If the two parties complete the transaction, the Emperor Heavenly Demon will hand over the secret technique to completely control the remains of the Demon God King to the four great elders!

The four great elders are struggling in the next endless years of realm. Although the innate talent of the Fiend tribe is high, the upper limit is not as good as the orthodox Demon Race!

The empress has been in retreat for a long time, and she has the protection of the ancestors of the past. It is no easy task to sneak attack her, and the best time is the time of the war!

The transaction between the two parties is an extremely confidential matter. Before the start of the war, no sixth person knew it.

Is the Empress Fiend aware of it? When did she notice it?

The offensive of the four great elders slowed down, and once fell into a stalemate!

"If this is the case, would she still come alone to deal with the divine force against the myriad forms of the gods when she perceives it?"

"How far does she know?"

"Did we get caught, or were we caught?"

"This girl, predicted our actions?"

The Big Four The respected elder is uncertain, and a thousand doubts entangled in his heart!

The senior silver scorpion stared deeply at the empress.

Where has she noticed?

A faint premonition rose from the heart of Senior Silver Scorpion!

Six Great Demon Emperors saw the battle stop and were very interested.

"Stop it?"

"This female emperor seems to have noticed the rebellion of the four elders of the Fiend clan..."

"The situation is wrong, just watch Its change. Perhaps she is just bluffing."

"If she is in full bloom, she must be careful."

When the Demon Emperors looked at each other, the murderous aura became more and more high!


Sword Domain high above the sky——

"You guys, go to the area where the guy's body was just now, and kill!"


Buying the heavenly demon Emperor instructed the heavenly demon beside him.


Heavenly demon, the emperors took their orders and walked back to the strange land.

"Lin Chen ah Lin Chen, if you keep the position of a domain so clean, isn't it equivalent to telling the emperor that your relatives are in a strange field, hahahaha! The emperor wants you to destroy the nine races! "

Buried heavenly demon, the emperor extremely angry laughed, "This time, see how you can run!"

Explore the demon claws, the ash-gray demonic that originally circulated the demon arm energy, a ray of glaze-colored demonic energy emerges!

The pure and pure coercion of terror, even transcending a certain limit, faintly pervades.

True God Avatars in various domains turn pale with fright!

What is the aftermath of that energy?

It seems to have surpassed the Demon Emperor!

Glass-colored demonic energy soars into the sky, burying heavenly demon fiercely and crushing it in the void!

Boom! !

With this grasp, the desolate and ancient times are extinct, the Thousandfold Plane is shattered, Heavenly Dao collapses, and the space is shattered into a dark abyss like a black hole to fill the sky!

The sky of the entire Sword Domain exploded in an instant! !

The crack spread to the top of the knife domain in an instant, and this blow instantly shattered the sky of the two domains, and annihilated countless Fiend tribes along the way!

Countless Human Races are terrified!

Some Saint Kings were even scared to move even a little bit by this shocking blow!

Lin Chen, who is far away, instantly numbs his scalp!

A fatal crisis rushed to the top of the head, the cold glow was biting, and the corners of the mouth couldn't help shaking!

Lin Chen's mind is only a single thought!

Being hit by this move will undoubtedly die!

The dragon king is transformed into a stream of light and incorporated into the body of Lin Chen. Between the electric light and flint, the azure dragon light is condensed into one line!

The time and space Lin Chen is in seems to have stopped in an instant!

"Taizhou flashed!!"

In an instant, he turned into a blue divine light in the static time and space!


Lin Chen escapes from the sky Sacred Domain!

Boom~! boom! boom!

The sky of Sacred Domain exploded in an instant, and fell instantly!

The claw marks of ash-gray are like rainbow piercing the sun, completely shattering the sky, and when the endless space collapses, tens of thousands of Fiend clan and Demon Race who are launching attacks from the outside world suffer!

Human Race powerhouses trembling in fear, eyes shrank of Tian Sacred Domain.

"What a terrible attack..."

"If this claw falls on the Sacred Domain, I am afraid that the entire Sacred Domain will be gone!"

"Demon Emperor, definitely the attack of the Demon Emperor level!"

"Has a Demon Emperor already killed the Sacred Domain?"

The powerhouse of the Sacred Domain is chaotic. The group, fighting intent almost collapsed!

next moment ——

Boom! boom! boom!

The entire sky of Sacred Domain was instantly crushed and shattered into endless darkness!

The moment the sky of Sacred Domain exploded.

The old man Wuji who was on the battlefield of Foreign Domain suddenly turned his head, his face was full of horror!

"Have a Demon Emperor sneak into the holy realm?"

He repeated his calculations, and was shocked.

"This...this energy...does not belong to the three-dimensional universe. Who are you after all?"


Affiliated to Odd Domain Cang Yue Secret Realm.

Ancient God Palace, the will of the ancient gods suddenly awakened.

His illusory silhouette floats in the air, looking into the distance, his eyes are deep, and his brows are twisted into one.

"Has it...returned?"

The ancient god's faint eyes were a little worried.

"Lin Chen boy, he is too young to resist..."

Sacred Domain boundary.

After using Taizhou Flash for a while, Lin Chen dodges this frightening claw dangerously and dangerously, cold sweat is flowing, and the corners of his mouth twitch slightly.

"Damn it, what is it?"

Just now, even if Lin Chen wears a War God suit, if he is hit, he will almost certainly die!

If you didn't take the Dragon King with you, Lin Chen would kill him!

"It’s the burial of heavenly demon! But, it’s not right! Demon Emperor, the four great elders, True God, are on the same level. When I played against the four great elders, those guys didn’t So perverted!"

Lin Chen eyes shrank while stepping on the movement method very fast.

Buried heavenly demon emperor, deep and unmeasurable! That move may have used the power of'other than the Demon Emperor'!

"After accumulating for so long, it will be my turn to fight back later, to bury the heavenly demon!"


The chasing burial heavenly demon The emperor was slightly surprised.

"Avoided it? It smells of Taizhou Ancient Dragon..."

He held down the surging magic arm of Liuli demonic energy, and said gloomily: "Close to Saint King The domain is over, this kid will definitely be stopped by other Demon Emperors and hide first..."

The speed of burying the heavenly demon emperor suddenly increased!

Saint King domain location.

While the female emperor, the four great elders, and the Demon Emperor are giving tit for tat——

space fluctuation, blood light afterimages are flashing all over the sky!

A silver robe silhouette, with its feet on the cloud shadow and the body of the sky, as if forced to flee to this point, it rushed to the direction of the Saint King domain!

"This old lunatic, the chase is so tight!"

Lin Chen cursed, he looked towards all around the chaotic void, with the Demon Emperors and elders His eyes converge instantly!

At that moment, the four great elders dumbfounded!

The female emperor frowned, and wondered in her heart: What is he doing here! Do you want to be the target of public criticism?

Six Great Demon Emperors are slightly stagnant!

This guy seems familiar!

When the Demon Emperors saw Lin Chen's appearance clearly, a name flashed in their minds, and they were ready to come out!

The emperor addicted to bloodfiend said gloomily: "Boy, are you..."

Lin Chen jokingly said: "Aiya, the Demon Emperor are all here!


Someone Lin said with his hands on his hips in a serious manner.

"Yes, keep your ears up and listen! What you are in front of is the 2015 Mortal Realm Forced Tournament Championship, the 2016 Holy Realm Prison Break Tournament MVP, the 2017 Dragon Realm Generation Tournament Championship, the 2018 Demon Realm Tianxiu Tournament Newcomer King, and the 2019 Holy Realm Challenge. Singles out the Grade 9 MVP, the 2020 Sacred Realm Squad Championship Championship, and 2021 the cultivation technique Number One Person, Lin Chen! ”

All supreme powerhouses have an absolute silence in an instant!


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