cicada wing's bee wings tremble in a turbulent hurricane, waves of wind and waves tear all around all around, dozens of ten thousand zhang bees are surging with violent black The arc, vertical and horizontal like an electric python, is another Chief Insect King, a black electric bee!

The blue light is a butterfly, the beautiful and enchanting butterfly wings are in full bloom with a mandala-like demon light. When its huge body stands on the billowing butterfly waves, it is actually an eclipsing blue butterfly king!

Behind the hundreds of Peak Insect Kings, there are actually three Insect Kings controlling the insect tide!

Even if you have beaten hundreds of Peak Insect Kings, it is impossible to beat the three Insect Kings!

In these battles, unless the Dragon Kings personally take action, it is impossible to contend!

The descendants of Divine Dragon are particularly dignified. The ancestors have not yet gathered the Space Formation. If this continues, they will have to be teleported away!

Yes, if you leave halfway, everything gained from the Divine Dragon plane will automatically be summarized into the Divine Dragon ruins! Fall short!

"Damn it, everything is lost! I will kill a batch of his mother’s insect race before I leave!"

"Finally, I met the bloodline with my ancestors, I have to go back to the original point again. Don’t do it as an insect race. This Crown Prince can’t swallow this breath!"

There is a fierce light in the eyes of the descendants of Divine Dragon, and I plan to burn both jade and stone and do it thoroughly. In the end--

The hearty laughter of the teenager spread throughout the Sea of ​​Consciousness of all the descendants of Divine Dragon!

"Everyone, start now. It's not your turn to take a shot, stand aside. I want to give everyone of the insect race a unique gift!"

It's Lin Chen!

He stepped up on the dragon, Taixi Ancient Dragon carried him and stood alone in front of the worm tide, his mouth raised, and his eyes flashed with craziness as always!

"What does he want to do?"

"Does he want to single-handedly challenge the insects? It's nonsense, didn't he see the three Insect Kings?"

"Some people are crazy, and some are crazy more than just a little bit."

Xingyue Princess looked suspiciously and muttered to herself when she stared at Lin Chen's back. ——"Even if he has the strength to kill the Wanzu Centipede King, this battle is not comparable to the wounded Wanzu Centipede King!"

When the descendants of Divine Dragon were wondering, someone Lin took the lead. Jump, jump out of the top of Sacred Dragon's head, in the sky skilfully wear glasses, smile sternly.

"Take off!"

Boom~! Taixi Ancient Dragon a long whistle, abruptly waved its tail!


Sweeping the dragon tail, Lin Chen was blown out by his Sacred Dragon!

Lin Chen's whole person is like a streamer, shooting violently away from the worm tide!

He compares the insect tide alone, like the difference between sand and the sea of ​​stars, without comparability!

All the descendants of Divine Dragon are stunned!

What kind of way is this? This is! !

When Lin Chen swept towards the worms, his hands became imprinted and his handprints changed rapidly.

"Taiyi Futian·The closure of the hole is lifted!!"

The unprecedented big explosion hole, start! !


Lin Chen: "What is a surprise? What is a surprise? What is a special surprise!"

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