Bingxin Palace and Divine flame inside the palace——

"Are you all withdrawing safely?"

"They are all withdrawn, But Linger senior’s injury is too serious, and she is still unconscious!"

"oh! Xiao Linger senior paid too much for the transfer of Divine flame palace and Bingxin palace!"

"Your Excellency Zi Qianshou is also in a coma, too serious!"

"The opponent attacked when Fang Ling and Langfan Senior Yun were leaving!"


Jiang Taixu was so angry that he was seriously injured at this time, still holding on to the overall situation.

"You guys, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Maybe we have to change our strategy and give up something... The other party has a Prediction Master who is the same as the old man, and it is a matter of time..."

Jiang Taixu spit out a mouthful of blood, look pale, and the two servants hurriedly supported him and handed him two sacred pills for him to obey.

In the Divine flame palace, in an Array Space where the torch burns, the Supreme Elders of the Divine flame palace protect a beautiful silhouette, urging the torch to protect her lifeline.

It is Bai Ruoyan.

But she fell into a coma and didn't know her life or death. There is also a blushing Fairy on the side, with the power of Elder's Divine flame heart meridian, protecting her heart.

Shen Lingshuang always accompanies Bai Ruoyan, beautiful eyes with tears, self-blame and unwillingness!

"If Yan elder sister protects me... if I am not so weak, if I can be as strong as the Master, this kind of thing will not happen!"

Shen Lingshuang The tip of her hair is filled with a divine light that is as clear as snow, and the star pupils are swaying with a strange divine light.


Shangguanjue patted her on the shoulder, and Shen Lingshuang was interrupted, looking at herself and Shangguanjue in a dazed but puzzled manner.

Shangguan Jue sighed: "Don't blame yourself too much. You can't fully control your Martial God bloodline. Moreover, this time the other party obviously has intentions. You are one of the other's action goals."


Shen Lingshuang said in a crying voice—"But...because of me, Ruoyan's elder sister..."

"foolish child." Shangguan Jue hugged her, faintly smiled and said: "Because she protects you, you can't live up to the high expectations she has given you and have no desire to improve."

Shen Lingshuang hid in her arms and sobbed, Shangguan Jue suppressed the injuries in her body to comfort her. She—"Your Ruoyan elder sister will be fine. She has the eternal flame to protect her lifeline. This time she was injured, but it pulled out greater strength from the flame, just to be in a coma for a while."

Nearly ten days ago, Divine flame palace and Bingxin palace were ambushed! !

The enemy comes from the Genesis Alliance and the Holy Prison, and is led by five Saint Kings. The lineup is terribly powerful!

If it weren't for Lin Pingan, Shangguan Jue, Supreme Elder, the chief of the Divine flame palace, and the servants desperately to fight each other to escort everyone out, the consequences would be disastrous!

However, what makes Jiang Taixu and the others most unexpected is the other party's methods!

Divine flame palace and Bingxin palace have set up multiple protection methods in Qiyu. According to reason, Saint King is extremely difficult to avoid completely!

Before Zi Qianshou's "Twin Dao Palace" Formation to search for the enemy, and then Xiao Linger's "Thousands of Space Eyes", and Jiang Taixu's arithmetic to cover up the general fate of everyone, plus Cinderella’s special breath hiding technique——

Accordingly, with such multiple protections, even if an enemy comes, it should be discovered in advance, transferred in advance, and foolproof!

But Genesis came too soon and suddenly! Almost no reaction time for Bingxin Palace and Divine flame Palace!

In addition, more than half of the main battle strength of the servant team was not in the team, which led to this tragedy!

Jiang Taixu is almost certain that the other party must have a very powerful Prediction Master. The overall strength and ability are definitely not inferior to him!

However, in accordance with Lin Chen’s previous instructions, Xiao Linger built a number of space channels, and the space coordinates are particularly secret——

After the attack, the top of the Divine flame palace With battle strength, a group of Supreme Elders immediately rushed to help, and cooperated with Lin Ping An to cover the departure of the servants.

The boundary towers and the Elder Council of Elder Territories, as well as the many Grade 8 powerhouses that came together, were mostly scattered in various domains in advance and did not suffer this attack.

Although the cost was heavy, more than half of the people were injured. Four 17-layer servants and ten 16th-layer servants fell, but the main team survived for a while and was transferred desperately by Xiao Linger and Zi Qianshou Out!

In Bingxin Palace, Jiang Taixu rushed to the two servants and said: "Leave me alone, go and see Miss Leng Yueqi and Miss Bai Ruoyan! The two of them can't make any mistakes!"

Divine flame Outside the palace, Fai Wushuang in blood dyed robe stands in the mountain gorge, lithe and graceful dancing with slender hands, fingertips are radiant, holy light surging with five-colored clouds, bathing in many powerhouses who have fallen into a coma——

When you go to life, you open multiple jade boxes and use the power of Primordial Spirit to mobilize the heavenly materials and the sacred pill in the jade box to draw out the majestic and huge energy, enter the body of everyone, and quickly heal the wounds!

The two take care of the treatment, and the efficiency is extremely fast.

But, what is missing now is time!

Among them, Ji Wuchen and Long Jiushan fell into a severe coma. When they were attacked, they used all their kills and almost shared the burden of several waves of offensive break through, almost losing their lives. !

Jiang Taixu sound transmission said-"Wushuang sister!"

Fei Wushuang looked forward to turning to him, saw his eyes, and sighed slightly: "Tai Xu big brother, you... …Hey, that's all!"

The latter's green jade pointed a stroke, and a beam of five-color aurora melted into Jiang Taixu's body.

His Primordial Spirit and his internal injuries were temporarily relieved, Jiang Taixu immediately took out the Xiaoyao flag, and sent a dangerous message to his lord with the'Zhou Tian Life and Death Seal'!

Jiang Taixu pinched his fingers, gritted his teeth against the injury, deduced arithmetic, Prediction Master's life tool·Xiaoyao flag was shining, holy light!

"It is only a matter of time before the other party finds it. You can't stay here for too long. You must gather the power of Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun to return..."

His expression appeared. Feeling a little guilty, he thought to himself: "The old man also has a certain responsibility. He thinks that no one except the old man in arithmetic can be better than the old man. He kept it from the lord in private and asked Your Excellency Fang Ling to find the inheritance of Xianxiamen... …"

Ashamed! Guilty!

Jiang Taixu thinks he can predict all the secrets in advance, and Xiao Linger and Zi Qianshou help each other, and think that any danger can be predicted in advance.

Only the battle strength of the main team left nearly half of the inheritance of accepting Xianxiamen, but it was almost destroyed!

He is ashamed of the lord!

"Following my life, I must escort everyone's thoroughness, otherwise even if I die, I will have no face to meet the lord!"

Jiang Taixu's Xiaoyao flag waved, whole heaven's star light is arranged in a star map, straddling the sky.

He gasping for breath, when watching the star chart, suddenly the complexion slightly changed!

"It's gone! The fate of those Saint King who went to the strange land raid has completely disappeared!"

In this case, the impossible disappears, and the only probability is that their fate has been Covered up, he can't deduce the other side's position!


At this time, the external Formation and the space of the hurricane area are greatly broken!

A group of powerful auras descend between Heaven and Earth!

Jiang Taixu eyes shrank ……

The Genesis Alliance has actually caught up!

"Today is the death day of old man Jiang Taixu."

In despair, Jiang Taixu's heart is like a mirror!

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