Call Lin Chen and so many people come to support me, Wu Pianjue?

Wu Pianjue felt that his dignity and arrogance had been insulted, Martial God turned and swept straight towards Lin Chen——

Lin Chen movement method, a sharp turn, a shot When smashing Nangong Jichen's Blade Intent, on the contrary, Wu Pianjue punched out, pure power plus Holy Force crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

Wu Pianjue punched in the face, brazenly not afraid!

Shih~! Bang~!

When the fire beacon blasted off, the two sides punched each other, and they were evenly divided!

When Wu Pian decided to take advantage of the victory and chase——

"It’s really okay to be so close to me."

Lin Chen's abrupt remark when he was close , Let Wu Pian stand upside down!


Lin Chen punched again and suddenly hit Wu Pianjue in the chest!

"Overtime innate talent!"

When a dark green rays of light passed by, Wu Pianjue was shocked!

Oops! That trick again!

Wu Pianjue recalled that before he was killed by Lin Chen, he was dragged into that weird space plane!

As the saying goes, the stronger the strength, the more confident that Wu Pianjue's strength skyrocketed. He didn't even plan to put Lin Chen this move in his eyes. He didn't expect that he even dared to repeat the trick!

"Today I am not what I used to be when I was in the Open Heaven Realm! Lin Chen, I don't believe that your tricks can still work!"

Wu Pianjue His shoulders shook sharply, and when Lin Chen forced Lin Chen's punch, his Holy Force galloped away, like a raging wave, billion absolutely heavy volcanic eruption, shattering the void ten thousand zhang!



The green light disappears, and Wu Pianjue disappears!

Wu Pianjue’s confident cultivation base still cannot shake Lin Chen’s move! Because it is neither a cultivation technique nor a secret technique, but Lin Chen's unique'innate talent'!

【Successfully launch the innate talent over time, successfully incorporated into the target, and consume 7 million top-level innate talent points. 】

Nangong Jichen lost his voice in horror: "What trick? Is there such a way?"

Lin Chen said with a big smile: "Next, I will draw everyone lucky Audience, present a takeoff gift."

Nangong Jichen both shocked and angry, holding a knife and cutting Lin Chen diagonally!

Lin Chen snaps his fingers, "system, Form Displacement Shadow!"

When the violent and sharp Blade Intent slashed, Lin Chen's silhouette disappeared instantly!

At one thought, Lin Chen's position and Yang Qianfan's position were swapped!

Faced with Nangong Jichen's knife, Yang Qianfan was shocked, with a sense of crisis like a cold glow. You can't hold the halberd completely, slash it in the sky, and hardly connect the Blade Intent!

Boom~! The Blade Intent exploded and rolled away like a dragon, Yang Qianfan retreated several steps.

Hit allies again.

This scene caused Nangong Jichen to be stunned for a moment!

Lin Chen, who swapped directions with Yang Qianfan, happened to appear near Nangong Xuanyuan!

Nangong Xuanyuan eyes shrank, "Damn, why is this move again!"

The last time he liberated the door of luck in the knife domain, this guy also used this move , Like a ghost!

Swipe~! Lin Chen's body guards against the sky, and today's movement speed is terribly fast!

The opponent couldn't react at all, Lin Chen slapped Zhongnan Gong Xuanyuan with a palm!

The rays of light flashed in the dark green space, and Nangong Xuanyuan also disappeared!

【Successfully launch the innate talent over time, successfully included in the target, and consume 3.5 million top-level innate talent points. 】


Lin Chen Tearing Space walked, stepping on the cloud shadow, for a moment and for a thousand miles, hardly any reaction time was given to anyone!

Yang Qianfan suddenly felt the bloody sky flashing in front of him. When he reacted, Lin Chen had already appeared in front of him!


Yang Qianfan's heart was shocked, and he quickly moved the halberd to cross-cut!

Lin Chen is like a dragon, and while avoiding all of them, he hit Yang Qianfan with a fist!

It's too fast!

Lin Chen, who is in the state of [Godslayer] innate talent, is so fast, three grades faster than before!

Yang Qianfan didn't even have a chance to retreat and was included in the plane of time and space!

Things happened so fast, almost one breath, three Great Saints disappeared in the melee, only one Nangong Jichen left!

Lin Chen doesn't give him time to react at all!

"Ambilight, clouds and sky!"

The colorful streamer lingers all over the body, Lin Chen once again urges the movement method!

He guards the blood-colored sky, like a bloody moon under the night sky, his speed has skyrocketed by a notch, and he flashes in front of Nangong Jichen!

The increase in Ambilight makes Lin Chen's movement method faster than that, completely beyond what Saint King Realm can perceive!


Nangong Jichen wants to retire, and when his face is full of horror, he wants to slash him away!

Lin Chen waved a gun with one hand, and when one raised his blade, his palm was like a mad dragon, and he suddenly blasted towards his dantian!

Nangong Jichen was approached to catch Lin Chen's palm, and blasted Lin Chen's palm with a fist, took out a touch of Blade Intent with his fist!

Boom~! Bang~!

fist and palm collided, Lin Chen's five fingers have a little blood spilled. It is better than Lin Chen's current cultivation base. If the Blade Intent of the God Realm is hard-wired on the front, it still cannot be blocked!

But what Lin Chen wants is close range! At the moment of fist and palm collided, a dark green rays of light flashed by!

Om~! Space tremor!

Nangong Jichen was also taken away!

When most of the powerhouses reacted, Nangong Jichen, Nangong Xuanyuan, Wu Pianjue, and Yang Qianfan who had previously attempted to encircle Lin Chen all disappeared!

When Demon Hong Yue, the daughter of the Demon Emperor, Ji suddenly forcefully retreated Lin Chen's Avatar, the magic pupil trembled.

Lin Chen's body shows such Absolute Art, even her bloodline divine ability'Qianyue Huanyu' can't do it!

However, when Lin Chen suddenly turned around, his eyes met Demon Hong Yue Ji!

He smiled knowingly, smiling like a child.

Demon Hong Yue Ji instant goose bumps are all up!

killing intent! This guy wants to kill himself!

Demon Hong Yue Ji felt fear for the first time, and was about to give orders——

"Form Displacement Shadow!"

The position of Lin Chen and Avatar, all of a sudden Swap, as soon as the movement method is launched!

Lin Chen's extremely coquettish smile appeared in front of Demon Hong Yue Ji in an instant.

The daughter of the Demon Emperor who was born Supreme was scared to look pale for the first time, as if she had seen a ghost!

She was full of horror as if she was writing; don’t come over! !

Lin Chen raises his hand as a palm!

Demon Hong Yue Ji, has been included in the list of lucky viewers!


"Where did you do the Red Moon Princess! Despicable Human Race, this king played with you!"

" Hand over Princess, kid, or you will definitely taste the pain of your ten thousand demons' heart-burning heart-forging and bone-making!"

Many Demon Races lost their minds on the spot and roared frantically.

Lin Chen threw a random sentence.

"I can't beat and beat, blowing and blowing does not raise. I really don't know what the use of you Demon Race is. You are the worst Demon Race I have ever seen. Climb for me!"

bang! bang! bang!

Lin Chen movement method, cast several times'Form Displacement Shadow' innate talent in succession, leaving the three most powerful descendants of Demon Emperor, All are included in the [Time and Space Plane]!

Next, Lin Chen turned his gaze, looked towards Jiuyang Saint King·Jin Taiyi, Sunflower Evil Monarch·Jin Wuxie, Yaoyue·Chong'er, and Genesis’s head, Ying Jiufeng!

The sages he stared at, all have one's hair stand on end, their hair stand on end!

"Not good, get out!"

"It's not right, let's talk about it if you slip away!"

"Cannot afford to offend this bastard, no, I Can hide!"

Jin Taiyi and Chong'er and the others are about to escape. How do you know that Lin Chen's vacant four Avatars had long been expected, stepping on the movement method, and immediately blocked their retreat!

One Avatar can play both equally excellent against them, two Avatars on the same, Jin Taiyi and the others are restricted from leaving!

Even if Phantom Clone is not suitable for [Godslayer] innate talent, Lin Chen’s current cultivation base and Primordial Spirit powers can be used. It’s too difficult to escape in his hands! There is no chance of escape!

Another Avatar directly intervenes in the battle between Ying Jiufeng and Li Ziqi!

When the Avatars are chasing the four sages, let them use any trump card to escape, and the power of Lin Chen's Primordial Spirit can also predict in advance!

However, just when everyone thought that Lin Chen would also win the four sages——


Space tearing, Lin Chen's [Form Displacement Shadow] innate talent, unexpectedly swapped places with Lin Ping’an!

When he stepped on the movement method, he came to True Dragon Saint King almost instantly!

Countless powerhouses are stunned!

This is a frightful shot!

Lin Chen's goal is the holy prison!

There is this kind of operation?

This guy is so insidious, why is he so skilled!

It's simply an old man!

True Dragon Saint King: "??"


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