In addition to the ultimate armor parts of Lin Chen, the other five War Gods have been fully charged to 99%.

The percentage charge of the War God set becomes more difficult as you go back.

The power of Lin Chen's body refinement is far from being able to bring the current five-piece War God set to its limit, and he has not immediately stacked up to the highest possible level.

"system, fill all my middle-level suit essences with six War God!"

[The host now holds 1.03 million middle-level suit essences, start filling----]

[Filling is over, set column: Ultimate Armor 100%-Ultimate Leg Armor 100%-Ultimate Armor 100%-Ultimate Armor 96%. 】


Lin Chen's heart is stunned!

I got stuck at this juncture!

"Master, all the things that went to Chen Yu to collect are here."

At this time, Jiang Taixu stepped into the Dragon Palace and respectfully handed a number of Qi Luck Planting Bags.

Lin Chen took it, and, apart from disassembling all the Holy Artifacts, the essence of the set attribute obtained still makes the energy of War God's ultimate armor immobile!

The later you charge, the more difficult it is.

Jiang Taixu went on to say: "The lord, Dragon Clan's request is to upgrade the bloodline of the dragon king of the whole clan first, and then there will be many dragon kings coming to accept the bloodline upgrade."

Dragon Clan army moves, the number is extremely terrifying, that is the total number of Dragon Clan, it is unable to pass through the special space channel of Dragon Realm and Odd Realm.

The Dragon Realm intends to transmit a small portion of Peak Elite and battle strength first, and first improve the battle strength.

Lin Chen nodded and said: "It just so happens that I have the same meaning, let them come, I will arrange for my Avatar to do it."

After that, Lin Chen called back a Phantom Clone.

Participating in the Fiend clan battle, Lin Chen gained an unprecedented peak in strengthening points.

As long as it is not the bloodline of the top five Divine Dragons, it must be sufficient.

After Avatar left with Jiang Taixu, Lin Chen fell into deep thought.

"Today, there are not many high-level Holy Artifacts in the Holy Realm. Although the essence of the Grade 9 Holy Artifact suit is considerable, the quantity is not much. The quality is not enough, and we can only bet on quantity. !"

Lin Chen gave the servants the task of finding a large number of Holy Artifacts.

Even if the whole world is the enemy and the primary enemy of the Holy Realm, we must bring back enough Holy Artifact!

Lin Chen got up. He left the Avatar in the Dragon Palace and set foot on the Dragon King to fly into the sky.

Next, is to wait for the arrival of the war.

In this unprecedented battle, Lin Chen’s opponent is the Demon Emperor, Demon Race, which has existed for tens of thousands of years.

There is also the veteran of the Fiend clan who can be said to be against the sky, and the emperor of the world!

No one knows where history will lead.

If you win, everyone is happy, and if you lose, you are consigned to eternal damnation!

Before the war, Lin Chen just wanted to quickly return to the side of the one he loved.

Xianxia Historic Site.

Quiet valleys, small bridges and flowing water, spiritual butterflies flying, all around the immortal is full of meaning, just like the Human World Immortal Realm, the world is hard to find.

Lin Chen once again returned to the historic site, alone on the top of the quiet valley, three thousand green silks are as soft as a waterfall, beautiful eyebrows are picturesque, radiant, pale as a lotus, blue eyes and wings when looking into the distance , I think far away.

His eyes were stagnant, and the world in his eyes was like a quiet and leisurely Immortal Realm picture scroll, which made Lin Chen dumbfounded. The beauty is as beautiful as Heavenly Immortal, and it is astonishing ten thousand zhang red dust.

Fairy Gu Pan, when she found out that she was a teenager, Dai's eyebrows raised slightly, and she said with joy: "Why are you back? Has the matter of the Holy Realm been completed?"

Lin Chen helplessly said:" The last step left is to decide whether to live or die."

Ning Qingxuan's heart tightened, tingling faintly, rising by the wind, came to the boy’s side, and squeezed his palm. Ten fingers tampered tightly.

Lin Chen looked around and found that the number of people in the vicinity of the Xianxia Ancient Ruins had dropped sharply. He couldn’t help but said strangely: "Right, how about everyone?"

Fairy said: "White Ruoyan and Leng Yueqi, two elder sisters, have returned to Nine Provinces. Bai Ruoyan’s elder sister said that she has mastered the secret of the eternal flame and wants to mobilize the flame to help you."

"The world tower and Danyu's Everyone, as well as seniors from Sword Domain and everyone from Zixia Wanggu, all returned to the Holy Realm one after another, saying that they would do their best for you."

Lin Chen complexion slightly changed!

Before he could speak, Ning's Fairy slender jade finger pressed the boy's lips and smiled.

"Have you never experienced that kind of feeling yourself, why don't you do anything, but wait for the arrival of fate, how can you be willing to be willing."

"Although everyone is protected by you, but None of them would really want to give their destiny to others for the rest of their lives. Even if they die, everyone will die together."

The heart throbs as if being beaten by drums several times in succession. After a few breaths, Lin Chen feels deeply. He sighed deeply, rare and helpless.

Lin Chen said to Fairy: "What about you."

Ning Qingxuan stared at the pupil of the boy, the rays of light were bright, pure and deep, like him when I first saw him .

He seems to be this way. Nothing changed him in general.

Ning Qingxuan's voice is sweet and slightly resentful, "I'm waiting for you."

Lin Chen startled.

Next moment, Fairy smiled brightly, beautiful and dazzling, like the spotless Azure Lotus, smile as pure as jade stone, full of longing.

"I think you will come back."

"I think you will come back to see me, so I am waiting for you."

"I know you There are more important things. I am thinking of you like a fire. I want to go to the Holy Realm to meet you right away, but I can't help you, at least, I won't cause you trouble, so..."

Fairy's first snow-like cheeks were stained with crimson clouds, and she quietly nestled against his chest, whispering.

"So, I am waiting for you."

Hearing this, Lin Chen seemed to be deeply touched somewhere in his heart.

He held the slender waist of Fairy supple as if boneless in his arms, and sucked Fairy's breath greedily.

Lin Chen suddenly said with a smile: "Where did our story begin."

Ning Qingxuan smiled like a flower, and Xia dyed her cheeks: "From you ……When you touch me, start."

"hahahaha!" Lin Chen laughed, "I thought you didn't remember."

"It's all here, as long as I'm still alive, I'll go to Ning Uncle to propose a marriage, and Ming Media is getting married."

Fairy trembled in his arms, nestled in his arms with peace of mind, two rows of happy tears crossed his jade cheeks.

Fairy whispered softly: "Everything depends on you."

Lin Chen has sealed his fleshly power and said with a smile on his face.

"This is what you said, it will be longer in Japan."

He hugged him tighter.

Ning Fairy let out a sweet cry of "Yeah", her cheeks were covered with red clouds, she was so beautiful and unparalleled.

"Why are anxious!"

"It's not my urgency, it's it!"


The colorful fairy clouds linger in the historical sites, and the gorgeous and picturesque clouds sprinkle in the sea of ​​flowers in the valley, magnificent, full of spring, two silhouettes swaying slightly.

Just like Fairy who was rescued from the false gods that day, when he descended to the world, he was hesitant and pleasantly surprised, painful and happy.

Looking at the young boy's immutable appearance, Fairy stroked the beads of sweat on his face, responding to him with a shy and blooming smile.

Xianxia sprayed to blow through the elastic flawless skin, radiant and beautiful, like wearing a radiant fairy skirt, Lin Chen can see the heartbeat speeding up, and the beautiful woman in her arms is almost connected to Heavenly Immortal It can't be compared to the one percent of its beauty, and the deception is even worse.

[The host continues to launch the Orange-level innate talent, Dual Cultivation acacia, is feeding back the cultivation base of both parties...]


I don't know how long it has been.

Huahai's lazy and exhausted voice echoes.

"Will this... be too long?"

"You have to ask it."

"Lin Lang......"

"system, turn on the awakening function. Isn't there a function with turning on."

system: [...You must be awakened. Are you still a person? 】

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