Lin Chen at this moment, even the old man Wuji was shocked and moved!

" the three-dimensional universe, there is such a terrible youngster...unheard-of, unheard-of!"

The three Great Saints in the top three of the list are startled. With that peerless silhouette, my heart vibrates like thunder!

All Human Races, this scene is unforgettable!

That is a Heavenly God-like silhouette, unparalleled, has the domineering domineering that swallows the universe, controls the universe, and dominates All Heavens and Myriad Realms!

It seems that with a slight movement, it can sweep the world, and Heaven and Earth fall. There is a vast thunder from the void, trembling and dimensional distortion, even this world is afraid of him!

All the Human Race who witnessed this moment only think of one impression.


Inborn, one person who defeated the gods!

At this moment, all True God Avatars within the holy world are palpitating!

That invincible power, innately aimed at the gods, makes Divine Heart palpitations, scares the gods, makes the gods jealous, and makes the gods tremble!

"What is that..."

"The Imperial Capital was never afraid of...After all, I was afraid of the birth of a Holy Force?"

"Godslayer, Lin Chen......"

Six True God Avatars unanimously looked up, looking through the void, and finally staying in the silver robe silhouette, unprecedented!

That aura, let alone their current True God Avatar, even in its heyday, one-on-one is also impossible to be its opponent!

The position of the Saint King domain, endless void.

Lin Chen put out a breath a little, the air swept the world and broke Heaven and Earth, like a huge global storm suddenly came!

The battle of the four elders of the Fiend clan to besiege the female emperor even ended!

Lin Chen has an illusion, now he can overthrow the holy world with gestures!

"No, maybe it's not an illusion!"

Lin Chen's cold gaze crossed the intense killing intent!

At this time, the system light screen pops out.

[Orange high level active innate talent Godslayer, successfully launched, temporarily increasing the overall strength of the host: 127990 times. Cooling time: 180 days. 】

【Note: Innate talent refers to comprehensive strength including but not limited to pure strength, spirit strength, and cultivation base. ]

[Godslayer innate talent Tip: Based on the large number of hostile targets with killing intents, the duration of Godslayer this time is super doubled. And when the hostility continues, the Godslayer innate talent continues. 】

The higher the foundation, the harder the increase.

Lin Chen's cultivation base is more than ten times stronger than when he launched the Godslayer innate talent in the Fiend clan last time! The difficulty rises straight up!

Last time in the Fiend clan, Lin Chen opened the Godslayer on-the-spot breakthrough to the Open Heaven Realm Early-Stage, but now it is the fifth-turn Saint!

Lin Chen's basic cultivation base, 58 holy caves + 58 Taiyi holy caves, the total Holy Force is comparable to 21 million powers.

Godslayer innate talent cannot obtain the core method amplification effect of'Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art', so naturally it cannot be doubled, nor does it receive the innate talent bonus.

So for the last two Life and Death Realm holy caves, Lin Chen only obtained the Holy Force equivalent to 1 million powers.

So at this stage Lin Chen's Life and Death Realm base total Holy Force, which is equivalent to 22 million powers.

The sum of ten Naxing holy caves can double the basic Holy Force! That's 44 million powers plus 22 million powers!

The sum of ten sacred heart holy caves can double the basic Holy Force! That's 66 million powers plus 66 million powers!

Hundreds of millions of powers are realm that can only be achieved by the gods!

In other words, Lin Chen is already equivalent to the powerhouse of the gods just by advancing to the Sacred Heartland Perfection!

And Lin Chen’s holy cave in the Open Heaven realm, the Holy Force of a holy cave is probably comparable to six million powers!

Different from the previous realm, the Holy Force of the Holy Force in the Open Heaven Realm holy cave is not fixed. It is defined based on the most real comprehensive potential of the cultivator!

According to the historical records of the Holy Realm, once the Holy Cave in the Open Heaven Realm is opened, the minimum amount of Holy Force equivalent to 400 powers can be obtained, and the upper limit is not capped!

Those who can cultivation to the late Open Heaven Realm and Perfection Realm generally have huge potential, far more than 400 powers, and a holy cave has a higher increase than a holy cave!

The Four Hundred Powers refer to Saint who barely advanced to the Open Heaven Realm. They only opened one holy cave and hopelessly had a second holy cave aptitude.

And Lin Chen opened an open heaven holy cave and obtained the Holy Force with six million powers!

This means that Lin Chen’s real cultivation base accumulation so far is based on the 58 holy caves of Life and Death Realm. Lin Chen’s comprehensive potential is 15,000 times the overall level of the enchanting list. !

On innate talent, Lin Chen is definitely not excellent, or even poor. His potential is all based on the tempering and accumulation of punches and kicks!

Because of the temporary increase of Godslayer innate talent, all the holy caves in the Open Heaven realm shall prevail!

Ten open heaven holy caves are the Holy Force equivalent to 60 million powers!

In addition, the total Holy Force of the Sacred Heart is comparable to 132 million powers. Lin Chen Open Heaven Perfection, the Holy Force he holds exceeds 192 million powers!

When one goes to the 9th rank cultivation base, every time a holy cave is opened, 10% of the total base Holy Force is increased.

Today's Lin Chen, just Holy Force, can burst out 288 million formidable power!

Primordial Spirit Realm, faintly touched the new realm!

Pure strength, breaking billion power!

The number of hostile targets this time is for all the creatures of the three races, unprecedented in history, and even triggered the special effect of [Godslayer] innate talent, [When the hostility continues]!

As long as the hostility of all the creatures of the three races towards Lin Chen persists, Lin Chen can maintain this Godslayer state for a long time!

"This is the culmination of the Godslayer innate talent that can be achieved by the hostility of the three races!"

Lin Chen picked the corner of his mouth. This time when the Godslayer innate talent was launched, he would definitely become a Godslayer innate talent. The last swan song of the galaxy!

There will be no such opportunity in the future to use this power increase so freely!

Lin Chen looked around, awe-inspiring said with a smile.

"Seven Demon Emperors, Fiend four elders, you were very arrogant just now?"

Lin Chen stepped on the soles of his feet slightly, turning into a bloody cloud shadow, standing in line with the female emperor Line, facing the Demon Emperors and the four great elders of the Fiend clan, there is no fear!

Lin Chen said indifferently—"Demon Emperors who are grotesquely shaped, do you take turns or do you go together. I'm Lin, you are playing as you please."

Crazy, so crazy!

The crazy bloodfiend emperor who is addicted to Blood Demon Race is extremely angry and laughs—"In the words of your Human Race, small man intoxicated by success! There are seven Great Emperors of my clan, and four elders of Fiend clan, you use What fight with us?"

The Demon Emperor of the Fiend Demon clan said with a malicious smile ——"Lin Chen, your realm does surpass the Human Race True Gods, but it’s up to you One person, still want to pull strongly against a crazy tide? What do you think you are, Savior?"

Headed by the burial of the heavenly demon emperor, the seven Demon Emperors moved in shape to form an encircled station. Lin Chen!

The four great elders are standing on the other side, aiming at the Fiend Empress, without any intention of stopping!

Lin Chen jokingly said with a smile: "Have you heard that couples mixed doubles?"

Lin Chen's gaze looked towards the female emperor, "Yao'er, humble Although low-key is a virtue, sometimes it is necessary to show off the edge, and it can also make the enemy feel a little bit forced, can't it?"

The female emperor glanced at him, and she didn't even notice the two When writing, the delicate ear tips are covered with a faint blush.

She said calmly: "It's not your turn to teach me how to do things."

Lin said in a serious manner: "Don't worry, I won't teach you how to do things, I only teach you posture. "

The female emperor startedled, and her face was frosty.

"you are courting death?"


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