It takes a long time to accumulate an artistic conception, and it is not a realm that Lin Chen can learn.

At least the current version of system does not have the function of comprehending artistic conception.

Lin Chen owns the system, but it doesn't mean that he can know everything.

The means deposited by every powerhouse over countless years are very individual, especially powerful, with its own path and cultivation. Even if Lin Chen owns the system, he can’t all go through hundreds of epochs at once. The road under the accumulation of thousands of epochs.

[The host gets 25900 points of top Heavenly Dao points, 250.9 billion points of Saint Level essence, 16 billion points of suit essence, 92 million points of intermediate enhancement points, 2.3 billion points of Saint Level spirit strength, 16.6 billion points of Saint Level Qi and blood, 40,000 Gold Element energy, 190,000 Saint Level rune energy, 520,000 Saint Level cultivation technique essence......]

When the Avatar took away the attribute light orb, Lin Chen’s attribute value soared. !

Especially the essence of the suit, it can be called a skyrocket!

The background of one of the strongest Sword Kings, especially when multiple Grade 9 Holy Artifacts were blasted and shattered by Lin Chen, the essence of the suit dropped was a huge amount!

Not only did Lin Chen's War God suit consume, but also the charge of War God suit soared to 95%! !


After Zhao Lingtian died, only a dazzling, orange light lingering attribute treasure chest was left.

The surface of the treasure chest is covered with a faint divine light. If there is divine nature, Lin Chen is full of curiosity and extends the hand to grasp it.

【The host gets the top grade Divine Rank material treasure chest, and after opening it, he will get: a 9th layer god star.


When the attribute treasure box is opened, a star-like green agate is floating in time and space!

The divine light of dazzling glows from the agate jade stone. The magic is that the agate stone contains nine kinds of brilliance, and each kind of divine light contains different energy! !

"The 9th layer god star! It turned out to be a Divine Rank different mine, how amazing, just holding it, there is an illusion that the stars, the sun and the moon are all in your hand..."

Lin Chen's heart is throbbing, this thing is a divine talent that can be used to refine Divine Item!

But the most important thing is that it is used as the sixth'making material' of the War God set!

Lin Chen didn't care about cleaning up the attribute value and spoils of war. After taking it away, Lin Chen immediately left the plane of time and space.

Back to the outside world, Lang Fanyun saw Lin Chen immediately said: "Master, are you okay."

Lin Chen nodded with a smile: "It's all small injuries, no injuries. "

Fang Ling hesitated for a while and said, "Master, that guy..."

Lin Chen said: "Dead, I killed him in the space I created."

If the outside world dies, the Sword King’s death ratio will cause a new natural phenomenon, but the outside air is isolated in time and space, so outsiders are imperceptible, unless they are similar to the sage. The sacred talent list creates an absolute connection and maintains the luck of Human Race.

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of many Sword Domain powerhouses were very exciting! !


The King of First Sword, really died? That is the lord of Sword Sect, who is known as the immortal!

Prediction Master once predicted that Sword God will not come out. Even if Sword Domain gathers all the power, it may not be able to capture 10,000 Ancient Sword Sect!

At this time, Lin Ping'an flew over and said unhappily: "Those guys ran very fast, I didn't kill them, so angry!"

Lin Chen smiles Er Shi laughed: "There is no time to chase them, we still have something to do."

Lin Chen doesn't blame Lin Ping An, the powerhouse above Saint King, if you insist on fleeing, think one-on-one. It is still difficult to completely kill the side.

The reason why Lin Chen was able to kill Saint King many times before was completely based on'Avatar hits more and less' or the ultimate sky rebel, plus a movement speed suppression. If not, Saint King Realm powerhouse How can it be so easy to kill.

Lin Pingan hehe said with a smile: "Then leave them alone. In order to calm my anger, I went to find something good."

After that, Lin Ping An toss Lin Chen a few top grade rings and five high grade air transport sacs.

As soon as Lin Chen took it, it turned out to be the family property of Wan Ancient Sword Sect. Thumbs up and call the expert!

Professional, too professional!

I really like this little girl more and more! It deserves to be mixed with me, neat!

Lin Chen releases Sacred Dragon without saying anything. The human-shaped Sacred Dragon pushes with his palm to activate the bloodline divine ability of Yin and Yang to create the Divine Transformation Dragon!

The vast and deep Yin and Yang Dragon Qi in its palms envelops the breath of Undying and Inextinguishable, shrouded in waves and clouds, transforming into two Yin and Yang profound dragons.

His injury recovered at a speed visible to naked eye!


Lin Chen’s Yin and Yang created Dragon Transformation bloodline divine ability!

Although his Sacred Dragon has not fully reached the level of the Dragon King, he can strengthen the blessing of [+17], so that Lin Chen can use this trick to recover completely at no less speed than the Dragon King himself!

At this time, an old hoarse voice came.

"It's really the student surpasses the master!"

The old man of Divine Sword walked into the air with a sackcloth and an ancient sword on his back.

Lin Chen bowed his hand slightly, and said with a smile at will: "Hello senior, I can deal with Sword King, many thanks for help."

"You are welcome." Divine Sword old man nodded , Squeezed an unprecedented smile: "Even if you don't need the help of the old man, you can kill him without any problem."

"Little friend Lin Chen, really the light of my Human Race in the Holy Realm!"

"Our sword cultivator owes little friend Lin Chen a big favor!"

"Little friend Lin Chen opened the sword dao datu for us, and we will need it in the future. Despite the command! climb a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of ​​fire, do not hesitate!"

At this time, all the Grade 9 powerhouses of Sword Domain came up to express their gratitude and salute cup one fist in the other hand.

Lin Chen jokingly laughed: "Oh? Climb a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of ​​fire? Are you willing? Okay, next we're going to go to the knife field and take the luck of the knife field. Also liberate, let's go, let's go together!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in Sword Domain opened their mouths slightly and their eyelids jumped wildly...

Lin Chen smiled coquettishly:" The sword is in the same family. Since it is a family, it must be neat and tidy."

Is this guy still a human!

This has just liberated the luck of Sword Domain, is this the Sword Domain?


Do two domains in one day?

Are you not a good person!

Lang Fanyun was delighted, but he wanted to say: "Lord, will it be too hasty, do we want to withdraw first..."

Lin Chen immediately said The face, pretending to be serious, said: "What to withdraw, if someone reacts, we will arrange another round and mobilize the powerhouse to guard us. At that time, we are really flabbergasted, and this commander is forced to stop doing this horrible deal."

"Mr. Lu said it well, since he wants to do it, he must do it to the end! The man who dares to do everything is the real warrior!"

When I heard Lin Chen wanted Going to the knife domain, Sword Domain's powerhouses were embarrassed.

They would not be afraid of the powerhouse in the enemy's knife domain, but if they risk going to their base camp, it is not something that can be solved by a fight!

Sword Domain bigwigs are looking for reasons to excuse--

"Little friend Lin Chen, I suddenly remembered something in the cabinet..."

"Yes Yes, yes, our Sword Pavilion is on fire, let’s go back and put out the fire first!"

"Aiya, my discipline was injured suddenly, and the old man has to go back and heal him in a hurry, Lin Chen, come here sometime I’m drinking tea in the Haoran Hall!"

"Aiya, I just remembered that my wife is about to give birth! Lin Chen, don’t accompany me!"

"My wife, too! I'm born!"

Lin Chen: "...Your wife is the same one?"

Lin Ping An: "Look at you guys!"


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