Lin Chen waved his hand, the space opened up, and raised his eyebrows at everyone: "Come in and fight?"

"Come on, within one move, this seat Let you know the immensity of heaven and earth!"

"This king really wants to see how powerful the rookies of today's era are. Everyone is buzzing loudly."

Eight and a half Saint King, four Saint King, stepped into the space plane in unison.

In a piece of World of Ice and Snow, this place is one of the retreat planes of Ice Heart Palace, which is perfect for battle.

When everyone just arrived--


The lightning snake flies, Wandao lightning tears through the sky and turns into a billowing Thunder Dragon. The violent Thunder Punishment Saint King grabs the void with one palm, crushes the space, and blasts towards Lin Chen!

Boom! boom! boom!

The ice and snow are rolling up, and the wind is blowing. The electric light spread, Lin Chen stepped on the shadow of the clouds, and he was guarding the sky.

"Don't take it lightly, this child movement method not simple!"

Kunlun Saint King's eyes are squinted, and all the contempt in his eyes is put away.

The cloud shadow disappears, and the Lin Chen Avatar smiles playfully.

"So bad-tempered?"

Immediately, his eyes flashed with strange rays of light, and a rare excitement emerged.

The chrysanthemum of the Saint King subconsciously tightened.

What does this kid want to do?

This look is like the look of a boring child who has discovered a brand new toy!

"Holy Force, come out!"

coldly shouted, Lin Chen's shoulders shook sharply, Heaven and Earth changed dramatically, and the terrifying Holy Force tide surged like a huge wave!

Fifty holy caves and fifty virtual holy caves, the Holy Force rushed violently with waves of hurricane-like hurricanes. Lin Chen’s blood burned violently, blazing like sun and red. Xia Shengteng!

At this moment, four Saint King eyes shrank.

They perceive that all the Holy Forces of Lin Chen converge at an extremely fast speed and emerge out of the body, with a smell of stake all on one throw. Old

He said with a big smile: "The Saint King who was sent to the door for training, I can't let it go this time!"

Everyone was taken aback.

Saint King...a sparring? Is this child arrogant to such an extent!

Throughout the holy world, who would dare to say that Saint King is used for training!

Flick the Saint King jade hand in succession, the petals of peach red are flying all over the world, the fairy is lithe and graceful, without the previous calm and composed, some are just waiting!

azure robe Saint King coldly shouted: "He wants to use all the Holy Force at once, something is wrong!"


A light ball shaped like a gleaming lantern rose above Lin Chen's head.

Can be a polar star, colorful, with absolute murderous intention in the splendid beauty!

The four Saint Kings felt a bit of fear of death for the energy light group in the shape of a lantern!

At this moment, all of Lin Chen’s Avatar Holy Force has been emptied, and there is not even a trace left!

next moment, the nine-color starlight trembles, and one is divided into five!

Lin Chen shook his five fingers, and the five beautiful starlights bloomed in an instant!

"Star burst!"

The five-color starlight suddenly burst open!

"Not good!"

"Full defense!"

Twelve people expected in advance, each exhibiting Absolute Art, many holy light natural The phenomenon took shape in an instant. At this moment, these twelve people are completely in a state of joining hands, rather than having their own minds!

If you don’t join forces, there is a risk of death!

Shih~! Boom~!

Starlight is in full bloom, Heaven and Earth are in chaos.

Xuanyu, near the vast river.

bang! bang! bang!

The space trembled violently for hundreds of times, and the strong energy aftermath spread nearly half of the profound domain!

Although it did not affect the Profound Domain, it left the powerhouse in the Profound Domain with a fear of being carved into the bones!

They don't know what happened, but if this energy erupts from the profound domain, there will be countless deaths and injuries, loss of life!

The vast river, the raging waves.

Twelve people are embarrassed and hover in the air.

The move just now directly blasted the entire plane into nothingness!

Several half-step Saint Kings even got injured, and their expressions are full of horror!

This is the prerequisite of their joint defense, they have also been jeopardized!

However, Lin Chen did not have a killing intent against them. This attack did not trigger the [Extinction Ripples]. It was regarded as an opportunity for the opponent to disarm, and it was also an opportunity for himself to be a Small Scale Chopper.

The beautiful eyes of Saint King’s beautiful eyes are full of blue waves. When I stare at Lin Chen, I am amazed and admired, but I am awed and jealous.

too terrifying!

The trick just now, if the people they are present face alone, nine deaths and still alive! There is almost no way to survive!

If their reaction is slower, I am afraid that even the four Saint Kings of them will have to win!

It is definitely the top cultivation technique of the Orange Rank!

The problem is that, as strong as their four veteran Saint Kings, even the cultivated orange-level top cultivation technique is far from capable of producing such formidable power!

This guy, who are you in the end......

Lin Chen's Avatar is full of ecstasy!

Too strong!

This is the orange-level top cultivation technique, and its formidable power is infinitely close to the'Nine Tribulations Stars'!

But Lin Chen, the strongest formidable power of the Nine Tribulations, can only be used once in a short time.

And this "annihilation starburst", as long as Lin Chen's rune energy is enough, you can use it as many times as you want!

However, if you want to use this formidable power, Lin Chen's Avatar must be in peak state. In battle, the Avatar will consume the Holy Force and the formidable power will also decrease.

The most important thing is that "Starburst Annihilation" is only in the state of [0 enhancement], only increased by [Extreme God Possession], and the auxiliary effect of "Ambilight" is only applicable At or below the orange level high level cultivation technique, "Annihilation Starburst" is not applicable.

If "Annihilation Starburst" can be enhanced, the formidable power can be upgraded to several levels!

"system, restore the status of Phantom Clone!"

【Consume 400,000 Saint Level rune energy to make up for all the Holy Force lost by Avatar. 】

400,000 points! Lin Chen's existing rune energy, but more than 20 million, almost one use is equivalent to consuming a Phantom Clone!

Seeing that Lin Chen's Holy Force has returned to the peak state, the four Saint Kings were completely stunned!

What kind of monster is this! Restoring Holy Force is as easy as eating and drinking? That's the Holy Force of a hundred holy caves. Are you one or two holy caves?

Azure robe Saint King exclaimed: "It is true that I am a guy who dares to challenge Genesis. I am waiting for the wind..."

Lin Chen jokingly said with a smile: "Why? Let me post again. Next time, I won't show mercy."

Everyone corner of mouth twitching, is this also called show mercy?

You are ruthless!

The four Saint Kings left one after another, and the eight half-step Saint Kings also fled in anguish.

In the retreat plane of Bingxin Palace, when Lin Chen's deity opened his eyes, he was very satisfied and said: "Just after the cultivation is completed, there will be a training partner. There is no doubt that this move "Annihilation Starburst" will It will become my strongest killing move in the near future. If I use this move to activate the Godslayer innate talent status, it is better than the Dragon Clan encyclical Elder on that day, it is not as simple as being injured."

Lin Chen When he got up, he had recovered from the consumption during the alliance war.

He said with a smile at will: "It's time to go out."


In Bingxin Palace, Lin Chen summoned the servants.

In seven days, the injured person has basically escaped the worries of life, recover completely more than halfway, and hurrying is no longer a problem.

When Lin Chen was sitting in the first hall of Bingxin Palace, all the servants looked forward to him.

All those present are the trusted henchmen or servants of Lin Chen.

Divine flame Palace Lord, and Shangguan Jue, the protector of the law are also there.

Lin Chen's first sentence is still amazing!

"Next, I can make your cultivation technique, core method, pill concocting handprint, Holy Artifact, bloodline, etc. Some basic abilities can be increased four or five times to start."


The brains of all servants exploded in an instant!

Lin Chen's mouth frantically rises.

Since there is a full-scale war, he will play a big game!

He is going to'showdown'!


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