Today, there is no absolute difference in strength in the ranking of saints. If any saint is divided into absolute strength, he must decide his life or death.

However, ten people are special.

That is, the top ten on the list of sages!

These ten people are the culmination of the Human Race in the Holy Realm today! They are the existence above the'rules'!

The existence of these ten people is the focus of attention of all races today, but even the supreme powerhouse, which is highly valued by supreme existences such as Demon Emperor and Divine Dragon!

Because they are the closest existence to the'God Position'!

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and secretly said: "It’s no wonder that the Genesis Alliance can unite more than a hundred sages. At the same time, apart from the top ten of this sage list, no one really has this. This kind of appeal...interesting, the stronger the potential, the more attribute lightballs!"

Lin Chen's eyes showed the fierceness of barefoot not afraid to wear shoes!

What about the top ten in the sacred talent list? If you don't beat this bitch's Genesis Alliance today, he will not be called Lin Chen!

Colored pupil Young Master showed off the'Six Paths of Samsara Fan', and the deadly breath of Yellow Springs that did not fall into reincarnation flowed to his body, he slapped his smile, lightly said with a smile.

"This seat is now the tenth sage talent list, Ying Jiufeng. Lin Chen ah Lin Chen, this seat has long known that you are not the type to succumb to others."

His laughter was evil and moving—"However, the more a man like you, the stronger the pleasure when you conquer you!"

Lin Chen corner of mouth twitching, suddenly felt a chill .

Why, this guy is not a pervert, right?

next moment, Ying Jiufeng's demeanor turned, coldly shouted——"Holy realm, no need for two overlords!"


A pair of nine-color phoenix wings spread out across the sky, and countless colorful feathers floated down the sky. The colorful rays of light spread all over the Genesis Alliance headquarters, magnificent and gorgeous!

I saw that Ying Jiufeng, who displayed his nine-color phoenix wings, was shining with a hundred six-pointed stars.

The six-pointed star at the center of the eyebrow is even more blazing like a polar star, Heaven and Earth are utterly admired, as if there is a starry sky hidden in it!

It turned out to be Saint King cultivation base! !

This scene has scared countless alliance powerhouses!

The cultivation speed of the top ten sage talent list today is much faster than before!

"Not good, Jiufeng Alliance Leader is here for real!"

"Quickly retreat! The top ten battles on the Saint Talent List are not something we can stand against!"

As proud as sages, they saw this scene at this moment and began to withdraw to the outside world one after another!

Lin Chen felt an unprecedented bloodline pressure on him, like the pressure of the god Dragon's Might!

"Phoenix bloodline? And it is pure Divine Phoenix Bloodline, perfectly integrated with Human Race bloodline, the background is really big, this is the top ten of the sage..."

Lin Chen fighting intent ascended and smiled sternly, "The Saint King cultivation base of the top ten saints, let me try to see how strong it can be!"

Ying Jiufeng laughed: "As you wish! "

Tear and pull~!

The three shadowy streamers are like blooming lotus flowers, the infinite lotus shadow blade light whizzes away, and the Grade 9 Saint Level flying knife is showing its edge!

"Natural disasters are inviting."

Ying Jiufeng's fingertips, a roulette rises above his head, it is also a Grade 9 Holy Artifact!

Golden brilliance's dazzling Grade 9 roulette, spinning momentarily, spilling out countless days of Calamity Tribulation, or hurricane's sharp edge, or Thunder Tribulation's skyrocketing, or meteor fire rain, one after another pouring in Lin Chen's instant light and shadow "Lotus Dance" is on!

Grade 9 Holy Artifact may be extremely rare for ordinary Saint King and sages, but for the top ten on the list of sages, it is not too rare!

"en?" Ying Jiufeng noticed something wrong.

Although Lin Chen's flying knife is strong, but the cultivation technique is not good enough, it should be his suppression of Lin Chen's lotus dance, but the two offensives are evenly matched?

But just now, when his offensive touched Lin Chen's throwing knife, there was a momentary stagnation?

Om~! Space distortion rippled, Lin Chen stepped on the shadow of the clouds, body guarding the sky, and hit Ying Jiufeng's head with a shot!

He hesitates, Lin Chen will not hesitate!

Tear and pull~! The gun shadow tore the afterimage, Lin Chen actually hit the air?

"Lin Chen, your movement method is very strong, the orange-level high-level movement method does not exist in this seat, but you are faster than the descendants of Divine Phoenix, that is courting death!"

The Ying Jiufeng flapping the nine-color phoenix wings turned into a nine-color divine light, pulling down like a blade light, approaching the speed of light, cutting Lin Chen vertically!

Clang~! Lin Chen held the gun in both hands and slammed it, lightning traversed, volleying to stop Ying Jiufeng, who was moving close to the speed of light!

Pu chi!

The nine-color sharp blade still cut Lin Chen’s shoulder, but his reaction was so fast that his knee suddenly turned up on the gun body and bounced. The predecessor of the magic spear, the tip of the spear was picked up, piercing Ying Jiufeng's wings, and the phoenix blood flowed out!

Swipe~! The two retreated quickly, each with one wound!

Lin Chen, who is like a dragon, turned awe-inspiringly, with eight burning dragons on top of his head rising, an angry roar in the sky!

"Eight Burning Dragons!"

The horrible Divine Dragon sounds like a storm, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

Ying Jiufeng made a seal with one hand, showing a huge True Phoenix Primordial Spirit Phantom all over his body, counting ten thousand zhang high, screaming in anger!

"The ancestor Feng Xiao!"

The ring-shaped phoenix whistling sound wave blasted away layer by layer, like a sharp sword, piercing through countless burning dragon sounds!

Boom! boom! boom!

All the buildings in Fangyuanshu hundred thousand li are all turned into dust, and the space is distorted and collapsed in an instant!

The terrifying cracks in the earth are like python wandering, spreading all the way to millions li!

The sound of the dragon and the phoenix shook Heaven and Earth, and the terrifying collision of Primordial Spirit can be described as tearing Heaven and Earth!

Countless powerhouses are getting air-conditioned!

Lin Chen was able to beat the 10th Genesis Alliance Leader on the Saint Talent List to such a level, it was amazing!

There is no doubt that he now has the top ten battle strength on the sage list!

The powerhouses in the Saint King domain, who were shocked to leave the customs, throbbed even more when a large number of hidden bosses kept paying attention!

Such a powerful Saint King domain space has also been distorted to this point. If it were placed in another domain, what a battle of heaven falls and earth rends would be.

This time the Primordial Spirit is fighting, Lin Chen is a little bit inferior, and the pace keeps retreating.

The colorful wings of the nine phoenixes are coming out in anger, in response to the calmness of the eyebrows of the nine phoenixes, filled with absolute confidence, the Six Paths of Samsara fan swept and swept, and the nine-color knives flashed like a feather blade. !

Tear and pull~!

Lin Chen stepped on the clouds and shadows to retreat violently, and the two of them swiftly speeded up, turning into a beam of magnificent colored light and blood-colored sky light flashing all the way!

The afterimage of the Tumo spear is like a tide, and Lin Chen Spear Art is fully opened, supplemented by a flying knife. Ying Jiufeng's head is protected by the Moon Wheel of Jiangshanri, holding the Six Paths of Samsara fan and slashing at Lin Chen!

Boom! boom! boom!

The two are like the aurora between Heaven and Earth, moving thousands of miles in a flash, from the sky to the earth, wherever they went, the Genesis Alliance headquarters was completely destroyed!

The powerhouse of the alliance retreats and retreats again and again, and looks terrified.

This is a real Peak fight!

The battle strength displayed by the two is an outstanding level in Saint King Realm!

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