The entire Dragon Clan clan is dispatched. The total number of 540 dragon kings, including the Ancient Dragon clan and Immemorial Dragon clan, is astonishing!

However, compared to Human Race, this lineup definitely does not have the upper hand.

On the Saint King Realm battle strength alone, there are more Human Races in the Holy Realm than in the Dragon Realm!

Dragon Clan's bloodline innate talent is strong, but it takes more time to grow up than other races.

The most important thing is that the more powerful existence is, the harder it is to reproduce. This is the case for Human Race, and even more so for Dragon Clan.

The advantage of Dragon Clan is just like the advantage of Sacred Beast. It is the pure power of the body and it is a protracted battle!

This is definitely the most beneficial help for Human Race!

What Human Race needs most nowadays is a big daddy who can stand up for a long time!

Even Dragon Clan and even the descendants of Divine Dragon are on the battlefield!

After this level of war, their descendants can truly grow up.

Gentle experience can never create Peak's powerhouse.

When the powerhouse of all parties acted, inside the Xianxia Historic Site.

Lin Chen opened his mouth slightly, his eyes widened and his mouth was stunned.

In the Xianxia Historic Site, tens of thousands of Rui beasts stared at Lin Chen as if they were harmless to humans and animals.

Lin Chen was stunned: "What's the situation, Qianqian, didn’t I just let you bring your family here... Feelings are all your family?"

Lin Chen even A subconsciously looked towards Madam Bai, "Madam, are you so capable of giving birth?"

The beautiful woman gave him a white look. She was charming and grotesque, and said: "You think my dead ghost is as brave as you, everyone is here Refuge in you."

The elders with beards headed by said with a smile: "Your Excellency Lin Chen, we have decided unanimously to take refuge in you. You are our life saving benefactor and don’t want our ability to wait. , Has great kindness to us."

The number of Lucky Beasts here is at least one third in the Lucky Beast plane!

Be aware that having their help is equivalent to allowing a large amount of gas luck spirit plant to produce a huge amount of cultivation resources!

This will mean that Lin Chen can create massive powerhouses!

This kind of temptation is impossible for almost anyone to refuse!

Lin Chen raised his brows and said with a faint smile: "Take refuge in me? You guys are thinking about farts, and they are pretty beautiful. I have no obligation to protect you, go go go! It's hard for me Find a good place, go quickly. I don’t raise idlers, and I don’t need idle beasts."

The beasts are embarrassed.

This Lord Lin Chen is really unusual...

With their status as a beast, which race is not coveted or remembered, this Human Race Lin Chen Not only did they save them, but they didn't even look down on them?

This makes many Rui beasts feel instinctive and unconvinced.

The old man with long beard hurriedly said: "Your Excellency Lin Chen, we are willing to do a little bit for you. As long as you don’t despise us, I’ve already discussed it and follow you with Qianqian, this little girl. Isn't it beautiful to start the cooperative protection circle of Human Race and Rui Beast?"

Lin Chen's heart jumped and he took the bait.

Lin Chen pretended to say with a smile: "Beautiful? A few beautiful ones! I don’t want to take any risks, so I want to cooperate with me? What kind of crooked melons are you? The creatures of other races You are rare, I am not rare. If you want to take refuge in me, you have to show relative sincerity and take sufficient risks."

The beasts looked at each other and discussed.

A young beast tentatively said: "I don’t know, what method do you want us to use to cooperate?"

Lin Chen said straightforwardly--"Follow me. Holy Realm, behind the front lines of the battlefield, help me cultivate a large number of spirit plants and provide sufficient resources to my alchemists, otherwise you will fend for themselves."

The Lucky Beast Plane is destroyed. , To establish a new plane of beasts, it will not happen overnight.

Without the shelter of the plane of the beast, the beasts are now a group of living targets.

Think again and again, the old man with beard clenched the teeth.

"Okay, the old man promises you! Come with you to the front line of the Holy Realm!"

"However, please allow us to leave some of our young descendants here. Our bloodline needs inheritance. , I hope you can agree!"

It's done!

Lin Chen's expression suddenly became solemn and fierce.

"No problem!"

In the monument, there is a mountain top.

The quiet and elegant Ning Fairy stared at the young man with wonderful eyes, and his eyes seemed to be full of limpid autumn water, and he whispered.

"Must come back..."

Lin Chen smirked and nodded.

"Definitely! Next time we will discuss some new poses, oh no, new knowledge."

Fairy puchi smiled and gave him a blank look.

Lin Chen stepped up on the dragon and took the beasts to escape from the void.

"Be careful all the way."

Ning Qingxuan quietly watched his leaving back, and muttered softly.

The next day, the holy world.

Lin Chen descends to the Dragon Palace!

Although he stayed at the Xianxia Historic Site for a month, the actual changes in the holy world are all within his grasp.

After all, his Avatar is active everywhere, perceiving various changes in the holy world.

"The situation is not optimistic..."

Lin Chen turned on the system, and the ultimate armor's charge was stuck at the [99%] position and stopped moving!

It seems that there is only one step left, but in fact the last point of recharging is the most difficult!

Jiang Taixu descends into the void, curious way.

"Master, is this?"

Lin Chen said with a smile.

"All the beasts are auspicious beasts, please call them carefully. It happens that this time our people have robbed a lot of spirit plant. We will give them all and send a team of people to protect them. It will be our best A solid backing."

Jiang Taixu gasped slightly!

Thousands of beasts? The lord is really terrifying evildoers, this number exceeds all the beasts ever recorded in the holy realm!

Jiang Taixu led the command and said: "Yes!"

Next moment, the Xiaoyao flag behind Jiang Taixu dances wildly, constantly roaring, seemingly inductive!

Jiang Taixu's eyes are as sharp as a sword!

He said seriously—"Master, the Fiend clan is already close to the Foreign Domain battlefield. Unsurprisingly, it will arrive the next day."

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, "Oh. Is it finally here!"

Lin Chen’s Primordial Spirit Consciousness Sea immediately sent sound transmission to many servants.

"Everyone, give the Holy Artifact to my Avatars in each domain as quickly as possible!"

The meaning of the Zhoutian Life and Death Seal passed to all servants Lin Chen , The holy world is too vast, not everyone has the divine technique and Space Array like Xiao Linger and Zi Qianshou.

It takes a certain amount of time for the servants to move back to Lin Chen Avatar.

"System, how many enhancement points do I have left?"

[The host's intermediate enhancement points, there are 513.5 billion points left. 】

Lin Chen strengthened the bloodline for an entire Dragon Clan expert, consuming nearly half of the strengthening points!

"system, I want to strengthen the "Annihilation·Starburst" cultivation technique!"

[Continue to strengthen the function, strengthen the +13 orange rank top cultivation technique...]

Orange-level top "Annihilation·Starburst", Lin Chen spent more than 4 trillion intermediate enhancement points before finally strengthening it to the highest level +17, and the formidable power surged more than four times!

Lin Chen moved to a Secret Realm in the Dragon Palace.

He spread out his palms, and a jade pierced by the red sun burning the sky vividly burns the phantom of the thousands of Fire Dragons, floating in Lin Chen's palm!

This is Lin Chen's only remaining top grade Fire Element alien crystal!

The ordinary methods of the outside world can't make the current self stronger at all.

Only this top grade alien crystal, if it is absorbed by refining, it can also bring Lin Chen a first-line improvement!


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