When opening--

[The host opens the special energy attribute treasure chest: True Dragon divine embryo air. ]


A group of milk-white energy in the form of True Dragon, suspended in the palm of Lin Chen, is as lifelike as a rudimentary giant dragon.

Lin Chen feels that this group of energy breeds a new force!

"So pure energy, this is the attribute chest dropped by the True Dragon Saint King guy. Maybe I can let my Sacred Dragon absorb it and have another fortuitous encounter!"

Lin Chen collected this group of energy, seeing that all the attribute values ​​had been collected, he was teleported out of the time-space plane!

Unbounded sea.

Lin Chen just teleported out, and he felt the disturbance of Heaven and Earth, as if the entire world was tilted for a moment! !

A fist wind shattered everything in Heaven and Earth, passing Lin Chen's distance!


When the space fragments of the Unbounded Sea strayed away, a bloody silhouette stood tremblingly in the sky.

It’s Qin Nine Heavens!

He bleeds from his seven orifices, he is like a bloody man, his eyes have lost the rays of light, and he mutters to himself.

"This fist, this damn...energetic...Fortunately, I still blocked it..."

Qin Nine Heavens rolled his eyes white and fell into the air!


The colorful streamer passed by, and Fei Wushuang used the movement method to arrive, immediately caught Qin Nine Heavens, healed him and protected his lifeline.

Lin Chen looked around immediately, the remaining days of Demon Venerable were all besieged by Dragon Clan and his servants and fell.

In the duel with the holy prison, the 17 members of Lin Chen's team almost won! A total of fifteen people have been wiped out!

Only the last two of Jin Taichu and Jiang Poyi are left!

Lin Chen’s seventeen servants, ten of them were seriously injured and unconscious, and seven of them were able to act, and they were surrounded by them!

a sword light smashed open the encirclement circle, the blade light flashed randomly, rushing out of everyone's encirclement and suppression!

Jin Taichu and Jiang Poyi ran in different directions at the same time!

"True Dragon Saint King is dead, now is the time to be free!"

"Now is the time, great time!"

Seriously injured, fleeing like crazy.

When everyone wanted to chase, Lin Chen's sound transmission resounded in their minds.

"Don't chase, go to heal first. Leave the rest to me!"

ten thousand zhang Cloud shadows travel through the sky, Lin Chen crushes the billowing waves, holding the Nine Heavens star Angry, shot an arrow at Jin Taichu!

In the early days of Jin Dynasty, he was shocked. When he wanted to urge the last sword intent to resist, the arrow was divided into five. The early days of Jin Dynasty eyes shrank——


On the other side, Lin Chen mobilized the last Avatar who could only act, and attacked Jiang Poyi!

Five groups of lantern-like nine-color divine lights bloom between Heaven and Earth. Jiang Poyi and Jin Taichu were intercepted by Lin Chen and Phantom Clone at the same time!

Finally, when the bloody rain and the wind roared, the two sons of the era, who had the name of the strongest Saint King in Human Race, fell completely!

Lin Chen stepped into the air and took away the attribute light balls dropped by the two of them. "Two an arrow at the end of its flight, if I let you run away, Brother Chen, I will still use it. Don't mix up."

Lin Chen in Godslayer state, but has battle strength that rivals the saint realm of reincarnation.

The two are not in their heyday, so naturally they can't get out of Lin Chen's tricks!

Seeing this scene, the powerhouse hidden in the Sword Domain has mixed feelings!

The holy world has changed completely!

From the beginning to the end, they never thought that the Genesis Alliance would lose. Moreover, even if they lose, Lin Chen’s people may fall into a long-term tug-of-war with the Genesis Alliance, Holy Prison and other forces.


Can didn't expect, Lin Chen actually pulled up by the roots against Genesis with this battle! !

This method is unparalleled in the world!

"The next trend of the holy world, is it fortune or misfortune?"

"A fierce tiger has fallen, and another more ferocious dragon has been born."


"Lin Chen, a youngster capable of changing the existing power of Human Race, no one can suppress his edge unless the gods are born!"

"No, by his means I am afraid that even True God is not absolutely sure, right?"

When powerhouse discuss spiritedly in Sword Domain--

Om! Hum! Hum!

At this time, Lin Chen’s extra holy cave rays of light gradually dissipated, and the [Godslayer] innate talent status was lifted!

Lin Chen's body was light flashed, and when he returned to the servants, they were either seriously injured and unconscious, or Holy Force had consumed ninety-nine percent of them, and his appearance was particularly permeating!

In this battle, they have exhausted everything!

Especially Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun, the two seem to be thirty years old, with gray hair, and old marks appear on their stern, determined faces.

When they first became Saint King, the two of them were radiant, as if they were back in their thirties, but now they are like elders.

Lin Chen didn't say much, he grasped the palms of the two, nodded and said: "Everything is over."

Fang Ling smiled knowingly; "The lord does not have to hurt God, We had a very enjoyable battle in this battle!"

Lang Fanyun coughed up blood and laughed: "Happily, there is no better battle than this! Lord, I can see you as king in his lifetime. At that time, we have no regrets!"

Lin Chen smiled boldly: "The king who is a fart, it is better to be free and comfortable. I am not interested in ruling."

Three The man looked at each other and laughed.

Immediately, Lin Chen glanced at You Wangsheng and Fei Wushuang, and the two understood.

Lin Chen smiled slightly at Li Ziqi in the sky.

Li Ziqi immediately respected Lin Chen as a cup one fist in the other hand.

Lin Chen turned to face all the servants, the hidden powerhouses and Dragon Clan, and said loudly.

"Today’s battle, the Genesis Alliance’s top leaders have been destroyed. You have coordinated with the forces of various domains to liquidate all the Grade 9 sect and Yu Dang who joined Genesis next!"

Lin Chen Then looked towards the powerhouse of Dragon Clan, knowingly said with a smile.

"Everyone of Dragon Clan, your people who assisted me, eradicate Grade 9 sect, which is a catastrophic part of the Holy Realm, is no problem."

The Great Dragon King of the Hell Water Dragon Clan Luo Luo gave a generous hand and said earnestly.

"There is no problem at all, but the human and dragon clan has regulations not to interfere with each other's forces..."

Lin Chen raised his hand to interrupt, calmly said with a smile.

"The rules? Starting today, I, Lin Chen, are the rules. Whoever dares to talk about the rules, let them come to me, Lin Chen! How about, your Dragon Clan's answer?"

Domineering! Strong!

The courage displayed by Lin Chen is simply swift and decisive, which makes the powerhouses in the Sword Domain discolored!

There is already a force that ignores other Grade 9 forces, and Lin Chen has the courage to do things to the end!

The Hell Water Dragon King fell into deep thought, and his beautiful eyes shone brightly.

How can she not understand Lin Chen's intentions this time when she is in charge of the family?

"This youngster is really Interesting. I want to take this opportunity to trade in the old and break the previous rules of the two races and let us completely stand in his team!"

"and He borrowed my hand from Dragon Clan to destroy the Grade 9 sect of Human Race. The potential is equivalent to telling all powerhouses of Human Race. He has my Dragon Clan alliance. If other forces of Human Race move him, he has to weigh us. Most of the weight of the Ancient Dragon clan. You can kill three birds with one stone!"

The Hell Water Dragon King and the other Dragon Kings looked at each other, tacitly.

The result is self-evident.

"Dragon Clan, we are willing to help! Follow Lin Chen friends!"

Lin Chen's mouth rose up, everything was expected.

"Tai Xu, you go with them. The soldiers are divided into three groups, the main force is to attack the Grade 9 sect that joined Genesis, and the deputy department will fix the remnants of Genesis in various domains!"

Lin Chen looked towards Jiang Taixu, although his breath has consumed more than half of it, it is okay to simply calculate the general trend.

With a strong Prediction Master accompanied, it will only be more handy to clear the remnants of Genesis, like a tiger that has grown wings.

"Yes! Too empty to lead!" Jiang Taixu put away a ring.

That was the mysterious Najie where he captured Heartbroken Red, which contains some absolute secrets recorded by Heartbroken Red!

The same is true for all the servants. After killing such a powerful opponent, their gains are not small!

Lin Chen waved his hand, "Destroy the remnants of Genesis, and you Dragon Clan will come to Strange Land to find me. All of your races participating in the war today, each race has 20 opportunities to improve the bloodline!"


As soon as these words came out, the dragons were ecstatic! !

Each race has twenty opportunities to improve bloodline!

They have settled this fight!

At this time, Lin Chen realized that Lin Ping'an was gone!

He was astonished and said: "Where is the little girl Ping An."

Jiang Wan'er smiled: "She went to copy the family property of Genesis Alliance."

Lin Chen pretended to be serious and said: "What? Running so fast! As soon as I get to the house, I am gone. What bad habits? I don't know who I learned from. I will criticize her later!"

Jiang Wan'er: "..."

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