If the time limit for the two innate talents ends, and the two killing move innate talents are lost, Lin Chen’s basic cultivation base will return to the original realm.

Only relying on the Saint Physique and the cultivation base foundation at that time, can not support the pure power of this level of War God set explosion!

Tear and pull~!

At this time, Yang Qianfan was the first to adjust!

Holding the burning halberd of divine blood, he dared to take the initiative to attack Lin Chen!

Stepping on a raging flame, burst out at a speed that surpasses all the holy realms, came to Lin Chen's head in the blink of an eye, and slashed down!

Lin Chen raised his head, his eyes shining with orange divine light condensed, pure power condensed into two huge walls, and Yang Qianfan's halberd was joined together, suddenly caught in midair!

"You idiots, don't hurry up! Waiting for him to kill us!"

Yang Qianfan screamed and awakened everyone!

They haven't had time to cooperate--

Lin Chen swung his legs like a battle axe, blasted Yang Qianfan with one leg and crushed his arm on the spot!

"Martial God Eight Divine Slash!"

The eight divine glow flashes like clouds, Wu Pianjue launched an offensive very fast, and the non-quasi-god powerhouse has no time to react. !

clang! clang!

Lin Chen was cut back several thousand zhang distances, the golden light overflowed, but Lin Chen was unscathed.

"Playing a sneak attack? It's a pity that I'm harder than you!" Lin Chen's five fingers smashed away, bursting out the power of Ghost God's destruction, destroying Wu Pianjue with one palm!

"Not good!"

Wu Pian absolutely blocked his sword. When he was shot by the golden divine light, the'Wu Divine Sword' in his hand suddenly shattered!

His Divine Sword is similar to Martial God’s original Cultivation Absolute Art, not a real Divine Item. After the offensive was suppressed, it was shot to pieces by Lin Chen!

Lin Chen's surplus of energy slammed into Wu Pianjue's chest like a mad dragon, penetrated all his protections, smashed his ribs, and completely pierced and exploded his sacred heart!

Wu Pianjue's eyes were dull, and she was unbelievable before she died!

Why was his divine blood protective body defense penetrated again!

"Why is it like this...I have got father's divine blood, it should be me who won..."

Wu Pianjue died and dropped a lot of attributes Light ball, and a special snow-white attribute treasure chest!

Lin Chen grabs the attribute treasure box with his hand--

[Get a special Divine Spark attribute treasure box. 】

When the system light screen pops up, Lin Chen scans it roughly, like being struck by lightning, his face is full of ecstasy!

A piece of hexagonal crystal-like jewel Divine Spark fragment, with half of the elephant body sealed inside, the divine might is mighty and immortal, suspended in front of Lin Chen's eyes.

[Congratulations to the host! Obtained after opening: Divine elephant Divine Spark fragments (3/3), divine object class Divine Spark, the complete Divine Spark has been automatically placed in the Divine Spark column, and can be used after the cooling time is over. 】

The third divine elephant · Divine Spark fragment!

Wu Pianjue's death this time allowed Lin Chen to obtain the last piece of divine elephant Divine Spark!

"Breaking Wu Pianjue's divine blood, really good things fell out!"

Lin Chen was ecstatic, suppressed his ecstasy, looked towards him, looked towards Several other sages!

Wu Pianjue’s death completely left the remaining five Great Saints, the four Demon Emperor descendants, True Dragon Saint King, who coincidentally have one's hair stand on end, and felt a fatal crisis and fear !

"You will be injured as soon as you hit, be careful!!"

"What kind of monster is this guy!"

"The Ai family wants to go back. Why should I provoke this monster? He is not a human at all!"

In the state of innate talent, the enemy will either avoid Lin Chen’s attack and fight him, or he must take his attack, and it will cost him a hundred. If you take a hundred percent, you can't be swept away by the aftermath of any attack, otherwise, if you are hit, all defenses are ineffective!

This is simply bullying!

No, bully God!

Can fight but not defend! But Lin Chen can still defend!

Isn't this really bullying God!

Lin Chen is aggressive, stepping out in one step, smashing the billowing air waves, his hands are like sharp knives through Jin Taiyi's nine-wing Golden Crow, and he pulls!

Tear and pull~! boom! boom!

Golden light collapsed and exploded continuously, Jin Tian burst into mournful scream!

"No, Lin Chen! This Young Master is defeated, you are the number one on the list..."

Lin Chen raised his palm and patted it on the top of Jin Taiyi of the head, take a picture of human skin on the spot!

A bunch of attribute light balls are hit, and the two attribute chests of golden and orange are suspended!

[The host opens two special treasure attribute treasure chests and obtains: a top grade Gold Element alien crystal and a top grade Fire Element alien crystal. 】

Shih~! bang! bang!

The eight-armed troll transformed by Yaoyue Zhonger roared in rage, swung his magical arm like a giant pillar, and smashed his head against Lin Chen!

Demon Hong Yue Ji’s nine-headed demon snake spit out a huge storm-like poisonous mist of corrosion. Saint King died, and it was lower than the cultivation base of the reincarnation sacred realm and it was hard to resist!

The burial Heavenly Demon Qi, held by Jue Jiu Sheng, has condensed into an endless sky-covering giant palm, and it is destroyed!

"Are you all crazy? Just right, I will solve you all in one go!"

Lin Chen pushes horizontally with both palms, divine splendor soars, and the divine force that pushes Three Thousand World explodes. , Destroy the eight magic arms of Yaoyue Chong'er head-on!

Lin Chen squeezed the eight-armed troll with five fingers! He slapped Fei Chong'er with a backhand and was crippled!

At the same time, Lin Chen inhaled and condensed, swallowing mountains and rivers for hundreds of millions of miles, even the light was sucked away by him!

next moment, when Lin Chen opened his mouth to exhale, he spit out a billowing gust of air, like a storm in the world, blowing away all the corrosive poison mist!

Demon Hong Yue Ji was overturned and flew out, her enchanting face was incredibly unbelievable, and her breath of dantian overwhelmed her hydra!

Lin Chen turned around like lightning, with a whip to the sky, crushing the shocking palm of the son of the heavenly demon!

Jin Wuxie and Nangong Xuanyuan once again attacked one another! Crazy, press forward!

Lin Chen crushed their offensive with a finger and a palm!

The other two descendants of the Demon Emperor came again, Lin Chen imposing manner rising steadily, beating violently all the way, as if entering the land of no one!

All eyes are red! In a state of madness!

The remaining sages and descendants of the Demon Emperor have lost their ordinary sense and mood!

They are not ready to die!

I didn't even think about it at all. This time I encircle Lin Chen and "I might die" this probability!

As the most noble existence of Peak powerhouse and movement method of Human Race and Demon Race!

They are almost the most powerful existence under the Human Race gods and Demon Race Demon Emperor!

Even if you encounter an unbeatable enemy, it is not a problem to escape!

So, they have not yet done the courage and preparation to die in battle.

But this time Lin Chen was fighting, they really felt the fear of death! You can't escape, you can't prevent it, you can only fight!

Win and eradicate your enemies. Defeat, consigned to eternal damnation! !

Lin Chen's fist was like a star, and he tore a hole in the joint offensive!

First, Demon Hong Yue Ji, who was photographed into a skin by Lin Chen, was in pieces!

Nangong Xuanyuan again, with a fist burst into nothing!

Followed by moved towards the buried heavenly demon, the son of the emperor will have a violent beating!

Boom! boom! boom!

The Demon Body burst, the Demon Body of Jue Jiusheng broke like glass and was broken into pieces by Lin Chen!

"The Human Race named by the Imperial Father is actually... so powerful? It is said that Human Race is cheating, my family is cheating me... I'm not willing to..."

Nine students die in hatred!

Perish! perish! Crazy perish!

Lin Chen beat all the powerhouses in the Superspace Plane to death in one blow!

Whether it is the Human Race Holy Realm or the Four Great Demon Realm of Demon Race, at this moment, it all explodes!

When these powerhouses die, the pattern of the two races will change drastically!


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