Facing the remains of King Demon God, the Empress frowned.

"Since you have already taken action, there is nothing to talk about!"

With a wave of the female emperor's delicate hand, the magic knife cut off a blade glow like a blood moon!

Wherever the blood moon blade glow passes, when the blade glow is beheaded away, the blade glow explodes with terrifying suction!

The rotating blade glow swallowed everything!

Light, space, time, life, stars, energy, everything is sucked into the blade glow, and all are swallowed up. There is no trickle left, and everything is withered. Devouring Vault of Heaven!

The four great elders grasped attentively, and then each made a move to smash the offensive of the Demon God King's wreckage head-on!

Boom! boom! boom!

A big explosion occurred in the starry sky all around, the stars turned into dust, and the space collapsed into a chaotic vacuum.

Fight with the top battle strength of the entire Fiend clan, and only the wrecked Demon God king will impossible is the opponent!

Let Lin Chen escape, the empress’s heartstrings are unprecedented with a hint of irritability!

"Get out of the way."

Under the veil, there was a cold call from the female emperor. She took a bit of strength and cut it down suddenly!

Tear and pull~!

The magic knife pierced the night sky, and the sky suddenly split a blood rainbow, crossing the sky!

Blood rainbow erupts with terrifying suction, attracting the star river-like pitch black devil tail, being pulled through the defense, and the devil blood burst out!

The complexion of the four great elders has greatly changed, and even almost protected it!

If the empress slashed, the trouble will be big!

The Empress makes another cut!

The billowing blade glow contains the power to destroy the world, and even the light cannot escape its swallowing range!

Seeing this, the old silver scorpion looks slightly changed.

He immediately revealed half of the Demon Body, with a scorpion shell covering the body, and the magic lair. With a step on the sole of his foot, he shuttling through the void, surpassing the speed of light!

Next moment, Elder Yin Xie suddenly turned around and swept away!

A scorpion tail ran across the air, the demonic energy rolled, and the blood-colored blade glow was put on the front, which actually blocked the female emperor this blade!

Silver Scorpion Senior drank steeply--"The Empress, this thing involves a lot, you can't kill it!"

The Empress said calmly: "The thing of Demon Race, why cannot kill." This thing has nothing to do with my Fiend clan. Our Fiend clan has to walk our own way, not along the path of Demon Race to explore their blood-filled history. The silver scorpion is the old man, if you don’t get out, the emperor will join you. Slash!"

shua! shua! shua!

The other three elders were born and stood in the way, and quickly spoke out to discourage the empress.

"We don't know much about Demon Race, this thing can help us understand Demon Race better, can't kill!"

"Emperor, could it be that you also Eyes Obscured by a Single Leaf? This thing is the Demon Race Supreme Treasure, maybe we can use it to threaten Demon Race!"

The four great elders discourage the female emperor, the wreckage of the Demon God king is not forced to rely on!

Its hideous blood-colored head squirmed violently, shaping a stronger body with desire.

next moment, a roll of the dark devil's tail, shattering the light, like a storm in the world, crushing to the four great elders!

The situation is chaotic!

The four great elders blocked the female emperor and the wreckage of King Demon God.

And the Demon God King Wreck once again fought against the empress and the elders, the offensive was full of murderous intention, as if venting the anger of the endless years of backlog!

The empress was limited by the overall situation of the Fiend clan and did not show her true strength.

Even she didn’t even realize that she was dealing with the Demon God King’s wreckage while also doing two things at the same time, distracted, searched and felt the breath of Lin Chen!

In the dark, she felt that this young Human Race must have something to do with herself.

I actually carve a unique magic mark on his body.

Who is he?

Is there really a relationship with Human Race? impossible!

The female emperor’s perception was released, and he found that Lin Chen had rushed to the blood continent, and a trace of surprise appeared!

"That Human Race has gone to the Demon Temple? What does he want to do?"

The high-level power of the entire Fiend clan is now gathered in the blood continent!

That is a lineup that rivals Human Race's 36-domain high-level power!

Enough to attack Human Race, an extermination-level battle strength!

He passed through the Holy Land of Human Race, wouldn't he be afraid of death?


The female emperor's shadow is slightly to the side, and she has escaped and left!

The four elders were dumbfounded.

That vicious and merciless, proud female emperor who despises all living beings, escaped at this moment?

"Suppress this guy now!"

"Before this crazy woman came back to his senses, don't let it be exposed!"

"Go all out and suppress it!"


Under the veil, the empress looked at herself in surprise and astonishment.

"I...I just acted instinctively? I wanted to protect him?"

This incredible act made the Empress feel even more outrageous!

On the other side; Lin Chen stepped on the shadow of the clouds, guarded the sky, and furiously swept towards the blood continent.

He even flipped through several "classic books" in his hand, such as "One Hundred Ways to Use Godslayer", "Single Player King Propaganda", "How to Correctly Change Women's Clothing", "Dark Horse" "Organization's Domineering Speech" and so on, I see men and women cry.

"The only way to get out right now is this!"

The moment Lin Chen closed the book, he unbuttoned his robe and got naked!


A meteor-like rays of light fell on the blood continent, like the divine light coming, it shocked the whole blood continent!

"What happened?"

"A wave of unsettled waves has risen again!"

"The elders just went out, are they back again?"

"No, it seems to be the breath of Human Race!"

Many Fiend family powerhouses and Fiend Wang are surprised.

The army of the four great elders, the grandiose army, and the powerhouses under the female emperor’s command, are all in the direction of the Demon Palace.

I saw, above the Demon Temple, a handsome and strong back, naked and facing the entire Fiend clan!

His power sinks into the sun and the moon, swallowing the world with anger, a pair of sword eyebrows flying, star eyes blooming, a cynical smile hung at the corner of his mouth, between Heaven and Earth, a faint golden divine splendor is floating around him, If Heavenly God is down!

Back to the supreme powerhouse of all Fiend clan, there is still no fear!

Countless powerhouses are horrified and dumbfounded!

It turned out to be a Human Race?

Many powerful Fiend Wang fighting intents suddenly rise!

What a daring dog!

Human Race dare to kill here? Who gave him the courage? Human Race True God doesn't dare to go here alone!

At the moment before the Great Siege and Suppression broke out, Lin Chen urged Primordial Spirit and Holy Force, suddenly coldly shouted!

"All Fiends listen!"

coldly shouted, rolling dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, spreading blood throughout the continent, resounding under the stars!

I saw that Lin Chen's left thumb was facing his tiger shoulder, and the faintly discernible'bite marks' like a crescent moon.

Next, behind Lin Chen, a purple light suddenly lit up, and the ancient text talisman carved by the empress herself was revealed!

The Fiend clan is shocked!

It was actually carved by the empress herself? What is the relationship between this child and the empress?

I saw, Lin Chen pointed directly at the sky, and the corners of his mouth were rising, shouted loudly.

"I, the most handsome man in Human Race, Lin Chen, hereby announce--"

"Your Fiend Empress, Young Master, I slept!"


Weird silence!

At this moment, within the blood continent, absolute silence!


[Godslayer innate talent hints, those who are currently hostile to the host: Fiend clan. Quantity range: all! 】

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