The old man Wuji holds a whisk in his hand, with divine poise and sagelike features, long beards and fluttering, and walks on the bright platform facing him.

He looked around all around, a lot of familiar faces came into view, his expression was solemn, and he said loudly.

"Thank you very much for giving face to the old man, not far from here absolutely to come to my Promise Heavenly Palace, I summon you today, just to discuss one thing, join hands!"

As soon as the word "Joint" came out, powerhouse frowned.

Since ancient times, they are both competitors to each other.

Except for several major events in history, there is almost no existence, and there will be no joint situation.

An weird old man in a blood-red cloak, with hollow eyes and a sharp strange light passing between his eyebrows, coldly said.

"Old Guy, it is not practical to let us join forces. You invite us today, not for such a boring thing."

golden light Cancan, a Golden Armored Man, with a golden spear pointing obliquely at the sky, is extraordinary, sitting cross-legged on the clouds, as if to open Heaven and Earth, Shen Yun said indifferently without anger and prestige.

"I agree with this old ghost, old man Wuji, straight to the point. What is it, is it for the Lin Chen kid before?"

Everyone looked towards The old man Wuji——

The old man Wuji took a deep breath and said loudly.

"In this case, the old man is straight to the point. Since the last time the old man deduced the omen, the biggest omen of the human race in the holy world, due to some uncontrollable factors, It's here!"

The old man Wuji did not explicitly say that the omen was advanced because a certain Human Race boy who could not predict his fate had contact with the empress!

"The omens arise from the Hell galaxy in the extremely difficult southern position. The nine plagues have come, and the doom is overwhelming. Ninety-nine magic stars reappear. Fiend rises together, and the female emperor comes! The world is about to be in chaos, all races The powerhouse will be born again, and the Fiend clan will launch a general attack on Human Race!!"

The words of the old man Wuji stirred up waves! !

All powerhouses stand up! The eyes are full of look of shock!

Fiend clan, launch a general attack on Human Race?

Golden Armored Man, who was still peaceful before, heard this, his sword eyebrows were raised immediately, and he glared at him, "Old Guy, can you guarantee the accuracy of what you said? This matter is not a trivial matter, it is a race War, don’t be sloppy!"

The old man Wuji was slightly nodded, "The old man dares to call you all persons together, so naturally he is sure enough. For this information, the old man has invited a special Saint King to go to hell. The galaxy, which belongs to the four great elders of the Fiend clan, has explored the way. Many human race tribes have disappeared, and they have gone to the total Star Domain of the hell galaxy!"

He flicks with the finger, Countless streams of light shoot at you powerhouse, it is a space jade slip!

The powerhouses are opened one after another, and the jade slip contains a lot of information for surveying the hell galaxy.

When I saw the details, many powerhouses were shocked!


Fiend clan battle strength, unprecedented concentration!

This is not the scope of an ordinary civil war. If so, there is no reason to mobilize a large number of Fiend King-level powerhouses!

The powerhouse of Saint King Realm, but the real existence of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth!

The site known as the four great elders of the Fiend clan, the Fiend Kings known to the Human Race have all been mobilized. This impossible is a civil war!

The old man Wuji said with a solemn face: "In order to collect this information, I lost three Saint Kings from the Heavenly Palace of Wuji. The authenticity of the information is self-evident."

"I Most of the gods of the Holy Realm have left the Holy Realm, and some of the guests present must have a good idea. The old man will not repeat the reason why the gods left. This time I will gather everyone to discuss and fight against the Fiend clan. One thing..."

Kang Dang!

Someone dropped a cup and left!

"What are you kidding about, join forces to deal with the Fiend clan? The Fiend empress has the battle strength to force the gods back!"

"She returned without injury and brought the Fiend clan with him. If the old killer comes, if the gods are not there, we will fight with the head?"

"Why, whoever of you likes to fight, I am gone!"

"I want us It is impossible to be a substitute for the gods!"

Someone immediately chose to back down, or even just flee away!

The old man Wuji looked at all this calmly as if he had expected it.

Until the first batch of powerhouses left, the remaining powerhouses in Mingyue Platform were only half of the number just now!

All that stayed are the ruthless characters of Big Sect!

patted his own Bloodred Cloak, the old and weak old man smiled indifferently, "Then, Old Guy, what do you think we should do."

The old man said: " Coordinate the battle strength and join hands to deal with the Fiend clan."

Golden Armored Man raised his brows, "forgive me to speak bluntly, even if we join forces, in a situation where the gods are absent, if we fight head-on, we might even have a chance of winning. It’s not 10%."

The old man Wuji nodded and said: "It is true, this is a losing situation. So we have to retreat to advance."

" At the beginning of the war, the Fiend clan's signs will definitely be aimed at our Human Race, so we have to withstand the first wave of offensive and come up with the biggest feint attack."

Every powerhouse was taken aback.

Pretend to fight? In the face of absolute strength crushing, there is no probability of a turnaround!

The old man Wuji picked up a blue chess piece and said calmly: "This action will affect your whole body! The Fiend race has hated Human Race for a long time. This action will cause a continuous reaction."

"Demon Race has coveted Human Race for many times. It will definitely invade the Holy World after the Human Race Holy World is breached, or when the two sides join together to suffer from both sides. The old man has already promoted the show. There are signs of action, and the invasion of the Holy Realm will only be inevitable!"

"What we have to do is to pretend to be defeated in the first wave of offensive. First let the Fiend clan come in, and then wait for the Demon Race to kill. With the help of the Four Great Demon Races, the Fiend clan will be hit hard! Look for opportunities and Danger Land will fight back!"

"Furthermore, Dragon Clan will not sit idly by, and it is very likely that it will evolve into three by then. The Peak powerhouse melee, my Human Race can only wait for the end and wait for the only probability!"

The Bloodred Cloak old man covered his shirt, covered his mouth and nose, and his old eyes passed through the deep rays. of light, "If you want to fool the Fiend clan’s high-level feint operations, the risk is very high, and maybe it will all be wiped out."

The old man Wuji said bluntly, "You’re right, maybe we will be the first Po pretending to attack the battle will be defeated, no matter what the result, it must be a loss of life, maybe this is the last battle of the Human Race since the history of the Holy Realm."

"But no matter what I hope you will remember the ending."

The voice of the old man Wuji is sonorous and powerful!

"When the Demon Race invades the Holy Realm and fights with the Fiend clan, and the two are fighting, it is our Human Race. The last hope! It may be sad, but it is the only probability now!"


Three days later, a shocking news, centered on the Saint King domain, spread to thirty-six domains!

Human Race Holy Realm, the world is in chaos!


Demon Realm, high-level Blood Demon Race fans gather together!

Today, it is a great event for Demon Realm of all races! Demon Emperor summoned and coordinated the battle!

A generation who loves bloodfiend, shows up in person!

He turned into a humanoid boy, dressed in the armor of the Demon Emperor wrapped in blood energy like a dragon, wearing a devil crown, scarlet eyes, and sitting high above the hall.

Facing powerhouses such as Demon Venerable and Demon Venerable under his command, he peacefully played with a glass of wine glass containing the blood of Human Race Saint King, drank it all, and immediately said with a smile.

"Everyone, thousands of years have passed, and there is no better time than now!"

"I love the Blood Demon Race, the whole family listens to orders! Follow the emperor's order and set off for Human Race Holy Realm!"


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