After the Genesis Headquarters was recuperated for a while, the top-level powerhouse continued to call, concentrate, and stand still--

However, Genesis’s mid-level powerhouse began again. .

The wind slowed down and the rain stopped. Lin Chen took a break, and they felt that they could do it again.

So, he tried to conquer the mortals in a region again, and aimed at the spiritual realm closer to the Saint King domain to launch an attack to eliminate the mortals!

Saint King domain, Genesis headquarters.

A sage in Tsing Yi sat on the side of the headquarters with a stern look and sharp temperament. He glanced at the middle-aged man in purple robe.

"Whoever asked people to take people to clean up the mortals in the spiritual realm, didn't they mean to concentrate their strength and prepare to attack!"

The man in purple robe smiled and cup one fist in the other hand: "His Royal Highness, don't worry, we just go to the spiritual realm just to release some blood gu, first clear out most of the useless mortals, the process will not hinder us from the next action..."


Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

The streamer fell and hit the Genesis headquarters head-on!

I sat cross-legged to Heartbroken Red above the headquarters, opened his eyes, and looked suspicious.

"A powerful enemy attacked? Why didn't the arithmetic of the old man come out!"

The broken heart red body flashed into the great hall.

I saw that at this moment, there are more than a dozen Saint corpses hanging in the great hall, all Saints above the 7th rank cultivation base! !

A silver robe was greeted by heartbroken eyes, his eyes shrank: "It turned out to be you...Lin Chen!"

shua! shua! shua!

All the powerhouses of the alliance headquarters are ready for an instant, there is a horrible to see astonishment!

Good guy, singlehanded to break into their Genesis Alliance if they don’t agree?

Can't this guy do something to be human!

Lin Chen raised his leg and stepped on a Saint's corpse!

corner of the mouth slightly raise, Lin Chen sneered in awe-"I advise you to stop playing this kind of tricks, is it that the dignified Genesis Alliance will only bully mortals? Some kind of bully me try ?"

All the sages are waiting!

Last time, this guy has killed more than forty sages, and this time he must never be allowed to succeed again!

"Lin Chen!"

"This child is Lin Chen? The thief who killed my Fan Family saint?"

"Why, I want to kill Kill him! Kill my beloved son, my Dai family and him are absolutely irreconcilable!"

"Don’t kill this child today, I’ll write my name upside down!"

There are a lot of old people in the headquarters. Guai was instantly irritated!

They were all the forces behind the saints of the sacred talent list, and they responded to the call of Jiufeng. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen went straight to the Genesis headquarters to kill!


The nine-color Changhong crosses the sky, the clouds are steaming, and Ying Jiufeng's handsome and extraordinary figure appears in the great hall.

Ying Jiufeng alone stunned the audience and raised his hand coldly shouted——"No one is allowed to shoot!"

Next, Ying Jiufeng glanced at Lin Chen and suddenly said with a smile: "Lin Chen, you dare to commit another crime against my Genesis Alliance, maybe it is not to kill these people to vent your anger?"

Lin Chen looked directly at Ying Jiufeng and said peacefully: "The chaos in the holy world, It's yours. Ying Jiufeng, it's boring to play these small ones, playing with these crafty plots and machinations of the next three indiscriminate plots, insulting the top ten of the sage list, isn't it. Let's just play the big ones!"

Ying Jiufeng smiled playfully, did not hide the killing intent in his eyes, and said with a smile at will: "How do you want to come."


Lin Chen handed out a jade post and turned it into a streamer lasing!

Ying Jiufeng raised his hand to catch it, opened it, and read it carefully.

"After half a year, Sword Domain Unbounded Sea, the two sides will fight to the death, until the dead end."

Lin Chen immediately said——

"Before the Unbounded Sea battle , You and me are not allowed to let your subordinates act without authorization. If you dare to slaughter mortals, I will kill you and alliance more powerhouses to pay back! If you have anything to do, you have to wait for you to win us, and fight as you like! "

After hearing this, Ying Jiufeng laughed up to the sky!

"hahahaha! Lin Chen, naive! Too naive, you still want to protect mortals? Heaven and Earth is not kind, and uses everything as a dog! How can elephants care about the lives of ants under your feet? , Just want to restrain my alliance?"

Lin Chen sneered jokingly.

"Whether it is naive, it is not your turn to force Lai Lai. If I personally intercept and kill the powerhouse of your alliance, you should be very clear, how many people will be less in Genesis!"

Lin Chen pointed to Broken Heart and said with a smile: "If you don't believe me, ask this old bastard! When I came in, can he infer my location and direction? I'm afraid I didn't even find any clues, right? "

Lin Chen's words immediately irritated heartbroken redness, and his old face was completely gloomy!

Indeed, Lin Chen is the only freak who can't calculate any results!

If Lin Chen personally intercepts and kills the powerhouse of the alliance, Broken Heart Red cannot be calculated and can not be stopped by half!

From Lin Chen's point of view, the best way to weaken the alliance now is to defeat each other one by one with his own power before all their powerhouses gather!

Just one sentence: singlehanded is done.

But Lin Chen took this as a condition.

At least Lin Chen didn't want to wait for his own people to leave the customs, most of the mortals in this holy world were eliminated.

At that time, even if he won Genesis, the Holy Realm was also a hell of most people.

Once the number of powerhouses gathers, Lin Chen also knows that it is extremely troublesome. To gather these guys will inevitably add burden to the war!

This equivalent to use the life of the powerhouse of the Genesis Alliance to exchange the lives of hundreds of millions of absolutely mortals in the world for the short-term lives of ordinary people, a real gamble!

Lin Chen knows even more that even if he is able to break through the Alliance’s Grade 9 sect one by one in the current sneak attack, if he can’t defeat the Holy Prison team and Ying Jiufeng and the others, he will never shake the foundation of Genesis. !

Only in the saint prison team, known as the'strongest Saint King', stepping into the sword intent, Blade Intent, Jin Taichu and Jiang Poyi, can't be dealt with with Oblivion·Starburst. of.

Not to mention the other fifteen people with Eye of Hell.

In that case, gather them all together and let [Godslayer] reach an unprecedented peak!

And, half a year, it happens to be the end of the cooling time of [Divine Spark · divine elephant]!

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, as bright as jade, "Since I can enter your Genesis Alliance like shopping, I can take the life of another Grade 9 sect powerhouse as simple as a treasure in a bag!"


Ying Jiufeng browses frowned and immediately understands the pros and cons.

However, he immediately said with a big smile——"Lin Chen, Lin Chen, the weak spot is so full, why this battle is agreed to be half a year later, I am afraid that half a year later, you can use the original to destroy the holy The mysterious trick of the prison has come to deal with my Genesis."

Lin Chen was shrugged on the surface, and said indifferently: "Who knows."

But he secretly thought in his heart. : His grandma's, this guy is really accurate in guessing, it's so difficult to deal with!

Ying Jiufeng contemptuously squeezed the jade post, said with a sneer.

"This seat, I only give you three months, Lin Chen, don't want to follow your own plan."

"After March, if you are not in Sword Domain The unbounded sea appears, but every quarter of an hour, this seat will personally lead the team to clear out the mortals in the 36th realm of the holy world!"

He has slightly raised the corners of his lips, cruelly said with a smile: "Just Start with the strange domain you like most to protect!"

Lin Chen face doesn't change, and said calmly: "Three months is three months, gentlemen have no jokes, handsome and not nonsense. Three months After that, you and me, only one side can live!"

Ying Jiufeng waved his sleeves!

"I am Genesis, never afraid of challenges! Just let go!"

"Send off!"

Ying Jiufeng's "Send off" ', many powerhouses are stunned!

No...the heads of the enemy are all standing in front of us. Don't do it at this time, when will you wait?

Are you going to see you off? Send a ghost!

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