The plane of shadow, hiding the sky and the darkness covering the earth seeps out from the surface, sky, mountains, rivers and vast seas!

Beyond the Shadow Altar, Zi Qianshou and Xiao Ling'er floated in the air, waiting for them.

The two of them are peaceful on the surface. Mount Tai collapsed and the face doesn't change. In fact, they have already set off a stormy sea in their hearts!

"The lord is playing too big!"

"The lord wants us to block these Innate shadows from the outside. I really can look down on us..."

Qiansang and Xiao Linger laughed bitterly at each other when sound transmission.

In other people's base camp, stop all the shadows of Innate? This is absolutely impossible!

Even though the Shadow Clan has gone through many battles in the ages, it is now declining, but a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse!

There are dozens of Innate Shadows gathered in a short period of time, each of which is comparable to Human Race Saint King!

Apart from this, there are some shadow races that are more terrifying than the ordinary Saint King, obviously touching the threshold of the'monarch' level.

Although the two belong to a well-known figure in the Saint King cultivation base, their methods are extraordinary, but in the face of such a terrifying enemy, they can drown them just by drowning in numbers!

The most important thing is that the lord's task is to guard the outside, can only fight but not escape.

If there are only two of them, this battle is obviously a defeated situation, a matter of time.

However, the eyes of the two are no longer confused.

They have entrusted their lives to Lin Chen, even if Lin Chen wants them to die, there will be no second words!


The red clouds are rising, and the faint scarlet gold divine light embraces the two, condensing into a heavy circle of light.

Zi Qianshou and Xiao Ling'er said in surprise; "It is the Lord’s Absolute Defense Absolute Art!"

The divine light descends, and the dragon body looks like a Star River, and the shadow of the dragon king appears Right above the plane!

It is Lin Chen's dragon king!

Obtained the Blood Attribute value of the Demon God King’s wreckage. After the Dragon King used the'Taizhou dragon claw' to repair all the load injuries, it also brought it up a level and reached the critical value of 1999 million power. !

The dragon king's body, if shown in full, would be as huge as several stars!

It opens a big dragon mouth, blue waves are like waves, raging sea rolling curtains, five water hells, Heavenly Prison, shrouded the altar of the shadow plane, and began to gradually block the space edge of the plane!

Innate's ability to shuttling through the void is extremely strong. In order to avoid shadow races wanting to escape, they must confine the shadow plane with the Dragon King's Heavenly Prison!

The shadow races spread a very mysterious wave to each other, the language that belongs to the shadow race alone, and they started to violently act, attacking the Dragon King’s Heavenly Prison!

They are aware of each other's intentions.

Zi Qianshou coldly shouted: "Let's go, help the lord's actions!"

He flicks with the finger, the twelve Dao Palace Formation appears, and the Star Palace in myriad forms of Sun Luo The big array enveloped all around all around!

Xiao Linger nodded and said; "Prioritize the stability of the space near the altar, and do not allow them to destroy the Heavenly Prison composition. The lord specially ordered that the new king of shadow must not be allowed to escape!"

The two exhibited Absolute Art. With Lin Chen's "Tai Xi divine light", they can ignore all offensives!

In the shadow altar;

Tao Sheng was slapped in the palm of his head by Lin Chen, and his head blossomed, almost severely injured.

Its eyes are full of disbelief, "After this seat becomes the new shadow king, even the reincarnation of Human Race can be suppressed, but this child hurt me with one palm?"

The most frightening thing is that Tuo Sheng is very familiar with Saint's realm, he perceives Lin Chen's realm, and only the cultivation produces Qi of Death!

In other words, with such a terrifying and powerful Ade Holy Force, his actual cultivation base does not exceed the Star Realm?

What kind of enchanting perverted superior strength is this!

Simply is not simply'leapfrogging','overstepping', but'crossing the border' to fight!

It has completely surpassed a great realm! The level that even Saint King can crush has reached the battle strength above the saint state of reincarnation!

"By the way, he just... mentioned the name of this seat!"

Before Tuo Sheng could react, Lin Chen stomped--


The sky shook and the earth shook, and the holy light rushed into the sky, rushing towards Tuosheng from just below the ground, running through the surface like a mad dragon!

The five Innate shadow kings swept away, and the speed of the distorted space was particularly terrifying. They reversed the space at once and rescued their new king!

Boom! boom!

The altar completely split up and in pieces, turning into powder, where the holy light passes, illuminating the dark underground.

Lin Chen and Tuosheng look at each other with four eyes.

Tuosheng said incredulously: "Do you recognize this seat?"

Lin Chen sneered: "Lin Can is a guy who has crossed half of the holy world with me, I will recognize Can’t tell my own brother?”

It’s true that the current Tuosheng occupies Lin Can’s body, no matter what secret technique is used, there is no difference, because the two are essentially the same creature.

However, Lin Chen felt the fear and guard of the new shadow king from the first meeting of the two sides.

You must know that Lin Can, the little shadow, will not be wary or afraid of Lin Chen.

Lin Chen knows how many lives and deaths each other has fought side by side!

Even, Lin Can still has a certain awe and admiration for Lin Chen.

These are completely absent from the current shadow king.

This is the feeling that the Brothers’ Life and Death Friends only understand. It is more powerful and effective than any discrimination technique!

In this case, there is only one probability left, Tuosheng!

If the Innate Shadow King's inheritance is the body possession of the little shadow, it would have been shot long ago.

As early as in the battlefield of the Nine Clans, you could do something against Lin Can, why wait until now?

Combined with Lin Can's death of the fourteenth period of the ultimate shadow time, the only probability is Tuosheng!

The new shadow king in front of you is genuine to the shadow clan.

For Lin Chen, it is a'fake'!

Lin Chen clasped his five fingers, the dark red holy sword emerged, and the blade looked like blood-pouring flames, with its sharp edges and flames!

"Wait a minute! Little friend Lin Chen!"

Sage Tuo suddenly said, "Why do you and I kill each other? My Senior has immersed the lives of all races. I left a way for myself. Anyway, this little fellow brought you a lot of benefits during his lifetime, didn’t he?"

Lin Chen's expression suddenly became gloomy, and his pupils were brewing crazy killing intent!

Tuosheng’s secret sound transmission Lin Chen; “Since this seat has been resurrected, it is just around the corner to completely control the Shadow Race. Little friend Lin Chen, with your abilities and talents, why not join forces with this seat? Future Shadow Race can Yes, you also have half. As long as you are willing to join forces with this seat, you can also have half of the country where the Shadow Race sits!"

Sage Tuo actually threw an olive branch to Lin Chen!

They control the multi-space coordinates of the universe, know a large number of Secret Realms, and hold wealth and resources that are unmatched by all races!

The shadow race is indeed the race with the most growth potential! It is precisely this that will be the target of the key attack of all races!

Lin Chen said slowly.

"Sage Tuo, you will always be you. He will always be him. If my brother dies, you must bury him!"

Lin Chen steps on the cloud shadow, body Skylight, holding Jue Yan abruptly slashed vertically, cutting out Qianzhong Lieyan!

chi! chi! chi!

The violent black smoke corroded, and the sky-shielding shadow stopped Lin Chen this blade!

"Give the face shameless!" Tuo Sheng scolded.

It sound transmission to the Shadow Lords: "You listen to the order, the Elders will go out and take down this child!"

The five Shadow Lords were taken aback, this Human Even though the Race is strong, you don’t have to let Hajime Elder go out and deal with it, right?

Sage Tuo is flustered and exasperated, yelling: "Ah, a bunch of idiots! There are seven hanging like him!"

Almost tone barely fell, the sky fell in disorder , One after another phantom divine light descends into the altar!

The seven Phantom Clone directly surround Tuosheng!

Shadow Lords suck in a breath of cold air!

There are really seven?


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