When Lin Chen looked up, in addition to True Dragon Saint King's oppression, the other sixteen people gave a very subtle but extremely dangerous sense of crisis!

The energy aftermath of the Nine Tribulations Stars and the Great Compassion Creation Curse was dissolved by this group of people!

Wearing a cold white man's sleeve robe, he uses Heaven and Earth as the seal art, and his fingers are in the air!

"Vanity is still."

The space is gradually being completely blocked!

From the Genesis headquarters to the extreme east of the Saint King domain, almost all of the space has become an absolute cube, and no access is allowed!

This kind of handwriting has opened the eyes of the whole alliance!

"This kind of spatial divine technique...A few grades better than Linger!!"

Lin Chen's heart sank!

Judging from their appearance, this group of people includes all men, women and children, but without exception, they are all real old monsters!

Some do not even have a complete human form, but they give Lin Chen a tingling sensation from Primordial Spirit!


The two Phantom Clone of Lin Chen return, a phantom divine light descends, and the seven Avatars of Lin Chen protect the body!

Intuition tells Lin Chen that these people are extremely danger!

A little carelessness will kill Yellow Springs!

"This child is Lin Chen?"

"The courage is commendable, and I dare to go against the trend. There was an old man who had some demeanor back then, it's a pity, it's a pity."

"Hehe, his only mistake is to meet us."

Sixteen people are full of playful and joking, curious, or jealous and awe-inspiring eyes, looking up and down Lin. Chen!

As if looking at a prey in a cage.

Lin Chen suddenly said with a smile: "You haven't recovered from your injuries, you want to fight me?"

The enchanting beautiful woman headed by giggles, beautiful eyes flashing The black light of hell, said with a smile: "little fellow, to deal with you, we don't need the heyday."

Lin Chen raised an eyebrow: "So confident?"

Talking and laughing , Lin Chen's gaze finally fell on the cold man at the end of the team and the evil Pianpian Young Master.

These two sword intent broke the world, Blade Intent town Nine Heavens!

If you talk about the accomplishments of sword dao and Blade Dao, they have completely surpassed Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun!

Even, Lin Chen has an instinct.

If it is singled out, even in the case of Phantom Clone siege, if he does not use the War God set, he may not be able to win either of these two!

Especially perceiving the two special nine-sharp seals, Lin Chen suddenly said—"Are you from the Holy Prison? Why didn't I see you when I entered?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's expressions were also very wonderful.

This little fellow has even entered the holy prison? Why didn't they hear True Dragon Saint King mention it?

Tao Yaoyao, who wears a peach dress and a waist supplement as if boneless, smiles coquettishly: "We are imprisoned in the Eye of Hell of the Holy Hell, which is located at 19 layers, which is a deeper level."


At this time, Ying Jiufeng deactivated the bloodline activation state, sound transmission True Dragon Saint King in a cold voice - "It is very likely that he will not be able to use the ultimate move of breaking the holy prison to kill him. No matter what. Life and death! As long as this child is taken down, the people around him will not be enough!"

True Dragon Saint King's eyes lit up, this kid has lost the killing move that can't crush the holy prison?

True Dragon Saint King immediately turned to look at everyone, and said calmly: "Your injuries and strength have recovered 80%, it's time to play."

After that, he looked. towards Zhou Baichuan dressed in white, the latter's stern look slightly nodded: "Space, the blockade has been completed just now."

pa! pa! pa!

Lin Chen bulges Palm, jokingly said with a smile: "Very good, very good. The stealing this time, I did not expect to see so many characters, it is really wonderful."

Lin Chen's abnormality makes True Dragon Saint King laughed without anger—"Why, is my brain twitching or crazy?"

"Dead?" Lin Chen laughed cynically: "no no no, I'm not What merits and specialties are that the whole body, even the bones of life, are particularly hard. The hardness of life is directly proportional to the handsomeness. With my reputation as the number one handsome in the holy world, and everyone here, I can’t take me away. Life."


Lin Chen snapped his fingers, and the dark green beam came out of thin air, bathing him and the Avatars, and disappeared in an instant!

【The host activates the time-space plane and consumes 70,000 top-level innate talent points. 】

At the moment when Lin Chen disappeared, all the powerhouses present were sluggish for an instant!

Even Zhou Baichuan, who was previously cold and arrogant, and absolutely confident in his spatial skills, almost stared out when he saw this scene.

What's the situation! !

This is so special that it crosses his divine technique and just walks away? This is impossible! Unless it's True God!

However, even if True God makes a move, he must first break his space blockade!

Now his space blockade is intact, how come people are gone!

All powerhouse looked towards Zhou Baichuan—

True Dragon Saint King is a killing intent flashing past, staring at Zhou Baichuan!

When Zhou Baichuan felt the eyes of the people, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

"...hey hey hey, what do you guys look at me doing, I'm gonna! You don’t doubt that I let the water out?

True Dragon Saint King coldly said——"You should Didn't you really show mercy to him? "

Zhou Baichuan is so angry!

Yes, you can insult my personality and handsomeness, but you can't insult my cultivation technique!

" show mercy? Those of you who don’t believe me, try now to see if you can shuttling through the void. If you can tore the void, I’ll stand upside down! "

"Who knows, after he escapes, you will quietly reinforce it." "

"My day, did you say anything special?" "

"The enemy is at present, you dare to collude with the enemy and do things with your ass? Hit him! "

"I'm so..."

"Yes, just slap him in the face. After finally attracting the opposing thief, you let him go! "

Zhou Baichuan was beaten up fat by other big guys.

Ying Jiufeng’s gloomy and uncertain face, Lin Chen, even has this technique!


If this is the case, see you next time. If you want to kill him, you must crack his trick, otherwise this child will never be killed!

But right now, there is still a lot of mess to do Pack it up.

Lin Chen’s heavy damage to the Genesis Alliance is a blow!

A large number of sages have fallen on the sage list, and he should bear the back of his sages. The accountability of the forces!

And countless powerhouses were involved in the battle between him and Lin Chen, causing irreversible and incurable injuries.

These people are all alliances Without them, Genesis would not be able to fully function for a while, and the alliance would have lost nearly 1/4/2021 of the sages, and most of the things at hand must be stopped.

this move , It's really a'slow strategy'!

Ying Jiufeng secretly made up his mind.

"Is the best defense, the offense." Lin Chen is more like a poisonous snake... the trick must be reported, and it is immediately. This kind of character, the more you stay, the more dangerous it is. Next time, it's my turn to take out and kill him! "


In Bingxin Palace, Lin Chen's silhouette appeared beside the saint dragon body.

This time, the servants felt Lin Chen The Zhoutian Life and Death Seal in Primordial Spirit has finally confirmed that this is Lin Chen’s deity and has returned safely!

"Lord! "

Jiang Taixu said in surprise: "The natural phenomenon of the sacred talent list just now..."

Lin Chen nodded said with a smile: "I did it, but it was given to They received a meeting gift, plus some interest. "

How proud!!

The forty-two sages of the bloodbathed sages are unique in history. They are just a meeting ceremony!

All servants, At this time an everlasting pride arose in my heart!

Following such a lord, their wounds are not in vain!

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