The Empress actually broke the offensive of the gods myriad forms!

What's even more terrifying is that her blow was able to blast towards the Saint King domain!

The blade glow of the blood moon cut off the last refuge of the Power of God, and slashed straight on the Saint King domain!

Without the protection of divine force, the Saint King domain is exposed to the offensive of the Empress without any cover!

All things in the Saint King domain were withered and withered in an instant, everything was eaten away by demonic energy, and despair fell!

Swipe~! chi! chi! chi!

The Lin Chen Avatar, who urged Holy Force to protect itself, was swallowed up in an instant, and was gone!

"What a horrible formidable power!"

Lin Chen, who is in the strange domain, suddenly opened his eyes, with horror in his eyes!

That knife is simply a catastrophe...

His two Avatars, the battle strength of the quasi-god Early-Stage, failed to survive a tenth. Breathe!

When the blood moon blade glow hits the Saint King domain——

Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

At that moment, Heaven and Earth changed color!

Blood moon blade glow cut through all time and space, and hit the Saint King domain fiercely like an unprecedented formidable power!

The ground vein broke instantly, the continent plate was lifted, all split up and in pieces, and strong wind scattering the last clouds!

The power of terror penetrates the Saint King domain, shattering everything in time and space!

In the deep layer of the severed ground vein, lava squeezed out in an instant, sweeping the surface at a speed exceeding thousands of times the speed of sound, destroying the sky and the earth!

The mountains, oceans, and forests on the surface are instantly thrown off the surface by the impact, reaching ten thousand zhang high!

Everything is destroyed!

Blood moon blade glow crushed everything, countless star-like fragments, soaring ocean waves, raging lava, and in an instant, they were swallowed by the bloody magic light!

A super shock of the roar of Heaven and Earth, like the wailing of the world, the roar of doom, spread from the Saint King domain to the entire holy world!

Like an unprecedented earthquake, each domain triggered a terrifying tsunami, and the continent plate had an unprecedented tilt!

At this moment, countless Human Races ushered in a sound like eardrums, and felt unprecedented fear!

"What happened..."

"Quickly activate the Battle Qi bodyguard!"

"Start Sect Protection Great Array!"


"Is this...the doomsday!"

"Hurry up, expand Sect Protection Great Array and leave it alone!"

"old man pray for Human Race has been safe for a long time, and it ended up like this..."

"The last might of the gods can't protect us."

"Rebel! Don't believe in the gods, just Believe in yourself!"


A quarter of an hour later, a black robe figure stood high in the sky, clutching the dim magic knife in his slender hand.

She was clutching her undulating chest, a blood stain came out from under the veil, and her breath was much weaker than before.

The Danger Land of the gods myriad forms fought back and inflicted a lot of'harm' on her.

The fire beacon rolled, and when it diffused a little, the dim starlight spilled onto the surface of the Saint King domain.

No, to be precise, it is no longer Saint King domain!

The civilization of Human Race no longer exists, and there are no buildings left.

The former ten thrones of sages, Divine flame Tianshan, ancient Divine Vestige, and Promise Heavenly Palace, all no longer exist!

A distorted ruin, extremely messy.

The center of destroying the surface is a heavenly abyss with invisible end. The entire area, and even the crystal wall of space, are completely and split in half!

Lin Chen’s Primordial Spirit force clearly understood this scene, with his mouth slightly opened...

too terrifying!

Split the Saint King domain in half directly!

Even, it almost broke!

After destroying the offensive of the gods myriad forms, the remaining power still destroyed a Saint King domain!

Be aware that the battles of multiple quasi-Divine Grade powerhouses can cover the creatures of a domain, and can make most of the creatures extinct, but it is absolutely impossible to cause such terrible damage!

Killing a domain’s creatures and destroying a domain are completely different things!

A domain in the holy realm, especially the Saint King domain, is far stronger than ordinary stars and stars by countless times!

Accurately speaking, True God cannot achieve this level with just one click!

The corner of Lin's mouth trembled.

This is... the woman he slept with, cut out!

Lin Chen is not sure, whether the empress will use the magic mark in her palm to confirm that the two Avatars were not made by the body.

If you are sure, it’s the best. If you’re not sure, then you prove that you are in danger of dying by fighting her...

Or, to kill those two Avatar is a warning!

Lin Chen clenched his fists and broke down the Holy Artifact more quickly, "I said that when I come back to sleep, I will definitely come back to sleep! No one can speak well!"

Lin Chen's heart, on the contrary, a more fierce fighting spirit rose!

He glanced at the system column [Set column: Ultimate armor: 99.65% charge...]


Lin Chen also needs some Holy Artifact in exchange for the essence of the suit!

At this time, between Heaven and Earth resounded with an amazing murderous aura!


"We can enter the Holy Realm!"

"Kill the hateful Human Race, the Holy Realm belongs to our Fiend clan!"

"I long for a worthy opponent."

"Sharp sword, sharp eyes."

"Where Human Race lives, the needle does not poke ."

"Human Race, the times have changed!"

In the 35th domain of the Holy Realm, a large number of Fiend clan silhouettes appeared in the sky.

The terrifying murderous aura enveloped the entire holy world like a cold wave!

The holy world has fallen!

Since the creation of the Holy Realm, it is the first time that a large number of foreigners have entered the interior!

Human Race, which was hostile to each other a moment ago, turned into friendly forces fighting together in the next moment!

Countless Saints rose up to resist, the chants were loud, and the Saints fought alone.

"Don't let the Fiend tribe succeed, we still have to fight!"

"Bring Great Grandfather's Grade 9 swords, this Young Master will kill them!"

"the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, Sage stayed by. As a Human Race Saint, how can I allow my homeland to be trampled by Fiend!"

"My Human Race remains unchanged, and my spirit is long Stay, defend the Sword Domain to the death!"

In every domain, a fierce confrontation broke out!

Regardless of Saint First Layer, 2nd Layer, or Enlarging Acupoint Realm, Transforming Realm, Life and Death Realm, all Saints fight to the death!

The army of the Fiend clan, like an endless wave, slaps every Saint in the domain head-on!

Even the Human Race in Battle Sovereign blatantly confronted the Fiend clan!

I heard that the Fiend clan’s attack was still in the powerhouse of the holy world. Except for a small number of treacherous people and those who steal chickens and dogs, all of them are mentally prepared!

The sky is dark and dark clouds are overwhelming. demonic energy Above the sky covered by the sky, Fiend tribes rushed down from the demonic energy tide high in the sky.

The flames of war began to spread, from the sky Sacred Domain, Cangyu, Chenyu, Sword Domain, Sword Territory, Fiend tribe's army all the way to the north, pouring into the holy realm!

The army is all under the command of the four great elders. They are extremely cruel, violent and bloodthirsty. They fight with Saint without hesitation, even if it is death!

The chaos of war was like an unstoppable fire, which burned across the vast holy realm and began to spread one after another.

The war between the Human Race and the Fiend clan has completely started, Heaven and Earth are disturbed, and the situation changes suddenly!


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