hong long long ~~! !

Blood rain is pouring, dark thunder is surging.

Not only the Saint King domain, but within the 36 domains, in a very short period of time, it was covered by a pouring rain of blood and howling, the wind was violent, and the anger was endless!

Heaven and Earth are crying, their luck is exhausting. Lightning and thunder, murky heavens dark earth, as if Human World has been exterminated, the hearts of all Human Races are covered with a haze!

This air force is too strong! Far more than ever before!

Jiang Taixu, who was in the profound realm, suddenly raised his head.

I witnessed the natural phenomenon at this moment, even if my heart had expected it, I was still shocked and trembling all over!

"Lord, even if Heavenly God descends to the earth, it is less than one-thousandth of yours..."

Since ancient times, even one of the holy talents will fall. The entire holy world caused a great impact.

But there has never been such a large-scale fall of a saint in history!

With this battle, Lin Chen will undoubtedly bring about a drastic change in the holy world!

In the vast space channel;

As the Prediction Master, Heartbroken reacted instantly with a look of surprise.

"This natural phenomenon...could it be the so-called, the saints' list is dead?"

The Yin and Yang Saint King complexion of the alliance greatly changed!

The location where a large number of saints died was sent from the Saint King domain!

Could it be that... something happened to the league?

But, impossible! There are tenth on the list of saints, and even eight saint kings can't kill so many saints!

Although the sacred talent list is young, it is not that simple to kill!

Who is this, with such a terrifying handwriting?

Thousand Fox Saint King was shocked!

There is probably only one person who can do this kind of thing!

Lin Chen!

For the first time, Saint King, who has always been calm and composed, lost his voice and was shocked--"No, this guy, how could he have arrived in the Alliance earlier than us! He was still in the Profound Realm before..."

Suddenly, he was struck by lightning!

He was in Xuanyu before?

No, they only saw multiple'Lin Chen', but they didn't know which one was the real ontology!

Could it be that...

Qiankun Saint King and Qianhu Saint King looked at each other at the same time, almost thinking of going together!

His body simply didn't return to Bingxin Palace!

Perhaps, at first, he went straight to the Genesis headquarters!

Steal each other's homes! What a steal from each other!

Well, Lin Chen, you are really good at it!

"Go back at full speed!"

Yin and Yang Saint King angry roar, he is afraid that his Saint King nephew will have a shortcoming!


Martial God Aristocratic Family, God Martial Hall, several Elders whispered.

"Wu Pianjue Young Master has regained his confidence and is going to retreat?"

"He should be very clear about his current state. He has lost divine blood. Whatever Retreat is not helpful..."

"Perhaps, it is the last stubbornness. He used to be majestic, but now he is scandalized. Unexpectedly, this ending is actually the end of my Wu Family. Why..."

When the Elders sighed, there was a bang, and the outside mutation showed signs of exhaustion of luck!


A bunch of azure light descended from the sky, and the sky was falling into chaos, Wu Family Old Ancestor immediately appeared in the lobby, his face was solemn, said solemnly.

"The sacred talent list has been bloodbathed, and Genesis has undergone drastic changes. We have to prepare to leave in advance."

Wu Family, the plane of extreme martial arts. There are endless holy materials and weapons hanging all around, and there is only one person sitting cross-legged in the void.

It is Wu Pianjue who has been'fallen'!

He holds Jade Ruyi in dark green, and his expression has a hysterical madness and excitement!

"It's getting weaker and weaker, father's divine blood reaction is getting weaker!"

Wu Pianjue's handsome face has distorted facial features, but there is an unusual excitement!

"hahahaha, Lin Chen, Lin Chen, it’s not far! What kind of shit, Genesis, Holy Prison, Lin Chen, all are rubbish, there is one last step left, I can step on all of you Eat shit! Hahaha!"

Wu Pianjue's crazy laugh echoed the whole plane, send cold shivers down one's spine!


Day Sacred Domain, somewhere.

The pure energy of nine yin and nine yang, such as Shuanglong dance, haunts all around, transforms into one after another Dragon Qi, and is injected into the dozens of silhouettes who have sat cross-legged up to this point.

hong long long ~~!

The external air luck mutation quickly spread to this place——


Sitting on the top of the nine suns, True Dragon Saint King opened his eyes , The eyes are filled with incredible.

Although he doesn't value the sages of the alliance very much, but so many sages have been destroyed at once. There is no precedent in history. The alliance is definitely a major event!

"Things have changed, stop the healing first!"

True Dragon Saint King chilled sound transmission, and everyone who was healing stopped immediately.

These people are the peerless powerhouses imprisoned by the deepest eye of hell in the holy prison!

They more or less sensed the upheaval that happened in the league.

They are not interested in the life and death of Genesis, but what they are interested in is the guy who is challenging the alliance at this moment!

This person is qualified to be their opponent!

True Dragon Saint King coldly shouted: "Go quickly, Genesis Alliance, capture the enemy, this is your first mission!"

Everyone immediately body flashed, Void Teleportation, Depart from Sacred Domain and head to Saint King Domain!


Outside the Alliance Headquarters——

A flying knife rolls up the blade light, Taohuayaoyao, and kills Saint in the sky. A flying knife is as fast as thunder, and everything it passes is ashes.

Lin Chen’s two Phantom clones crush the powerhouse in the Genesis headquarters!

One is that sneak attack takes the lead, and the other is that Genesis’s powerhouse is going out to suppress other areas, or there are more important things to go outside the holy world.

As a result, almost no one can stop Lin Chen!

If it is an ordinary Saint King or even two ordinary Saint King sneak attacks, the current alliance headquarters can also withstand it!

After all, the half-step Saint King represented by the twelve Grade 9 sects here, how to say, they have many killing moves in their hands, and they are completely able to control the scene!

But Lin Chen, the monster and movement method, is so fast that he attacks the evildoer. If he breaks the defense, it will not be healed, and it will get worse, even with one incident.' Surprise' body explosion!

In addition to the two avatars' [snap light split shadow], one person and one move are ten moves, why don't you give him a sneak attack!

Who can stand this!

There are five Avatars in Formation and two outside Formation. Lin Chen has used all the Avatars!

As long as Sacred Dragon stays in Bingxin Palace, he can know the status of Bingxin Palace at any time!

Besides, the Sacred Dragon is not as weak as the Primordial Spirit Avatar, even if it is attacked by Saint King, it will not fall immediately.

If anything happens in Bingxin Palace, Lin Chen can also rush back! Therefore, he dare to spare no effort!

The stealing this time hit the middle and high level of Genesis Alliance hard!

Only relying on Peak battle strength, they cannot fully roll out their plans. These mid-level and high-level powerhouses are indispensable!

And Lin Chen’s Avatar went crazy on the spot!

The forty-two saints present are all destroyed!

No one can escape!

Lin is treated equally, regardless of men and women, as long as Saint who has joined Genesis and carried out slaughter attacks on mortals, they will all hello, All living things are equal!

The sky full of attribute light balls and a large number of attribute treasure chests floating in the void, even let Lin Chen release his Primordial Spirit Avatar to collect for him!

"Well, it’s a good harvest. There are a lot of good things about these sages. Everyone is very rich. The most important thing is that there are three sages who are in charge of the alliance. Core medicine pill resources and Holy Artifact control!"

Lin Chen's Phantom Clone smiled knowingly. In this way, the resources equivalent to the recent half of Genesis have fallen into Lin Chen's hands!

"You move my people, I will do your alliance. Ying Jiufeng, this is just the beginning!"


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