Immemorial Sword City——

Slightly fluttering bright red hair is magnificent and beautiful, Jian Qingcheng strokes a strand of red hair lightly, stares into the distance, and feels his sword intent The change, mumbling.

"Lin Chen, you must be safe..."

Next, Jian Qingcheng turned around and said calmly: "I have received the agreed signal, ready to retreat!"


"Yes, miss!"

"Everything is ready, start moving, the ones that can be taken have been taken, and the ones that cannot be taken have been burned!"

" All the belongings in the sword city have all been installed."

"Several Grade 3 and Grade 4 forces of Qiyu, including the Qiyu entrusted by Your Excellency Lin Chen, have also been accepted!"

"Take off!"


Seeing the appearance of his granddaughter alone, the three elders shed moving tears on the side.

This granddaughter is good at everything, but the grandson-in-law she is fancy is a bit too strong.

"Unexpectedly, our Bingxin Palace has gone from that small Grade 3 power to where it is today."

"A few years ago, we were still protecting core method for sect. I’m worried about whether I can improve to the orange level. I didn’t expect that today will usher in the most important turning point in the history of the holy world..."

"If it weren’t for the past to let the truth go down, in order to befriend Lin Chen this child, lead Starting with Yueqi's dísciple, we are probably already reduced to the ashes of this catastrophe!"

The three Supreme Elders of Bingxin Palace sighed.

Bing Xin Palace Lord smiled softly: "So, the choice is greater than the effort. An inadvertent choice of the mortal world has changed the future of our Bingxin Palace, just as Lin Chen said, give more to mortals. The chance of survival is always to let Human Race keep a ray of fire..."

Everyone started to move.

Leng Yueqi and Shangguan Jue led the evacuation of Bingxin Palace and Divine flame Palace respectively!

After this battle, the pattern of the Holy Realm will change greatly in advance!

According to what Lin Chen said, before the victory and defeat with many forces, they were related to Lin Chen, the holy realm is not a place for them to stay!

This is a great battle that is lower than the cultivation base of the Kaitian realm and is not qualified to participate in the battle!

Zi Qianshou's hands are imprinted, one shot is empty!

Thousands of Formation talisman flew up, burned into flames, turned into a golden lion soaring in the sky, and opened up a unique space channel wherever it went!

After that, Jiang Taixu waved the Xiaoyao flag and pushed it horizontally with one hand. The ancient Brahma seal on the palm covered the space channel——

"Everyone, the old man has covered this space. The secret of the channel, please hurry up and get on the road!"

Jiang Taixu sounded a transmission to everyone.

This time, everyone's destination will be one of the important inheritance locations of Xianxiamen.

The inheritance of Xianxiamen has its place to shield the secret of heaven.

As long as it can be reached, the abandoned place of Xianxia Gate will be an absolutely safe area, and no Prediction Master or powerhouse will be able to detect its location.

Stay there, everyone will be safe enough!


On the other side, after the liberation of Sword Domain's luck, 3rd day.

Sword Domain, Grade 9 sect, Wuxiang Sword Palace.

Thousands of attics here are like stand in great numbers. Each attic is shaped like a sharp knife and has a sharp edge.

Today, the Formation of the Sword Palace opens, one after another Blade Qi wandering like a cloud and dragon slashes the void.

The Wuxiang Sword Palace is also one of the strongest Grade 9 forces in the sword domain. Since Immemorial Era, only one has entered the "Blade Intent" Heavenly Slaughter Swordsman!

The Wuxiang Sword Palace is also a generation that inherited the top ten of the sage list, and has a deep relationship with the top ten of the other sages list. It is a truly unshakable great sect!

But today, it is the first time that Wuxiang Sword Palace has entered a state of alert!

Only because a legendary born out of nowhere broke the balance of countless epochs!

He challenged Martial God Aristocratic Family, Holy Prison, Genesis Alliance, and even Sword Domain’s luck was released by him!

For such a character, even if it is only one-thousandth of the probability, Wuxiang Dao Gong must be guarded to the end!

In the Palace of Knife, Tiantu Dao Saint Nangong Jichen appeared in the hall.

He has tiger eyes and sword eyebrows, without anger, he wore a Purple Gold robe to release the billowing Blade Intent, the whole person shuttling through the void, and then, he split the vast avenue!

all around The Void is all around his Blade Intent, shredding the space into nothingness!

Blade Intent is immersed, and your mind is instant! If the Blade Intent is urged to move, it is even faster than most orange-level intermediate movement methods!

Nangong Jichen coldly said: "This seat tells you to be on guard, how about people?

A black robe king of swordsman with a cold look said: "Ji Chen big brother, I will wait I have recalled all Saint King who is out, I am afraid I will be able to return to the knife domain in seven days..."

Nangong Jichen's eyes narrowed: "Can you all come back in seven days? The Prediction Master came from my family earlier. After deliberation, the person who solved Qingtian Sword King’s kid has disappeared in the Sword Domain. Maybe he will do something..."

The other white sword king is handsome, but leisurely. I poured myself a cup of hot tea, took a sip, and smiled casually.

"I think, Nangong Zun was a little too cautious. It is better than this child that he did have a good way to kill Zhao Lingtian and destroy him. Lost 10,000 Ancient Sword Sect, but the price he paid is certainly not small. "

The third golden armor king of swords made a big deal, and said rough said with a smile.

"Yes, Saint King in the same realm of ours, we must completely kill it. What a price to pay, don’t we all know it, let alone a powerhouse that is the same realm as Nangong. I’m afraid he is still hiding in a corner to heal. We pray that we don’t find him. "

Nangong Jichen frowned slightly, but the dignity between his eyebrows was indeed a bit less.

As the guardians said, if you want to kill their powerhouse of this level, you need The price paid is too heavy.

Lianzhan two domains? He Lin Chen does not have this ability!

even more how, they and Lin Chen have no grievances, let alone The reason is coming to them.

Nangong Jichen said calmly: "be that as it may, in order to guard against the unexpected. Starting today, you need to sit in the headquarters for more than three years. I have notified Xuanyuan. Let him return as soon as possible. "

The personable white sword king stood up, and a wicked smile was provoked at the corner of his mouth: "Sit in the sword palace?" Hehe, it’s okay, just to go to Ye Family to find some women to play with it. The recent travels to several spatial coordinates are very tiring. "

Immediately, Elder brought three naked girls with jade bodies to the front of the White Knife King.

The skin of the three women was as white as sheep's jade, with crested eyebrows. The head is full of female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts, devastatingly beautiful.

It is strange that every woman wears a collar on her neck, engraved with a different number of urns. , Such as '282''351'

The three women lost the rays of light in their eyes, and stood in front of the white sword king like puppets, shaking with a little fear.

black robe Knife Wang glanced at him, and said indifferently: "Don't die on a woman's belly. "

The white knife king sneered: "Ye Family can also be called a woman?" But a bunch of tools that's all. "

The golden armor king of swords stood up and sneered said with a smile: "Palace Lord don't worry, Lin Chen doesn't have the courage to come, he dare to come to the sword domain, I call him father! "

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly on the verge of collapse, a violent earthquake, two explosions came from the outside world!

Four Kings Immediately urged the Blade Intent to explore. At this time, a yellow robe Elder outside the palace ran in panic and trembled.

"Sir Law Enforcer, Palace Lord, someone outside indicated that he wanted to see you ! "

Nangong Ji Chen frowned, "Who!" Does anyone dare to come to my sword palace to be wild? "

yellow robe Elder bends tremblingly, tremblingly.

"He said he was a dark horse takeaway, and everything is fast. Send... give people a head, and it's fast too. "

Nangong Jichen: "? ? "

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